Echoes of the past

The vehicle's march slowed as it reached the access road to the Yamaguchi mansion. The lights of the street lamps that illuminated the cobblestones gradually faded as the first rays of the sun were glimpsed on the horizon of the great city.

Getting out of the truck, Hiro stretched out his arms as he arched his back slightly back as if he was trying to relax before entering the large wooden gate.

"Take them to one of the back rooms, I'll go as soon as I finish talking to the old man" - Snapping his fingers in an arrogant way, Isamu had no choice but to abide by the order of his master without uttering any complaint. Hiro and his men parted in the direction of the main meeting room, while Yukino and Ofelia were almost dragged into an old, dusty room.

The stale aroma of the stale air gave the feeling that this room had not been used for a long time. Amid stacked boxes and documents gathering dust, the two young women were tossed around, waiting for Hiro to return for them.

When the door closed, Yukino crawled over to the body of Ofelia, who was still experiencing pain from the lesions that were still fresh on her skin. Her powers had been released intermittently during the torture, but were now sealed again by the hanging man technique.

"We will find a way to escape from this situation, please just give me time" - Vargas closed his eyelids slowly nodding at Yukino, he had no strength left even to move his head or try to free himself from the handcuffs. The punishment she had been subjected to was so inhuman that the pain that ran through her body had numbed her muscles.

A couple of hours passed since they were confined in that room, the little lighting that filtered in through the windows boarded up by thick wooden planks, exposed the dust suspended in the air with each puff of their breath.

Beneath the edge of the door, the slight line of light from outside reflected the shadows of the servants who regularly passed through the place, muttering at times regarding the situation of the new arrivals.

At the peak of anxiety gnawing at Yukino's mind, the door opened blinding her for a moment as the light from outside broke through the thick darkness in which she found herself recluse. Little by little her eyes were getting used to the reflection, beginning to see a female silhouette dressed in a black yukata, which made her pale skin stand out.

With a stern face and a frown expression subtly hidden behind the frame of her glasses, the head maidens walked to where the two young women were prostrate and after seeing them for a few moments, ordered the maids who accompanied her to They will be escorted to the toilets.

Unlike the one she was two years ago, Anzu had the signs on her body of a chronic illness. Walking with her right foot dragging a bit, her multiple sclerosis had started to affect him considerably since the night she delivered the punishment over Yukino's body. As if it were the karma that had taken its toll on her without delay from her, the disease unleashed on her body, taking her to the point of having to hide it from the rest of the members of the servitude.

"How long do you think you can keep hiding from everyone that you are being incapacitated?" - Whispering discreetly so that she would only be heard by Anzu, the young woman looked at her defiantly, remembering the fury with which that woman had humiliated him in the meeting room. For a moment the steps of the head servant stopped in their tracks, giving the order to her subordinates to go ahead to prepare the hot water for the bathtub and the clothes with which they would dress the young women.

Finally being alone, Anzu turned to face Yukino squarely. With the same inquisitive expression on her bitter face, the woman held her penetrating gaze directly to the young woman's, barely keeping a brief silence that was cut short shortly after by her hurtful words from her.

"More than worried about me, she should worry about you. Tell me young lady, what does it feel like to live with the remorse of being responsible for the death of your partner? Can you sleep at night without waking up in a sweat? " - The weight of Anzu's words penetrated deep into Yukino's heart, who, biting her lip, turned her face away from her. She knew that the maid was right, that feeling of guilt had been present every day since that fateful night.

That same remorse at that moment fed her concern for Ofelia, in whom she projected the vivid memories of Kaoru passing through the corridors of the mansion. The fear and uncertainty of knowing if she could keep her promise, drilled into her mind, making him mislead in her ways and behavior. She was beside herself, many things had happened in such a short time and without her powers, impotence took hold of her weak heart.

"I'm sorry, I will not mention something about her condition again" - Holding her right arm with the prosthesis of her left hand, she Yukino felt observed from head to toe by Anzu. Who held her prosthetic hand from one of her phalanges while she told him that she should remove it to enter the bathroom.

