Meeting an orb of light .

Waking up in a dark room would scary anyone if they are not expecting it.

Surprisingly I felt peaceful why you asked it's because I've been chasing an orb of light ever since I woke up . After hours of chasing the orb I couldn't catch it but it responded.

Hey stop chasing me will you. "Orb"

Wow so you can talk fine I will stop chasing you if you stop running away from me.

Okay fine I can finally rest , here goes nothing " Dude sorry to tell you this but your dead right now your in a place between the land of the living and the after life." Orb

I already knew that I was dead after all but why am I in this place ?

Your just a random soul that managed to impress my boss by giving up every to help a random person whom later on become an iconic person throughout all of history. You just graduated from high school had a nice family but you decided to save a kid whom was drowning from a 12 meter lap pool when ypu had terrible cramps after eating a lot of food."Orb"

You managed to save the kid but you ended up drowning sorry kid."Orb"

I don't remember doing such an incredible feat but I'll take by the way did anyone grief for me when I passed away?

Yes your mother and young sister did but your father and friends didn't even bother to show up for your funeral my bad kid. " Orb"

Goddammit those bastards and my father fine it doesn't matter anymore since I'm dead I don't have to keep the name he gave me in the first place.

Kid there's one more thing I'm supposed to give you 3 wishes because my boss really appreciated your gesture usually people go to the Reincarnation Cycle only a few special ones like you can change that." Orb"

You can go ahead and make your wishes I have other places to be so hurry up will you . " Orb "

Calm down will you , now for my first wish I wish to be reborn as a new son of Thor from the GOW 4 universe younger than Magni and Modi but make it to where Ragnarok doesn't affect me. For my Second wish I want to have the powers and fighting experience of Hermes from blood of zeus without the flying sandals with Air bending , as for my last wish I want to be able to travel to the multiverse whenever I want and be able to come back to the worlds at anytime.

Youngster those wishes are a little hard to understand but with the power granted to me by my boss your wishes will be fulfilled. " Orb"

With all my wishes being fulfilled the orb created a worm hole that sucked me before I could thank him . The next thing I know is that I'm inside of a crib .