Shattered Memories

The conception of the universe from the finite perspective of mortal being, focuses on the principle of everything. Each living being that is involved in the continuous flow of life is part of that whole, sharing destinies, strength and suffering. Nothing is alien, nothing is indifferent; only occasionally, unaware of that rough sea in which they are stranded like shipwrecks.

Those who share a common destiny are often related by ties beyond blood, ties that cut through the depths of the flow of life. Converging in such a way that the beginning and the end merge until they are lost. Only being recognizable in moments of distant echoes of forgotten memories.

A young woman in her mid-16s walks under the canopy of the first blooming cherry trees of spring. The sound of her getas snapping the slab, the soft whisper of the refreshing wind that rocks the treetops, letting the fine cherry blossom petals fall, like an idyllic rain framed by the setting sun on the horizon.

A blood-red wagasa with fine traces of golden flowers, protected the delicate white skin of that maiden. Dressed by an emerald green silk kimono, adorned by a red obi embroidered with gold thread, she resembled the beauty of her face to the deities of the heavens in Japanese folklore.

Suddenly a strong wind snatches the umbrella away from her, blowing it away from her. The worried one prepared to run to catch up with her, while the sound of her footsteps tapping on her slab echoed with the rhythm of castanets at a festival.

Just a few more steps to reach her, a man who had been distracted reading a book of poems looked up from her, warned by that sound approaching him. His eyes widened and his pupils were enraptured by that woman. Her rosy cheeks that contrasted perfectly with her pale skin, the grace of her long, fine hair that swayed like a lark's wings. "She's a goddess" - he couldn't help that thought leaking when her gaze met hers. A crush, a connection, the red thread of destiny if we wanted to mention it in any way.

They both fell to the ground as soon as they collided with each other. She stayed on top of him, resting her head against her chest like someone awakened from slumber. "Excuse me miss, it's not that I don't enjoy her company but I find it a bit difficult to breathe in this position" - Embarrassed, she stands up suddenly with her face completely flushed.

"Don't get me wrong, I was just trying to reach for my umbrella. That's all" - she stuttered without looking, touching her hair with her right hand. She knew her heart wasn't pounding out of embarrassment, or that she was shaken by her frantic rush.

Since the same thing happened with that man, that she could barely pass saliva when contemplating it so closely as if the same goddess Amaterasu had descended from that dominant scarlet sun that rested on the horizon.

To start a fire it only takes a spark, a second and in this case a couple of glances meeting. That spring in Hamarikyu Park not only did the cherry trees blossom, but also the bud of a love that would be as beautiful as the rose that grows in the field, but whose thorns would bring suffering to the two lovers. It was March 28, 1991, when Yamaguchi Yoshino met Albert Worthington. A young 20-year-old man from a well-off family in the London community, who was on an exchange at the University of Tokyo.

That day the threads of destiny crossed for them, giving way to the series of events that would lead to their misfortune.

A few months passed, between casual encounters and secret dates; Yoshino knew that due to his position he couldn't relate to just any man. But the impulse that came from her heart made him go further and further. The time came for her exchange in Tokyo to end, but before leaving Albert promised that he would be in contact with her by mail. A goodbye kiss under the night sky of that park, where the cherry trees had given way due to the change of season, a pair of lips sealed the promise with a slight salty taste from the tears that rolled down Yoshino's cheeks.

"Come back for my Albert, I'll wait for you" - Sadly Yoshino handed him a handkerchief embroidered with her initials, which Albert used to wipe the tears from the beautiful lady's eyes. Which he brought to her lips, placing a gentle kiss and putting it in her jacket pocket.

It is a cold January 2, 1992, the snow that has fallen the night before is adorning that farewell night landscape like a fine carpet. The two lovers set off in opposite directions with a firm hope that keeps their hearts warm.

In a room decorated by tatami mats, two young maidens can be seen participating in the tea ceremony. The Yamaguchi family is one of the most prominent and wealthy in Japan, thanks to the vision of the head of the family who maintains almost total control over all businesses. Therefore its members must be as refined and educated as possible, in order not to dishonor the clan.