Covered her body up to her shoulders by the warmth of the water in the tub, Yukino shrugged her shoulders, resting her chin on her knees. What would become of them now that her powers were at Hiro's mercy? The drops of water falling from the tap made ripples on the surface, which was saturated with a light layer of steam.

Finishing the cleaning session, the maids quickly went to the bathroom and got ready to prepare outfits for the young women who had already been called by the head of the house. A sober white outfit with a red obi at the waist, a headdress of hair and the wooden getas ready to start the march to the great hall.

The sound of the slow pounding on the stave floor, resembled the percussion of ceremonial drums ready for war. Although they had already been defeated and were heading towards what would be a surrender.

"You have grown so much in this time that we have not seen each other niece" - Sitting on a purple satin cushion, drinking a glass of sake that was diligently served by a maiden, the current head of the Yamaguchi clan extended the glass to the front as a sign of welcome .

Anyone who knew Hiroki's true character would know that this was mere sarcasm to him, the dignified manners and customs of the solemnity of a patriarch, were mere formalities that he considered a waste of effort. If it weren't for the fact that the representatives of the most prominent families of the underworld were present, this man would no longer have the protocols to keep up appearances.

Right in the center of the room, the servants escorted the young women, arranging two cushions for them to sit in front of the guests. Those who did not take their eyes off them, as if they were evaluating a merchandise about to be auctioned.

"Gentlemen, twenty years ago the former head of the Yamaguchi clan had a vision. His vision was to leave old grudges behind and consolidate the power of the great families that had already been weakened by politicians and the police. Consolidate our ties through the union of blood ties in order to unify our members under the same banner, a single goal. " - The attendees at the meeting were expectant, carefully observing Hiroki, who as a good speaker, managed to keep his audience interested in his words.

As the charismatic leader of a sect, his tongue was able to convince whoever was listening. Few were those who did not fall into the power of his words, sometimes showing dissent that he was appeased at the time with bribes or death.

Yukino maintained an upright posture resting her hand on her legs, looking directly at the clan chief without losing any detail of his enemy; who given the chance, he knew that he would be able to end his life by making a mistake.

This was all new to Ofelia, who had been secluded for years in the old Hokkaido temple. Unlike Yukino, her soul had died younger compared to Adan's, finding it difficult to keep her attention in the meeting, nodding several times during Hiroki's speech.

Seeing that detail, the Yamaguchi clan chief gave a discreet signal with his right hand for the maidens to enter the hall. Taking the sleepy Ophelia by the arms, who did not know where she was being led.

Yukino watched with anguish that situation, knowing that he should not move unless he wanted Hiroki's temper to explode against Ofelia. Pressing her lips together and digging her nails into the fabric of her yukata, the young woman restrained herself before the boss's eyes. Who smirking maliciously, continued with his speech.

"As a sign of strong will, the chief of the Inagawa clan and I previously signed a pact in which our descendants would marry as adults. As you all know, the two heads of the family have only procreated men. Proud of our lineage, but useless to celebrate the covenant. That is why, taking my brother-in-law's daughter Yoshino up for adoption, I humbly offer her as a candidate for marriage "- Yukino's eyes widened, with the stunned expression on her face at the situation in which she was found. In that same room two years ago, she had been ostracized and shamed by the clan. But now, that same clan took her as a bargaining chip for her own ends.

"Ha ha ha ha Who would say? From funeral to marriage? This is really hilarious! " - Nabim's voice echoed in Yukino's head, who lowered his face, containing his anger at such an outrage on her dignity. The assistants celebrated with the glasses while they gave toasts by the clans next to brotherhood, letting themselves be carried away by the joy in a bustle that pierced the ears of the young woman in the center of the room.

The maids waiting at the gates of the enclosure entered at the command of the head of the family, who with a reverent attitude bowing their heads, took the young woman to escort her to one of the main rooms. Some murmurs among the diners could be heard by Yukino, who felt that his nerves were twitching at the sensation of being evaluated as a mere merchandise that is about to be sold to the highest bidder.

