Sounds in the Wind

The television was tuned to the local news channel, the sun's rays entering through the partitions of the blinds, bathing part of the apartment's real estate with its light. In the kitchen, Hanabi was preparing breakfast while in the bathroom, Yukino was lost in thoughts of her under the warm sensation of the water in the shower.

Leaning her prosthesis against the wall to rest her posture a little, she contemplated the scars that had remained on her belly after the operations; running her fingertips over each one, while she evoked the terrible events of that distant night.

The bitter memories of her oscillated from one point to another, leaving at times the memory of Lucero's face, causing the tears to flow, mixing with the water that ran down her face.

Coming out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body, she went to her room to finish getting ready and go to the kitchen to where Hanabi was.

"Did you have a good night?" - Bringing a couple of plates to the table, Hanabi was about to sit down while Yukino just shook her head in denial. For two years, her nights were only transits between insomnia and emotional detachment.

The condition that the eater of dreams had left in her, worsened every day since the murder of Lucero. Hanabi knew that this terrible effect was an extremely heavy burden, since she had experienced it firsthand.

By the time they finished breakfast, Hanabi grabbed the car keys that were on a glass centerpiece. Yukino took the backpack from her and looking at the TV, turned it off with the remote control as the host of the newscast kept talking about a series of strange incidents near the fishing area.

On the way to college, the talk centered on how they would keep up appearances while in Hokkaido. Hanabi had already met with an old acquaintance within the university to help Yukino enter engineering college as a regular student.

"The rector of your faculty is an old acquaintance of mine. You know, I met Yashiro when he was still a little boy who clung to his father's legs. I never really thought that he would follow in his father's footsteps since he was a boy. introvert "- The disadvantage of a Loa is that after a certain time people tend to forget them.

So making ties in the future is fruitless. But Hanabi had learned to get the hang of it in no time, relating naturally to people and her families in such a way that while she might not remember him, the remnants of the ties allowed her to act in familiarity with them. Even if they did not remember her, the feeling of her in them allowed him to socialize in such a way that it was as if her contacts never disappeared.

"Are you proudly telling me that you are a child eater?" - With a mocking tone, Yukino looked at Hanabi who frowning, she preferred to change the subject abruptly before such a statement.

"The money in my account is running out, even what little I have left we can survive the next six months. So when you get out of school you may not find me in the department. I will go see some part-time jobs to start get more money. " - Looking into her eyes, Yukino realized that they looked tired just as if she had been up all night. And she remembered that there was a newspaper on the kitchen table with some sections marked.

Gently resting her hand on Hanabi's, Yukino told her that she shouldn't carry all of her weight alone. That she would find a way to accommodate her schedule to get a part-shift job as well. This caused a sigh of relief to flow from the redhead's chest, who, taking Yukino's hand, lifted it to give her a thankful kiss.

"Take your time, you should also keep in mind that we are here to complete the training to control your powers" - Certainly they were no longer guards under Freyja's orders. But even so, that feeling of responsibility to fight the voids was not something that could be put aside.

Even more so when Hokkaido had an increase in the series of unusual sightings and the guardian of that city was completely overwhelmed by Freyja's abandonment.

"Now that I think about it, you never told me anything about the guardian of this city" - Hanabi's face suddenly had the look of a person experiencing dizziness from a drunken hangover, while her diction seemed to stumble as she tried to drive. the topic.

"! Everything you need to know you will know as soon as you see her, believe me! He, he, he" - Yukino was completely surprised by the behavior of Hanabi, who always remained sober and balanced in the way she behaved.

Arriving at the parking lot of the engineering school, the students' gazes focused on the appearance of Hanabi, who moved, waving her hair with the bearing of a runway model. Making Yukino adjust her dark glasses while she tried to hide her face with her shirt collar.

"Do you always have to behave like this wherever you go? Remember that the one who will stay here most of the day is me. I don't want to have to answer unnecessary questions." - Taking her hand to her mouth, Hanabi laughed with a mocking tone, simulating the classic timbre of high society ladies in the sleeves. Making Yukino more embarrassed than a few moments ago.

Walking through the corridors of the faculty to the second floor, they reached the rector's door and announced their arrival. A mature and discreet voice was heard from the other side, inviting them to pass.

"Hanabi, honey how long has it been since our last meeting!" - A man in his 30s with effeminate movements pounced on Hanabi giving her an effusive hug while he did not stop getting excited like a dog that has seen his owner.

Yukino's astonishment was evident on his face, which left nothing to the imagination with his stunned grin as he dropped the strap of the backpack a little over his shoulder. Was this man really the one who invited us in a few seconds ago? She thought to herself as she tried to avoid her laugh at the comical situation, even more so when Hanabi made signs with her eyes to the principal to let him know that she was coming with a student.