"Yoshino, you have not yet written to your lover" - A mischievous and complicit whisper is hidden in the solemn silence of the room. Shizu, Yoshino's older sister has been excited since she found out about her sister's first love. Both share a relationship very similar to that of mother and daughter because her mother passed away when they were just 5 and 2 years old.

Shizu was a woman in her late teens, calm and patient by nature, but with a dreamy spirit that she believed in the power of true love. Due to her illness, she had not been courted by any suitor, so she was excited that her younger sister could experience what her love was.

The months have passed, the letters have come and gone in both directions. Carrying deep feelings, joys and sorrows that young lovers keep in their hearts as if they were chests.

The year is in August a few days away from celebrating the Obon holiday, the Yamaguchi clan's preparations are rushed for an unexpected family trip to Nagoya. The head of the family has an important announcement to give you, saving the details for the main event.

"Shizu, we always celebrate Obon at home. It has been that way for years since our mother passed away. Why this sudden change?" - The nervousness was evident in the young Yoshino, who was waiting for the next letter from Albert. Who had previously informed her that within her family circle there was a heated discussion due to the relationship they had kept secret.

Shizu knew how the heart of her younger sister was, she felt the same anguish and desires of her to know what would happen. But keeping calm in order to instill reassurance, she kept her words to herself, settling to hug Yoshino tenderly as a mother would hold her daughter.

August 15 had arrived, the night sky was decked out by the glare of the paper lanterns that were woven from one side to the other of the old buildings. The bustle of flute music and the solemn faces that paraded through the alleys, were a nostalgic frame of memories that were outlined to accumulate in a cemetery of lights that are lost on the horizon as they float down the river.

Shizu and Yoshino walked holding each other's arm as they gazed at the beautiful scenery of the festivities. Yoshino wore a satin white silk yukata, and an obi with gold and silver motifs adorning her waist. With the contrast of her soft, pale skin, she looked like a snow princess straight out of traditional folklore. If those corridors were gardens and maidens were roses, she would have been the most beautiful of them all.

While Shizu proudly wore a purple yukata with floral motifs and a burgundy obi, like a guardian escorting a deity that had descended from heaven.

"Yoshino you are bad, all the gazes of the handsome boys are focused on you and you already have Albert. Stop shining a little and help your poor sister" - With a pouting expression that soon turned into a mischievous laugh, Shizu tried to distract her young sister from her worries as the time for her father's announcement ceremony approached.

The clock has struck 11 at night, a room arranged as a formal dinner is full of guests of the Tojo clan, seated around the central tables. Yoshino and Shizu are in one of the rooms near the main hall, awaiting instructions from her father.

Twelve bells resound on the walls of that enclosure, with them a solemn and dignified figure walks dressed in a black kimono. His eyes reflect the gaze of a balanced and highly calculating man, who leaves no room for mistakes or for his feelings to play an important role in his life.

His forehead, which shows some wrinkles, only contrasts with an abundant silver hair that is fitted thanks to a chonmage. That presence in the room could only be compared to that of an emperor who paraded with full dignity and authority over his subjects.

No one dared to look at him directly, whoever dared to even defy this ordinance, could consider that his entire family would become one more lamp that floats on the river with the holiday. Yamaguchi Hayate, the patriarch of the clan prepared to take his seat and with a signal began the party that was taking place in that room.

Diners chatted pleasantly while sake glasses collided amid toasts and waitresses. For 3 decades the Tojo clan and the Yamaguchi clan had found themselves in bloody disputes for control of the underworld and that night that event would form a reconciliation that would unite both clans in the future.

With a glance and a simple gesture, Hayate sent for one of his subordinates. He ordered him to bring Shizu and Yoshino into the room to take his place with him, as he had to give the main announcement.

Walking through the corridors to the room where the maidens were, that servant thought within himself that it was an unjust fate that the young Yoshino had in store for him. But he could not defy the orders of his lord or he would have to pay with his life for such disobedience.

A pleasant conversation between the sisters was suddenly interrupted by the man who crossed the threshold of the door of the room. Which informed them that his presence was required by Master Hayate. The two sisters walked together without letting go of hands before the latent nervousness due to the wait to which they had been subjected no more than an hour ago.