"Young mistress, please enter her room. If you need anything, just ring the bell and a maid will come to her call "- The young-looking maiden who was no more than twenty years old, spoke to Yukino with a sincere attitude of submission. While on the other hand, her partner turning her back on her, she did not stop clearing her throat as if she wanted to get his attention.

Closing the sliding door, Yukino breathed in relief as she felt that for the next few hours she would not have to see anyone from the family. The memories of the mansion were not at all pleasant and the current atmosphere was far from being a warm reunion of the reunion.

Feeling that something touched her shoulder, the young woman turned instinctively, as if she were going to launch a blow, scaring Vargas even more, who covered his face with his hair while he extended his hand as if begging for mercy.

"But what the hell have they done to you?" - A severe swelling of her protruded from the contour of her face, the knuckle marks that were still fresh on her skin, were the evidence that Hiroki had given the order to discipline him. With her nerves still throbbing and her right eye almost closed by bruises, Ofelia took Yukino's wrist with her hands as if she was begging him to get her out of there.

Having experienced firsthand the horrors that the Yamaguchi clan subjected those who dared to defy them, Yukino pulled Vargas's body up to hers to comfort her.

"Nabim, answer damn it. I know you are seeing us so she stops pretending that you are not on the other side "- Like a prayer that drowns in the silence of indifference, the answer from the astral guide never came no matter how much it insisted. They often say that the prayers that the gods do not hear, it is the demons that pay the most attention.

"I see that my dear pets have already made themselves comfortable" - Opening the sliding door with a bang, Hiro entered the room without asking permission while he walked hurriedly holding Yukino's gaze. Who he took with force by the waist until her faces were so close to her, that the heat of her breath penetrated his skin.

"Free the necklaces, Vargas is too hurt!" - With a harsh and dominant tone, Yukino approached the mobster without fear overcome by the anger she felt for everything that was happening around him.

For a moment Hiro felt the desire to hit her like she had on other occasions, but this time there was something different in the atmosphere. Looking into her eyes, a glow that was long gone glowed like embers of the brand when blown away by the wind. Yukino's face that until a few hours ago seemed hesitant, now reflected a temper that conveyed security.

"Mother?" - As if a shovel was digging through the corrupted mud, Hiro's memory shook due to the stupor of alcohol. The young clan heir already suffered from emotional instability from early childhood, fueled by the abuse his father had subjected him to in order to create a worthy heir to the family.

The day his mother passed away, his father's indifference had penetrated deep inside him more than all the time that had passed. The feeling of abandonment that had shaped his twisted personality was at that moment making him rave as he held Yukino in his arms.

"Hiro! What's happening to you? Can you hear me?" - Returning to her senses, the heir reacted by pushing the young woman knocking her to the ground. Her face had changed into an agonized expression, as if she had been blown away from a place where she wanted to remain.

"It's fine! OK I WILL DO IT!" - Panting as if he was gasping for air feeling a tightness in her chest, Hiro snapped her fingers, releasing only for a few seconds the restraints of her necklaces.

For a moment Yukino thought it was the best chance to reduce her opponent, but her mind fought against her own body, unable to move at will. The power of the necklaces had waned, there was no logical reason for her body to continue to dominate. He was there within his reach to finish him off in one fell swoop, so why couldn't he?

"Enough was enough" - Once again suppressing the powers of the guardians, Hiro put the palm of his hand on his face taking a few steps back as if he were dizzy, staggering to the point of hitting the wall with his shoulder to support head. Sliding down to drop his body while he kept the expression on his face as if he were drugged.

Like a madman possessed, Hiro lowered his gaze and began to laugh softly and then gave a heartrending scream hitting the wall with his fist. Him pounding the wall until the plaster began to crack, leaving light blood stains from the cut wounds on his hand.

Without looking away, Yukino contemplated him without knowing why his body trembled to the last fiber of his being, as if he wanted to crawl until he reached the face of the young man who fell into a deep silence. Shedding tears that did not stop rolling down his cheeks until they wet the carpet in the room.

