Making my own Sage mode.

Today Kaguya , Hagoromo and Hamura didn't visit me I was a little weird but I something to do anyway so I traveled to Kaguyas dimension .

Lord Uranus why are here can I do anything to help? Lady Katsuyu

Lady Katsuyu I'm to practice sage mode and I've come up with one of my own for it's a lot profound and powerful than The sage techniques you guys use.

My Lord you can use the spiritual energy in my dimension for yourself I don't mind at all. L Katsuyu

Thank you .

With all that being said I sat on the highest peak in the dimension and started sensing the spiritual energy more than 10 times stronger than the outside world I planef to stay here for three months.

For the first week I managed to sensed and blend the spiritual energy with my divine one and I absorb about 25 percent of all the energy in the world in my body and trapped it inside.

in a month I absorb about 75 percent it looks like I finally reached my limits I made evolved and fused every single cell in my body and made my big change in my Godhead I changed from a cloud like orb to one with a holy ring around it.

I didn't succeed yet because that was my divinity growing stronger now I was the god of spiritual energy and I became I Sage but wanted to combine my spiritual energy with my Jotun form and become Someone that could change my Jotun and Aesir blood into a more divine and spiritual one.

I spent another two months trying to combine my Spiritual energy divinity with my Bloodline and I almost failed multiple times but only my happy memories with my love one's kept me from losing concentration.

Today I felt a change in my my body I felt a my rank staying the same but my bloodlines fused together and my spiritual energy was the solution . for that I tried to transform in jotun form and when I did I didn't cause any destruction to the environment.

instead all the Spiritual energy I absorb a while ago spread like the wind all over the world like tsunami everyone in the world felt a change even Kaguya and my brothers .

Every one in the world even the animals where cheering outloud because the energy I release was like a cure for everyone in the world I even helped the god tree bloom with multiple fruits .

But one thing I noticed is that Kaguya is fighting against Hagoromo and Hamura but I see Tyr

just watching on the side with tears in his eyes. My brothers where also watching in the sidelines I knew why didn't interfere.

I was pissed not at Tyr but at my self for forgotten about the timeline and the fate of the three . I forgot to noticed the change in my body I was in my new form but I would call it Celestial Giant Sage. I was 1500 meters tall I look similar to sasuke's strongest Susanoo but my Armor was White and I still had my long hair and scythe .

I teleported to the fight in an instant and shouted at everyone fighting.

Stop!!! this !!!! at Once!!!

But it was to late the boys already put their hands on Kaguya and seal her up I was really sad.

When I saw her body going up and the moon forming around her I didn't hesitate and flew up there and ended up being sealed with her .

Father noooo !!!! Tyr

Brother !!! Modi

What did you guys do ? Magni

When I was sealed on the moon with kaguya I sensed that she left a will but I left a message and will behind for everyone who are in the area.

Everyone calm down I have a favor I need to ask of you please don't fight against each other at least for another 1000 years . Hagoromo, Hamura I'm really disappointed you guys listen to a frog and decided to fight against her without coming to me first .

Do you guys know how terrible the people treated your mother she did these things because she didn't have a choice and you guys didn't even think to ask me and you Tyr I'm not happy with your decision but stayed outside of it so I respect your choice.

The two Men who will show up are you Uncle's Modi and Magni follow them and grow stronger until I come back .

Another thing is that I can get out of the seal but my wife can't so I won't be able to see you guys for the next 1000 years so behave and impress me when I come back .

Hamura you are always welcome to join us anytime but you most never interfere in this world anymore by way give everyone a fruit and bring the rest to me .

Hagoromo you are my son I love you so I won't punish you but you will never be allowed to see your mother again this fruit is my last gift to you take it.

From now on The Frog sage his tribe are no longer my friend from now on I want nothing to do with them do you understand Hagoromo.

Yes Father I understand. Hagoromo

Brother I will see you soon . Magni

Brother take good care of sister in law. Modi

Whatever but i want you guys to take care of Tyr he is a God of war maybe he will take care of you guys.

Why you little Ulf don't you forget that your our little brother. Magni

I know but don't you forget whose in charge here .

My will/ Avatar used it's power to Supresse them both and chuckled and left like the wind.

That bastard is finally gone thank goodness. Modi

Tyr follow me with your divinity I could rule the with ease. Modi

No I'm good I will go to the land of earth i want to have a land where I'm worshiped alone.

Whatever you rascal well in the future we will fight so don't grow lazy. Magni

What do you know you block head a God of war is never lazy.

Hagoromo even tough your related to me by blood we all know that Father is not your real father so from now one don't come to me for help or have any of your descendants come in my land because I will kill them without any mercy since you are a dog that bites the hand that feeds it . Tyr

Brother I'm sorry it's just that the girl that I love and the people in the village where endangered so I has no choice in that matter. Hagoromo

Brother let me tell you something Father and mother always told us since we where young I think you've grown stupid over the years so I will say it out loud for you.

In life no matter how tough and hard something is even if it looked like your are going to lose you will always have a choice we are not slaves where are the sons of the sky .