Upon realizing the situation, that man changed his attitude as if a switch had been activated at that moment. Preserving the ways to keep up appearances to a new face and even more so in the case of a future student.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly miss, my name is Yashiro Ishikawa. As you can see I am the rector of this faculty and a very close friend of Ms. Hanabi" - Making a sign with his right hand, the rector invited them to take a seat to discuss the terms of your college entrance.

40 minutes of informative talk passed, where the rector made it clear that Yukino's admission was conditional because all of her procedures were untimely. But they made an exception due to the background they had mentioned regarding the accident that Yukino suffered.

Hanabi was very discreet handling the situation, as it was not convenient for it to be known that Yukino had been the victim of a reckoning by one of the main families of the mafia. So her identity would now be that of Yukino Worthington, using the surname of the real Yukino's biological father.

Adam's conscience was carefully contemplating the documents on the rector's desk, drawing his attention to a snowy sphere ornament that contained an effigy of a maiden holding a baby, reclining calmly on a crescent moon.

His gaze had been captivated by that ornament, remaining oblivious to everything that was being talked about at that moment. Until the rector's voice calling him by his name, he snapped him out of his trance by paying attention again.

"As Miss Worthington told you, in your first semester stay to help you adapt to the rhythm of student life, I have taken the liberty of assigning you a student of a higher level to guide you in everything you need" - Pressing a button on the intercom in his office, the principal sent for the student who would be Yukino's advisor.

"She sent for me to be called Mr. Rector" - Yukino's eyes widened, the impression caused by that girl in the doorway was such that she made him get up from her seat spontaneously.

Except for her black hair combed with a pair of braids and a birthmark that was visible on her neck, that face of hers was identical to Lucero's. How is this possible? It can't be happening, is it really her? Her hands trembled as she leaned against the armrests of the chair. Warning of this Hanabi, who put her hand on hers to appease her.

"It's only about a girl who looks like Lucero, keep your composure Adan" - He whispered in his ear in a calm and discreet way in order to avoid a scene in that place.

"My name is Asami Tsukime, nice to meet you. As you already know, I am one level above you in the race. So you can call me senpai dear kohai" - When giving the reverential greeting, Asami's attitude seemed diplomatic, letting see that this assignment was done more out of an obligation than for pleasure.

"Well I think it's time to retire. I'll see you at night at home Yukino, adapt well at school" - Hanabi said goodbye to those present while she consulted her cell phone looking at the employment pages of the town.

Similarly, the two students respectfully said goodbye to the principal as they headed to the guidance office. Walking down the central corridor, Yukino was a few steps behind Asami, contemplating the silhouette of her while he tried to reconcile the idea that it was only someone similar.

"Stop looking at me like that, it's disgusting." - Taking advantage of the fact that they were completely alone, Asami faced Yukino as he approached her with a threatening face. Her dissatisfaction at having to accompany him was reflected in her eyes.

"I am not anyone's babysitter, nor have I come to this university to make friends. My only priority here is to finish as soon as possible and graduate. So try to keep your distance from me from now on. something, try to relate by yourself with the other students "- The walk continued with a tense atmosphere, so much so that every minute seemed like an eternity until we reached the guidance office.

Without a single gesture of diplomacy, Asami hurried to leave as soon as Yukino was in front of the office door. That awkward moment was over and with a sigh of relief, the young woman opened the door to meet with her academic advisor.

"Watch out Kang!" - The sound of the splashing of a glass of hot espresso falling to the floor, was accompanied by an unbearable burning in the chest while the damp blouse became transparent revealing the lace of a bra.

Yukino tried to wipe the spilled liquid off her clothes with a handkerchief, while a 21-year-old energetically apologized for such an act of clumsiness. It had not been a couple of hours since he arrived at that university and his day was already feeling completely overwhelmed.

"My sincere apologies Miss Worthington, even though this young man is the best average in college, he is a complete walking disaster" - A short hair to the ears and a serene look where a pair of honey eyes rested. Ms. Sukino Watanabe was the coordinator of the specialty in robotic engineering and in charge of assigning the academic load of the students in the faculty.

"If you are really sorry for your mistake, you should make it up to the lady properly Mr. Kang" - With a kind expression with a smile that hid her anger, Miss Sukino asked the young Kang to give his shirt to Yukino and her. escort him to the bathrooms so he could change.

Heading for the toilets, Kang was awkwardly apologizing the whole way. Faced with complete indifference on Yukino's part. "First a person who has openly told me that he does not want to know anything about me, and then this guy who does not stop apologizing as if I were the manager of a corporate" - Just when I was about to cross the threshold of the bathroom door , Yukino realized that Kang was indeed a distracted guy with no ill intentions. Since while he kept his gaze down, he didn't realize that he was about to enter the ladies' room.

"I think you should take more care of his social behavior Mr. Kang, there could be some misunderstanding if he walks through this door" - Completely blushing and with a face of shame, Kang covered his eyes apologizing once more while he waited outside the bathroom .