A sensation of pain pierced her chest like a sharp dagger that cut into flesh, as if his heart were going to explode seeing all the objects in the room spinning, taking her to the point of losing consciousness. When his head was about to hit the ground, a voice like a slight whisper crept into his subconscious: "Save him."

"My name is Yukino. What is yours?" - In the shade of the tree in the back garden of the mansion, memories of a distant time returned in the form of a dream. Two children who had just met each other were filled with insecurities as they kept in anticipation of each other.

In a yellow western dress, her hair was arranged with a pair of braids tied with a ribbon that matched the tone of her clothes. Chubby cheeks and expressive eyes whose lashes stood out, just like a doll.

Yukino held the fabric of his dress trying to control the nervousness, while Hiro continued with a defensive attitude like a surly cat. Seeing him so close to her, I contemplate the depth of her black eyes, as if when looking at them he felt that the fear that until a moment ago he experienced was leaving her body. A peace as relaxing as the feeling of being surrounded by a warm breeze in the middle of winter.

While for Hiro, the familiarity of that girl's face caused him a series of mixed feelings, as if he had known her long before that moment. When she was about to take her hand to shake it in acceptance, the sound of heavy footsteps from her made the grass rustle behind him.

"I see that they finally meet. I was waiting for the right moment to introduce her but I see that she has already gotten ahead of me "- That harsh voice loaded with hostility, made Hiro shudder, who could barely contain the shock. Instinctively lowering his gaze as if a predator had approached him.

Raising her face little by little, his eyes could appreciate that the girl's hands in front of him were trembling as if she were on a snowy day. Taking a quick glance at her face, the expression on hers resembled that of a cornered rabbit, revealing two light tears in her large, expressive eyes as if he were about to cry.

It was normal for any child to be terrified by the overwhelming presence of Hiroki, even more so it was said that several of the children of the clan members ended up crying as soon as he placed his hand on their heads. Knowing the cloudy nature of his father's heart, Hiro was sure the girl would soon burst into tears and run away. But to his surprise, the opposite happened.

"This daughter humbly greets the great chief of the clan, I regret having disobeyed him" - Getting on her knees bending her body until her forehead touched the ground, the panic that Yukino felt did not compare with the latent fear for what could happen with her sister Joana, who remained at the hands of Hiroki in a location unknown to her.

For Hiro, seeing such a mature reaction from a girl no more than five years old made him feel ashamed of himself, clenching his right fist that was barely visible from his father. Who seeing that reaction different from the usual, outlined a smile of satisfaction knowing that Yukino could become a good catalyst for the weak personality of his son.

"Get up niece, this boss welcomes your subordination. Since you and my son are almost the same age, I think it would be convenient for you to accompany him to school from tomorrow. he. Since he could remember, being the sole heir of the Yamaguchi clan had caused him a deep precariousness in his interaction with the other children, whose parents, knowing the son in question, tried to advise them to keep their distance and a certain degree of respect so as not to get involved with it.

Moving his right hand, signaling to leave, Yukino obediently got up from the ground and bowing his head once more, he left the garden leaving father and son behind. Hiro's gaze remained so lost in following her silhouette until it was lost in the outer corridors of the old mansion.

"When I see that girl I can't stop thinking that something so fragile and delicate could break in the hands of a beast. As if it were a sparrow, it would only be enough for a snake to approach cautiously until it was within reach and its fangs would sink, taking its life away "- Feeling as if his stomach were turning over, little Hiro turned his face for the first time to make him in front of his father.

The defiant look that flashed in his eyes seemed as if a switch had been activated just like a hunting dog that has been given the fresh scent of blood to sniff out. But far from being a fox, the beast in front of him was devoid of any sense of belonging or family togetherness; even his own son's was for him a mere piece that he could discard if he wished.

After being forced to take the life of his nanny Himawari, Hiro had been left an empty vessel, with nothing to cling to in the vertiginous spiral into which his own father had placed him. But after seeing that innocent face, something inside Hiro flipped as if an avalanche of petrified emotions and memories were coming to life.