Finally in the presence of the attendees, the father gets up from his chair to receive his two precious daughters. At the same time he extends his left arm to the crowd and exclaims: "For decades, our clans have been sworn enemies. We have engaged in bloody struggles for control of the territory, shedding countless times the blood of our brothers. But today, today It is a day of joy among us because those old differences will be settled when we become one family "

Shizu was surprised at those statements from her father, while he watched an ignorant Yoshino who did not know that she was holding her fate when those words were spoken.

From the crowd, a young man of about 26 years rose from his seat. His appearance was that of someone who had just finished college, but upon the death of his father had become the head of the Tojo clan family.

Tojo Hiroki, a rapidly rising young mob boss. He knew that in this engagement there was the possibility of taking control of both families by killing Hayate. He gazed like a hawk that wishes to devour his prey to a sweet and innocent Yoshino, a trophy wife he could dispose of and dispose of at the slightest opportunity.

Raising his right hand with a glass of sake, the arrogant Hiroki outlined in Hayate's presence as he spoke these words: "Eloquent and wise words, they could only come from a man who knew the sign of the times, great chief Hayate. My family and I, we feel extremely honored to be considered worthy of being in your presence and I am more honored, that I can obtain your blessing to marry one of your most valuable jewels "

Pressing her hand against the armrest, Hayate tried to remain calm as he knew it would turn into a bloodbath that would endanger his two daughters. And with that, years of negotiations for a peace agreement would collapse. Showing off his diplomacy, he had a glass of Sake and toasted Hiroki. Who did not stop looking at Yoshino, who was clinging to the hand of her sister, the one who saw her more as a daughter to whom he does not want to give a mad dog like the one she had in front of her . Barely hiding his displeasure with that situation.

It is 3 o'clock in the morning on August 16, 1991, Yoshino is crying inconsolably on Shizu's lap. Cursing the fate that was beginning to separate her from her love from her life, giving her to a wolf that could destroy all her hopes and dreams. The night is long, the silence that surrounds them is spiced up by the sound of the cicadas singing a fatal trill in the trees near the window. She was only 17 years old and her life seemed like it had just ended.

The days of the year flew by and winter arrived at the Yamaguchi mansion, the old mansion did not have a single noise, nor did a soul utter any scandal. Yoshino sitting on a cushion watching the snow fall, she sipped tea while her sister groomed her hair.

"Albert hasn't sent a single letter since I told him about the nuptial engagement, he must hate me Shizu and I can't blame him" - Fine and crystalline pearls rolled down Yoshino's whitish cheeks, while keeping his composure not to upset his sister. It is December 31, 1991, two hours away from celebrating the new year. The beautiful sisters in silence prepared to go alone to the temple to give thanks for one more year as marked by the tradition of the clan.

But what could I be thankful for right now? Thought to herself Shizu, who was swallowed up by pain and rage at having to hand over her sister to a man as vile and miserable as Hiroki. Worried about her sister, Shizu investigated in depth the background of that subject, discovering terrible secrets and excessive vices that would not allow the easy task of classifying him to one of the many hells. A womanizing, alcoholic and violent man. That to her credit she had sent a dozen women, including prostitutes and young girls, to the hospital that she chose on the street out of a mere whim.

"Yoshino, I ..." - Before Shizu finished uttering a word, Yoshino stood up and took her handbag while she wiped her tears with a handkerchief. At the same time that she turned to look at her sister with a smile that hid the pain that harbored her heart.

"It is time to go to the Shizu temple, I promise that this time I will cover myself so that some gallant can see your beautiful face and be happy" - Shizu could not bear it anymore and broke into tears on her knees in front of her sister while hugging her waist .

"Mother, I couldn't keep my promise. I can't make Yoshino happy and now I don't know what to do" - Both sisters hugged each other to comfort themselves in order to regain calm, as Hayate asked his men to inform him about any eventuality that happened.

It is 10 o'clock at night, the moon barely shows its brilliance behind the clouds of that cold winter. The two sisters hold hands as they have always done while crossing the gate of the mansion, heading to a limousine that awaits them for the visit to the temple.