A world filled with dragons I want one .

zzzz zzzz zzzz lightning sound affect

Ice cracking and a hand pushing a giant Boulder only for three young man to see a giant dragon. What is going on is that a dragon ? Magni

yes but it's a lot weaker than the one from the 9 realms they are at least Peak minor god strength here but an amazing things about this place is that this realm is ruled by man and dragons so there's nothing to fear .

Brother since theirs no one on a Main god level here how can we get stronger ?

Simple you guys will hunt Dragkn and I will create potion just like Freya used to do for me in a 100 years if you guys bring me multiple legendary dragons I will help you both reach main god and we will leave this place with wasting anytime.

Fine but after Modi and I reach main god rank we will fight you again to see how much progress we will make since we came to this world.

For 100 years Magni and Modi hunted 3 screeming deaths 15 lumps 2 Rainclaw 8 ground splitter 4 Bewilderbeast 2 Night furrys over 100 grunckle 52 deadly Nadder and 3 Skills but one was still alive so I kept it for myself.

With all those dragon corpse collected I used their blood and heart to make three potion more powerful than Freya old ones she used to give me I told the guys to drink it and to meet me when they finish it.

1 month later I managed to reached peak Main god Same rank as Thor I was 9.5 feet tall in my Human form now my power could Rival Thor and Kratos without their weapons which help them fight enemies on the level of Great God . Odin and Zeus where on that lv which means That with a powerful weapon I could slay one like Kratos did with Zeus.

By the way my lifespan from birth was 5000 to minot it became 8000 main god 16000 with the help of the golden apples it gave me 18k so now I have more than 33k since I'm 117 years old. While my brother are already over 400 years old .

Thanks to the Dragon potion my healing factor is as powerful as Wolverine which is stronger than Kratos it also help my Jotun bloodline become stronger than before now I should be considered a Jotun instead of Aesir but I will keep my divinities because Jotuns only use Runes to help them fight Aesir gods .

During the one hundred years that past by I acquired two more runes Wind and speed when I active my wind rune I was able to evolve it to Gravity and with my speed rune I could now teleport and my running and flying was 500000 times the sound and half the speed of light now and with that I could now slow down time a little and go back 5 seconds in the past using my speed rune 3 times after that I will run out of juice.

Today I heard my brothers weapons clashing so fierce that it would put the fight of Madara and Hachirama to shame they would where throwing 100 tons heavy Boulders like snow balls at each other and with every step they took the ground wouldn't stop sending power shock waves .

Their speed was around mach 50 thanks me helping them and showing them how to use the runes but I couldn't help them fly regular God's can only fly when they reach Peak Main god but I was able to do do thanks to my wind divinity.

Brother why are you throwing these small rocks at me did you eat anything this morning. MODI

Why you little fine since you insist I will throw a real boulder at you . Magni

While I was in the air I saw Magni picking up a Boulder that really made the other one look like a pebble it look like this Boulder weighted mor than 500 tons which was nothing for a Main god with jotun bloodline. The moment I saw the rock was about to hit Modi I panicked because I didn't if he could break it I wanted to go back in time but I decided to trust my brother.

Boom dust coughing cough cough .

Yes I did it Ulf brother did you see that i finally managed to overcome my limits what do you think about our developments over the years. Magni

Not bad but it would take a lot more than this to defeat Me Thor and Odin so now you both have to face me without holding back do you guys understand.

Yes sir!!! Modi

I've been waiting for this moment for a long time brother !!! Magni

I landed down in front of them and too a black cloak that was covering my whole body. The moment I took it off my appearance was finally revealed I looked similar to Thor but I was taller i had black hair elf ears but I also had a nice Hammer which I enchanted and refined for 100 years I called it Thor's End.

Instead of lightning divinity I used wind on it instead and Magnis Blade I also did the same but used lightning instead with all my weapons I could rival Odin now but I felt like it wouldn't be enough to kill him .I saw my brothers getting ready to tag me and show me their progress.

Magni threw his new chain weapons at me I dodge all of them but Modi bashed me on the ground with his shield i knee I fell for their traps so I used my runes to go back in time I dodge all their attacks this time which made them look at each other funny after that Magni used his lightning divinity on his chains and turned them into a Giant shrinking cage I wanted to go back in time I wanted to see what if they finally used their brains for once and they did because Modi Threw his mace back and forth in the chain cage long enough for the cage to get smaller I couldn't exit anymore .

I didn't feel like cheating using time but I used my Trump card my real form. I growl and Transformed into my Jotun Form the wind pick up around me and my blue eyes had lightning flashing in them my height soared to 93 feet tall breaking the chains while my hammer grow in size matching mine same with Magnis blade. I wasn't the tallest but I am one of the strongest Jotun ever.

I looked at my brother they didn't scared for some reason . I panicked when I looked at their heights Modi who was around 6.5 feet in the past after the Potiom is now 7.8 feet tall Magni who was 7 feet tall was now 9 feet tall I felt their Jotun bloodlines getting almost as pure as mine .

The next moment they growl and turned in Their Jotun form I was happy for them but felt a lot of pressure because Modi was now 69feet tall while Magni was 75 feet tall.

In this state our powers triples making them peak Main gods while I become a Pseudo Great God it might not seem like a big difference but I'm equal to a regular Great God right now .

The two of them charged at me floated in the air a little and threw my hammer on ground which sent a powerful shock wave blasting them away I didn't wait for for to recover I used a new skill gravity pull to pull the two of them in front of me and knocked them thoudands of miles away with my Hammer far away little did I know that my brother would end up falling in the middle of a war between HUMANS and Dragons.