"I will not allow anyone to lay a hand on Yukino, that includes you, big boss" - Dodging Hiroki's body, the boy began to walk with his back to that man without looking back for a single moment. The determination to meet that girl who was identical to the one in the family photos of his mother, was the fuel that began to burn the fire that seemed to have extinguished inside him.

"At last I see you act like a damn man and not like a mouse Hiro! That grudge is what will allow you to become a powerful leader in the future. "

"I will never be like you! I will not become the man you expect me to be. I have chosen my own path "

With the words spoken by Hiro, a sadistic smile accompanied by evil eyes was captured on the face of the clan chief. Who slightly began to laugh until his laugh turned into a gloomy sentence of what was to come.

"The fruit will never fall far from the tree, never forget where you came from. The same darkness that lies in me will soon bloom in your heart. I know it very well, because there is nothing that makes a man fall, as is the fear of losing what he loves.

Can you protect that girl without showing your true colors? You don't have anyone by your side to help you, you are alone" - Laughing from the depths of his being, Hiro did not stop teasing his son, who kept walking while gnashing his teeth with a grimace enduring tears.

I never expect from his father something like a word of encouragement or a sincere caress, he knew better than anyone that this was such a distant dream that wishing for it little by little became a nightmare. What bothered him most in those words was the obvious truth that was slapping his face once more: he didn't have the strength to protect anything.

The precious memories of his mother who burned at the stake or the precious life of the only woman he could have come to consider a second mother, being a child unable to do anything for himself, had to do with what he loved the most. it trickled through the hollows of his fingers.

"Miss, keep your back straight and keep your legs together. I don't care if she has a cramp, the tea ceremony is a basic ritual for a maid in the Yamaguchi house. hallway of the mansion. Looking out of the corner of the sliding door, Yukino found herself prostrate on the floor sitting while she tried to prepare him according to tradition.

Seemingly a few years younger, governess Anzu kept that stern scowl behind her glasses, tapping her palm rhythmically in time with the twists of Yukino's wrist. Those series of repetitive steps were tiring for the poor girl, who could barely keep her concentration due to the drowsiness derived from her boredom. Just the burning she felt on her skin under her kimono forced him to keep his eyes open.

Finishing mixing him with consistency, the girl gently placed the brush on her cloth in her right hand as she tried to extend her arms with her glass for Anzu to take. The moment she tried to flex her thighs a little to push herself slightly from her, a cramp came over her, causing the contents of her cup to spill over her hands, barely splashing the governess's dress with a few drops.

"You stupid brat! You intend to disrespect the master with this kind of behavior when it is your turn to serve at the next meeting! " - Bruised by contemplating how simple stains of green tea had been impregnated in the fabric of her clothes, Anzu did not even pay the slightest attention to the reddened skin of the girl's hands who did not stop shedding tears, trying to calm the burning by blowing with his lips to her skin.

Seeing that the girl did not apologize to her, Anzu angrily raised the wand pointing at her delicate face without considering that she could leave a mark on him. She instinctively closing her eyes, bringing her hands to cover her head, she felt a gust of wind caressing her hair as if it were a breeze.

"Why doesn't it hurt?" - Surprised not to feel the blow of the governess Yukino opened her eyes, contemplating before her the silhouette of a child who stood firm while the fabric of her shirt on her right arm was slightly stained with blood .

"Young master! Why has he done it? " - Seeing the mistake she had made, she Anzu herself fell to the ground in fear of the consequences that she would have to face having injured the heir of the Yamaguchi clan. Even though it was known to her that the young master was not someone Hiroki cared for, the fact that a servant raised his hand against her master was enough for her wrists to be severed at best. the cases.

"Anzu, tell me why are you trembling? Did a stream of air enter the room or is it your nerves? " - After having seen his father many times how he behaved with his subordinates, Hiro learned facial gestures and body language from him, reaching the point that that child was the living incarnation of his father.

