
Sounds of locker doors opening and closing, footsteps in a hurry and loud chattering were heard in the hallways. It was yet again another day of school or as we all call it 'torture'. But one thing blossomed the excitement of students here in campus,

Prom is only three weeks away.

Girls were already planning their look way ahead of time, wanting to get more of the spotlight. Flyers for prom were scattered in every corner of the school and the tickets started to sell yesterday and they couldn't help but squeal and chatter about the thought of who might ask them out or who they might ask out.

The hall suddenly became more noisy and crowded. Girls and even gays started squealing and shrieking. And there's only one answer to why the crowd acted so needy for attention. There's no doubt,

The seven kings of heartthrobs were here.

Kim Seokjin. Eldest and most handsome one in the group. Bisexual. He's the best when it comes to cooking amongst the seven and said that it's one of his factors to pick up girls and guys. He also joins the theatre club and has great acting skills

Kim Namjoon. The leader of their group. Is an actual intellectual with the IQ of a hundred and forty-eight. Also bisexual but completely gay for Jin. He's got the looks, he's got the brains. He's got it all. That's what they say.

Jung Hoseok. The cute but deadly one in the group. He can go from one to a hundred real quick. A queer. His dancing skills is a vert powerful asset to get himself laid. His moves attract every single pair of eyes. He can make you laugh all day long but once in bed you'll be screaming in all pleasure.

Min Yoongi. The chillest one in the group. Is a very skilled pianist with also the talent of composing and making music. He's also the basketball team's captain. With these he's got everyone scooped up their asses with this kind of appeal. Pansexual.

Park Jimin. The most charming one in the group. Also a queer. Some people even think that he's a five year old boy trapped in a stripper's body. He doesn't only give you orgasms but 'eyegasms' and 'eargasms' as well. He can make you feel pleased with just his looks and his sweet melodic voice. With him within your sight, you'll mostly end up in his bed or simply die on the spot.

Jeon Jungkook. The youngest and most flirtatious. He can dance, sing, paint, you name it! He's practically good in everything he does. The 'Golden Maknae' that's what they call him. One of the bisexuals. Truth be told that he can easily wrap you around his finger within seconds.

And lastly...

Kim Taehyung. Known widely for his ethereal looks. He has owned and broke a thousand hearts. Fame is written all over his face. He's a model for various fashion companies. His deep voice and suave moves mostly get everyone's attention. One fact is that you can't last a day without thinking about him. And he's a complete straight ass gay.

All came from high class families. They never fail to amaze people's expectations. All of them have excellent knowledge and intelligence and are very talented.

But they were all fuckboys. And most of all, horny twenty-five/eight.

The seven proceeded to go to their lockers to get ready for class. But the noise didn't die, instead it got louder.

She walked in with class and elegance surrounding her. It seemed as if there was faint light glowing around her. She held her chin high giving everyone her signature sly look.

The queen was here.

Her white dress perfectly holding the curves of her body, her heels clacking with every step she took, and her chestnut brown hair flowing down with beautiful curls that stopped just right under her breasts. She wore natural and light make up but it was bold enough to get people on their knees and she smelled like lustful cherry blossoms. Everyone gave her a path as her and her two friends passed through.

And her name is Lee Y/N.

Everyone looked up to her. She was good at sports, smart, beautiful, hot, but boys were all in despair,

She's Lesbian. Or so that's what we all thought.

Y/N came to a halt to open her locker which was beside one of the seven. Kim Taehyung's to be exact. He turned to look at her with so much dislike. Smelling her very strong perfume that drove other's crazy attracted to her yet only made him crazy. He slammed his locker shut, not leaving his eyes away from her form. Y/N slammed the locker door with more force, mimicking his actions and gave him back the same look.

"Didn't get to finish sucking a dick, troll?" Taehyung scoffed at her remark and stepped closer, but she remained calm, smirking at him but before Taehyung could do anything, the bell rang.

She flipped her hair and that hit the cocky man's face. He huffed, filled with anger and gave her back a deathly glare as his eyes trailed her form until she got lost in the crowd.

Let fate play its game.