With a grin, Yukino contemplated herself in front of the mirror as she unbuttoned her blouse to change. That young man was so innocently clumsy, he made it difficult for anyone to hold a grudge against him. But that carefree demeanor had already earned him some enmity within the faculty.

"I'm ready, let's continue" - With an erect and firm posture, Yukino appeared in front of Kang. The young student felt for a moment intimidated by the aura that his presence gave off, so he tried to hide his surprise by starting to talk about issues concerning the projects he was working on within the curriculum.

"Why don't we go to the lab? Since it's your first day you need to become more familiar with practice rather than theory" - In a way, Yukino knew that what Kang was saying was true. In his past life, Adam took into consideration much of his career time to the practical side. Since most of the knowledge in the technological aspect can only be properly assimilated by first-hand experimentation.

Inside the laboratory facilities, Yukino stared ecstatically at all the prototypes that the upper courses were developing. The expression on his face did not hide that emotion at all, which made Kang himself enthusiastic enough to show him his own technological development.

"Is your prosthesis only aesthetic or is it also functional?" - Carried away by emotion, Kang was not tactful enough to broach that subject with Yukino. Who did not hesitate to show his discontent by bringing his left hand to his face, telling him with that gesture that he should look for himself.

"I beg your pardon, it was not my intention to offend you. My project is based on functional prostheses with aesthetic appearance" - Uncovering a blackboard, Kang began to explain to Yukino about the management of neuroconnectors in amputated limbs. And how these responded to the electrical impulses that were transmitted through the epidermal tissue.

Kang's explanation lasted for an hour, showing the first functional prototypes of him leaving a good impression on Yukino who was grateful to him for his interest.

"I think it's time for me to go, it was a pleasure to have this conversation with you Mr. Kang" - Looking at his cell phone, it was already after 3 in the afternoon so Yukino felt the need to look for a part-shift job near the university as promised to Hanabi.

Bowing, Kang dismissed the young woman, reminding her that they had some subjects together and that he would see her tomorrow to continue the induction.

As we left the university grounds, the leaves of the ginkgo trees fell through the air that swayed the treetops. Simulating a shower of gold leaves that glittered in the sunlight. That scenario caused nostalgia to invade Yukino again, who had the memory of Lucero in mind. Suddenly seeing Miss Asami in the distance as she boarded the bus.

"It's just a coincidence, nothing more than that" - she murmured to herself as she put her hands in her pants pockets to keep walking while she lowered her gaze. Trying to make the memories of her fade from her completely.

By the time she got to the apartment, Hanabi was already in hers welcoming her while she listened to how she had done in college. Mealtime seemed like an enjoyable environment like any other home, where they both shared their day and the fact that they had each gotten a part-time job.

"I think it's about time we see that person" - Leaving her fork on the plate, Hanabi looked Yukino in the eye as she held his hands. Her telling him that she shouldn't worry about the pace of the training as she would be there to support her.

Yukino reciprocated that feeling with a kiss on the cheek from Hanabi, who she was relieved to see that her character had improved since they arrived in Hokkaido.

The place they moved to was an abandoned temple in the woods. People hadn't been there for over a decade now, but the main staircase and patio looked clean. As if someone gave it constant maintenance.

Upon reaching the esplanade in front of the main building, Hanabi asked her to wait for him there while she went to find the guardian Loa who resided in the temple. Emphasizing strongly that she should stay in that place, since the person in question had a very bad temper.

After a few minutes, Hanabi did not return and that worried Yukino, who, disobeying the instructions, ventured into the grounds of that place. Observing the surroundings, the structure of the temple buildings looked a bit damaged by the humidity of the place, leaving in evidence the passage of time and inclement weather.

Suddenly, Yukino heard the sound of a broom carving the stone floor of the esplanade. As he walked to the source of that noise, he looked at a girl in a priestess outfit. Bringing you the memories of the study trip he had with Lucero.

She feeling a bit dizzy, her stabillo losing her balance a bit. With it stepping on some dry branches that were thrown in the place. Alerted by that sound, the priestess began to move in Yukino's direction. Who for some strange reason felt a discharge that ran through his spine, as if he were a hostile person.

The priestess stopped a few feet from Yukino, while she extended her index finger pointing in front of her. She drawing with that movement an arc of light, from which she extended a halo of energy that simulated a string.

"I have you" - The lugubrious voice of that priestess was heard as a hoarse echo. At the same time that six bolts of bright light shot out of that arc while oscillating in a spiral like a tornado.

Barely dodging her by a few inches, Yukino saw her left prosthesis shatter from the impact he received from that beam. Which was projected to the trunk of a tree, splitting it from the root to the top.

Completely knocked down on the cold stone floor, Yukino contemplated the priestess in front of her raising a spear that was very similar to the energy of the previous weapon.

"You should have chosen your next target better, you bloody half-breed, have a good trip to hell" - The priestess's eyes froze Yukino's blood, her pupils were completely destroyed and she was still able to deliver an almost lethal attack. And now, at such close range it seemed that her fate had been cast.