Stuttering as she tried to apologize, Anzu knelt, prostrating her head at the heir's feet as he begged for mercy. For Hiro, getting subordinates to heed his orders was imperative in the face of the challenge thrown at his father. Having Anzu like this, the opportunity to earn his loyalty had been well worth receiving that wound protecting Yukino's face.

"Raise your head Anzu!" - The governess reacted instinctively to the order of the young man, who took the woman's chin with his right hand while he looked directly into her eyes like a snake. For a moment contemplating that agonized expression, Hiro felt inside her a satisfaction that was strange to the point of frightening him a bit.

"Unless you don't value your own life, try to put a hand back to this girl. I could go right now with father to tell him what you just did to me and he may not pay much attention to me, but if I explain to him that you wanted to intentionally hurt Yukino's face, well, you know what he could force me to do to you "- Between The servants of the mansion had been talking about how the young heir had taken Himawari's life for disrespecting him, ranting about how it was possible that he had done that when she was the only one who looked after him in a close way.

Even though this was all a lie that Hiroki himself planted on the ground, to cause the servants not to get involved with Hiro, there was not a single member of the staff who did not take that as truth and felt that his life was at stake.

"I, I promise. No, I swear I will never lay a hand on that brat ... "

"About who?" - Squeezing the maiden's face, Hiro showed a hint of anger upon hearing the contemptuous way he referred to Yukino.

"About Miss Yukino, about Miss Yukino, forgive me love ..." - With tears of panic spilling from what was previously a severe-looking face, Anzu felt at times that her soul was leaving her body.

She barely released him, the maid dropping her forehead to the ground trying to escape the piercing look Hiro had on her face. When the young heir turned around looking for Yukino, he saw her with a panicked expression as her lips trembled, shedding her tears.

Gently, Hiro took a handkerchief from her pocket and soaked it a bit in the water in a vase, tying it carefully over the delicate skin of the girl's left hand.

"Don't worry, she won't hurt you anymore. As long as I'm by your side, you shouldn't be afraid of anyone in this mansion "- Smiling gently, Hiro's tone of voice changed to a more friendly one when he addressed the girl. Wiping his tears with the sleeve of his kimono, he nodded at her as if he was clinging to a lifeline that had fallen for her in the middle of a raging sea.

"Miss Miss Yukino, please wake up!" - Hearing a voice that seemed like a slight whisper, she felt someone shake her body trying to make her react. By opening her eyes, she Yukino had returned to the same room in which she had confronted Hiro in the course of the night.

Looking around her, she couldn't find any trace of the young master save for the hit marks that were still fresh on the wall. Apparently he woke up first and had left the place. But for some strange reason, Yukino was not on the floor of the room, but on the bed next to Vargas.

"Miss, it's good that you woke up. Master Hiroki has asked me to take her to the dining room to have breakfast with you in private. Don't worry, I'll take care of her friend as soon as I return "- The same maid with whom she had had her brief encounter during the night, she was there while she helped him to get ready to attend the dining room.

Simple in appearance but with beautiful eyes, Ayaka had recently gone to work inside the Yamaguchi mansion. Unfamiliar with past events, it was natural for her to behave in the way she considered the young lady of the house.

Seeing that sincere attitude, Yukino looked into the mirror as she diligently helped him brush her hair. Thinking it was a relief that at least one person was there with her to assist her without feeling like she was suffocated by heavy shackles.

"Thank you very much Ayaka!" - With a serious expression and dressed in a blue yukata with flower embroidery and some sparrows, she Yukino rose from her seat with a demeanor of dignity, letting her silver hair fall that slid over the fabric. In Ayaka's mind, that figure seemed to her as if she were an empress, making her salivate with some effort as she felt overwhelmed by the aura that the young woman projected.

With Ofelia still asleep on the bed, Yukino turned briefly in her direction, smiling when she saw that her friend was in better condition, closing the bedroom door to go to meet her with Hiroki.

Walking calmly accompanied by the maid, the young woman was still thinking about that voice that she spoke to her before falling unconscious and how it was related to the dream that she had had.