
"What are you? and where is Emma?"

"So you didn't tell him", Queen looks at Sear.

Adith: " Tell me what?"

Queen: " Emma is dead."

Adith: " Ha? No, that's not true".

Queen smiles and holds Adith.

"Yes, She is dead, tell him, Sear."

Sear: " My queen.

The human subject Emmalene Joseph tried to read my mind, I warned her, but she didn't hear any of that and used her Secondary ability on me. She couldn't process every memory of mine, because of that, her brain neurons got shorted.

But the female human is physically alive. We already injected the stringbots in her, which later healed her brain."

Adith: "So she is alive."

Queen: "No, you didn't engulf the point here. The old Emmalene is dead, half of her brain cells are new now... "

Adith: " No memories,"

Queen: "Yes she has no recollections about her thousands of lives and life with you." Queen brings her face close to Adith, very close.

Adith eyes are filled with tears,

Queen: "Ooh, tears."

The guards repeated the phrase,

"Ooh, tears."

Sear: "Ooh, tears."

Queen wipes the tear on Adith's eye.

"Do you understand what we said right now? Do you want to know, What are we?"

Adith is sobbing, but he needs the truth.

"Yes, I need to know".

Queen: " Look into my eyes ", he looks into her eye.

"For your first question, we are what you humans call, the GOD...

We are 'the PRE-EMINENT '. "

Queen touches Adith face, he was still looking into her eyes. Suddenly, many visions started to show in front of his eyes.

Queen: "Adith can you see it?"

Adith: "Yes, what is this."

Queen: "You are inside my mind right now".

Adith: " What am I doing here?"

Queen: "I am going to show you the beginning of our Life and Yours.

Zillions of years ago, there was only energy in the infinitely vast vacuum, pure energy, looks like an elegant wave floating. "

Adith: "How this pure energy formed here in the first place."

Queen: "No one in the entire universe can explain that, it's an 'Infinite phenomenon' . "

Adith: " Haa, there is no answer to infinity."

Queen: "Coming to the threshold. A large part of this pure energy contracted gradually, it became so small, even smaller than the size of an atom. The energy concentration was so tremendous. The

contracted pure energy finally exploded, which created our universe. That's the big bang explosion, the explosion of space itself.

The pure energy just dispersed into space, the explosion caused the energy to convert into matter, gravity drew matters together to form the first stars and galaxies.

A large amount of pure energy still existed in the universe, it was elevated on the center of the universe. The reaction between antimatter and the matter resulted in more temperature rise, many galaxies were perished by that outcome. But the remaining galaxies had stars and a planetary system that can habit life. The pure energy changed to life energy by that extra temperature increase.

The unexpected explosions in space caused the life energy to disperse all over the universe, and here on this planet 'Gragmund', where the amino acid is present, the base of DNA, was activated by the life energy that came from space. "

Adith: "That's how the first cell is formed".

Queen:" Gregmund, this planet got an enormous amount of life energy, because this galaxy was close to the center of the universe. The universe expanded quickly, the galaxy became further away from the center, it triggered the life formation even more. The temperature became normal on this planet, the life energy intensified the life creation process, multi cells became formed, many organisms later formed,

after many ages, we were formed.

We automatically nourished on the remaining life energy that was existed here.

We mutated quickly, our brain developed unimaginably. We are born intelligent. We learned a million things only by looking, Our first ancestors even understood and learned things that not even your peak human civilization know.

Our intelligence made us invincible, We build a civilization of intelligence. We became technologically so advanced, we controlled the 4th dimension, the time. But we understood that that time controls us.

We furthermore, learned many things. We then learned about 5 th dimension and then achieved accessing the micro dimension. "

Adith laughs,

"Haha, accessing the 4th dimension itself made you the pre-eminent, the god."

Queen: "Yes we accessed not only the 4 th and 5th, but later we also accessed the 6, 7, and 8. We controlled the strings, the smallest structure in the universe. Later the technological advancement made us found more about the universe.

We found out about the parallel universe, there were two universes formed while the big bang, we traveled to the parallel world. "

Adith: " Emma's world. "

Queen: "Yes. We even started colonizing the parallel world, everything went on the way, but my civilization later founds out we lack something.

Do you know what that was?"

Adith: " ha,

you people lacked emotions. "

Queen: " syé, we lacked emotions. all the time we were empty with no emotion, we analyzed other life forms, and we didn't understand how emotions work.

Take you as an example, you learned many things, lived many lives, that caused a depletion in your emotions. It was the same for us, we learned, learned, and learned many things, and lived many years, we forgot about the emotion in the first place itself."

Adith: "That answer it, you Eminents were like that before, without no emotion, as the creatures outside the wall. "

Queen: " syé, syé, yes... you are right, they are the Eminents without no emotion."

Adith: "I understand, so Eminents hierarchy is based on the emotions. Then how did you get to know about Emotions later?"

Queen: " We need something to learn from, so we created your " HUMAN RACE".

Adith quickly snaps out from the vision.

Adith: "No."

to be continued....