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It was once again Monday. a day after the hellish photo shoot with gay bitch. It was already lunch time and today was a uniform day. Monday and Wednesdays are our uniform days, and I am not complaining at all. It saves me time from choosing a new outfit plus the uniform is simple yet classy and cute. I closed my locker and head to the cafeteria where my friends were already waiting at our signature table. I only had two friends. I don't like the idea of having a lot of friends. It's a bothersome.

I just needed my two real friends.

After a good ten minutes of waiting to get my food I finally sat down at our table and both of them greeted me. Haera is the daughter of the chairman of this school, yet only the three of us know. She never tells anyone else other than us because she likes to keep her profile low. She is amazingly gorgeous so she is still very know in this school. Anya my other best friend, we met six years ago and up till now our friendship is going strong. She's half Ukraine and half Korean, which explains her exquisite beauty. Truly, sometimes I feel intimidated by these two. Both of them are hella lot like goddesses and good at dancing, while I look like a flopping fish when doing the certain activity.

But what's interesting is that they're both bisexual. They have been through multiple relationships. while I, here you ask?

I'm just a hoe. A fantastically freaking hot hoe.

Girls and guys have asked me dozens of times but I'm still single ever since the day I was let out of my mom's vagina.


Because I hate commitment.

I tried getting into a relationship with a girl I met on twitter before but turns out it was all a dare and she only played me. That hurt like real shit.

Imagine being burned alive while giving birth. Yeah, that's how it was. After that I blocked all possibilities I have in getting into commitment.

"Y/N! You won't believe what just happened!" Haera exclaimed

"What? Did Taehyung fall down the stairs and break all his limbs which may have the possibility of him never ever coming back to school again?!" I asked poking on my side dish too hard

"What? No!" Anya exclaimed then both they're smiles grew wider. I gave them a weirded out confused look that signaled them to continue.

"Kim Seokjin just asked me out to prom! And of course, I said hell to the Y.E.S!" Haera jolted as she silently screams, trying to calm her shaking figure

Right, she's obsessed with Seokjin.

"Well congratulations! I'll go to prom alone then" I sighed, remembering that Anya was already asked out by a female senior

"Oh come on Y/N. Some chic might sweep you off your feet, eventually or maybe the other way around!" Anya cheered me up. I just shrugged and picked up my chopsticks.


Classes started thirteen minutes ago. But I'm here inside the library, skipping to see the horrendous face of my math teacher. I popped in three mints into my mouth as I searched from shelf to shelf. As I was looking at the books piled up. I felt a presence beside me. I didn't have to look to know who it was. His manly vanilla scent gave all the hint away.

"Why, how surprising. Little miss A+ student is skipping class. How unusual" he mused. I could feel his eyes looking at my life form, three hundred and sixty degrees

"I could ask the same thing to you, Namjoon" I finally took a glance at him. He looked exceptionally hot today. He had his hair neat in a messy and his glasses gave him the sexy nerd vibe. But I still wasn't straight.

"The class got super boring." he shrugged and raised his hand to take a book above me but that wasn't his intention. He only acted as if he was going to get a book. Because the next thing I know was that I was trapped between his arms.

Typical Namjoon.

"You clearly know I only like women" I raised my brow.

"I can change that." he smirked and leaned closer. I didn't want to back down and look weak, so I challenged him and leaned in too. I knew, I needed a little fun. His smirk got bigger and he pulled me by my waist, dissapearing the distance between our bodies.

"Keep dreaming, flirt" I pinched his side and walked out of the library as I heard him hiss in pain. I thought I lost him but he sped off to catch me.

Stupid long legs of his.

"Hey! I was just kidding!" He laughed and I just ignored him trying to fasten up my pace.

"Anyways, I just wanted to invite you to my party tomorrow. He said and I stopped my tracks.

"And you had to flirt with me first before getting to your point." My hands went to my hips

"I just wanted to have fun! But be at my house by seven. Your friends already know about this" He gave me a salute and ran off to who knows where.

I sighed and called Mr. Yang and told him to pick me up. Ain't nothing wrong with skipping the whole afternoon classes. I got off at the mall and bought an outfit for tomorrow, and some other stuff.

After how many hours of shopping for bags, shoes, cosmetics, clothes and other non essential things that I would never need in life, it was already six o'clock when I checked my watch. But it seemed like I was forgetting something. I kept pacing through the parking lot while Mr Yang was looking at me with worry displayed on his face.

"-your phone?" Mr Yang guessed

"No" I sighed and dug out everything from my memory

"How about your gloss?"

"No, I carry it in my pocket all the ti- Wait! I remember now! My frik-fraking bag!" I recalled and dashed inside the car and Mr Yang followed in as soon as possible.

I directly went out the school campus earlier without taking my bag with me from our math classroom. We reached the school not less than ten minutes. Mr Yang went to park the car and wait for me while I sped through and to the halls. It wasn't too late because the school closes at half past five and it's only been thirty minutes since then. Although the lights were all shut and everything was dark. I had to fish my phone from my pocket and use the flashlight. The classroom was still on the second floor in the next building, so I had to walk all the way there through these empty hallways.

I looked around whistling a tune while dancing some non sense. It's already a normal thing for me to do. Dancing all alone. It felt fun and free

I reached the next building and I ran up the stairs. I quickly passed all the classrooms and stopped in front the specific one where I left my bag. But I had to halt my steps and listen to the loud noises that just peeked my eardrums.


Well, how surprising.

I slowly peeked my sight through the glass window of the door and saw two sillouhetes. Wanting to get a clearer view, I rubbed my eyes and looked in further. Alas, I knew who they were. Very much a hot make out session. Sweat glistening over the light of the moon that shone through the window, disheveled hair and unbuttoned school blouses.

I wanted to laugh so much! It's the troll and Jeon Jungkook!

I always knew something was up with them. I slowly opened the door as much as possible, walking my way to the teacher's desk by tiptoeing, trying my best to hold my breath, not to make any sound that might get me caught. Once I've reach near them, my smirk gradually grew. I'm surprised they haven't noticed me yet.

"Well this looks really hot" I tried to say it softly with a seductive tone that caused them to break their kiss and leading Taehyung to push Jungkook away from him. I giggled "Don't mind me, just watching. Continue whatever you guys were doing" I said with the smirk still plastered onto my face while their's were in complete shock. Both got really flustered, I can say. "I was just passing by to get my bag I left here earlier. That is unless you want me to watch. What do you think Jungkook?" I glided my fingers on his arm as I walked away to the seat where I left my bag "Live porn doesn't sound so bad" I hummed and chuckled.

Resting both my feet on top of the table, knowing that I gave them a full view of my underwear which I couldn't care less about because I knew people already saw me in bikinis, so why make a big deal. Plus I'm a lesbian, it's not like I want to join them, and they know that.

Jungkook cheeks turned red. I mean, after all, he is bisexual. But Taehyung was already fuming, and I loved it. His hand went through his hair as a frustrated sigh left his mouth "Y/N please leave and mind your own goddamn business" he tried to say it calmly through his gritted teeth "Aw why ruin the fun troll?" I began to pout my lips, compressing a laugh at the sight of the said man's face all twisted due to the name I called him. He tugged Jungkook harshly out of the room with big strides leaving me there in the dark laughing to myself.

"No live porn then?"