Training in ancient DC universe

I trained like a maniac , meditated and learned that I'm in the DC universe because I heard Athena mentioning a green pattern once.

I spend 5 years fight with 200 avatar clones of myself whose only command was to beat me up without holding back .

I killed 50 in 2 months , 25 in a years because they can communicate and strategies on how to beat me up and would try to trap me .

75 in 2 years I was ambushed when I was resting on a spot that I forgot to secure and let my guard down but I managed to beat them all in a year I faced 50 clones who decided to transfer all of their powers into one those turning that one into a main God instantly.

I actually almost died fighting my own clone I tried to Summon my Scyth but I didn't I wanted to beat my clone fair and square without relying on anything.

I used my golden lightning to empower myself but it wasn't enough I decided to use a fighting style similar to Soft fist mixed with might guy's Kung fu and my own original style which I created when I fought my avatars I called it Uranus ghost fighting style because when I use it only someone stronger than me can actually hurt me anyone weaker won't be able to touch me like obits.

When I fused them into one I called it Uranus Unbeatable God fighting style. I used the art on my clone which was 12 times stronger than me .I managed to land a couple of critical hits but my avatar was crushing me because he could actually make contact with my body .

I felt like my only options where my Celestial Giant sage mode or Warriors Madness but I didn't want to rely on those skills they where my Trump cards I don't want to keep using them unless I was desperate than I remembered something I can use the techniques Athena uses to keep growing stronger.

I didn't want to use it but she told me if I want to evolve my fighting experience to the next level I need to use her technique which was called God's battle mode .

When Athena uses this technique she can become a fighting God instantly. Time freezes for the rest of the world and she can copy the enemies fighting styles combine all of them into a single Unbeatable one . When I copied her style I managed to copy over 3 thousand fighting styles .

I used God battle mode to fight my Avatar I have the strength and speed to beat him but my will thousands of times stronger than my avatar.

I became super flexible, agile , and dangerous when I automatically used all of my martial art against my avatar. I walk slowly in front of my 10.5 feet tall avatar . I pointed 👉at him and told him he was gonna go down no matter what.

Master I'm not looking down on you but it's impossible because I'm a part of you so I know you more you think . Avatar

It doesn't matter since I'm gonna make you disappear and I will be able to face Athena once and for all .

My clone started using wind gravity and speed divinity to try to trap me but I knew the weakness of my techniques I looked at all of the attacks coming toward me I laughed and destroyed all the wind currents . I walked out of the gravity field only relying on my will even though my bones where breaking I persisted.

When my clone saw how I over came all the attacks he launched his last attack . My clone summoned a big Storm he channeled a giant lightning spear and threw it at me .

The lightning spear flew faster than the speed of of light right now I can see the spear but my body was to slow. I noticed that the lightning spear had a pure golden purple color that means that my clone managed to make his lightning divinity grow stronger than my own which was golden a little above blue . Thanks to my clone I got a chance to do something incredible.

I let the spear stab my heart and I started bleeding golden blood and saw the golden purple lightning fusing with my lightning divinity and I started to heal faster than wolverine . I tried to find my clone in the sky when I found him he waved at me with tears in his eyes and said , Master you survived like we all hoped you would thank you for letting us experience this beautiful world goodbye and he vanished.

I felt really sad that it started raining in the area it's as if the world can understand the reason why I'm feeling so sad . It's simple my Avatars decided to study my lightning divinity at the cost of their sort existence in the end they transfer it all to me .

I felt stronger physically but mentally I was devastated because of my avatars sacrifices. I meditated for 2 months and called Athena I wanted to fight her now.

Athena appears behind me which shocked me a little.

Uranus what do you want ? Athena

I want to fight you again time my fighting experience is worth at least a million years of fighting experience. I want to test myself against you.

Fine but after this fight I will come back 3 thousand years later in my peak strength and will become stronger than ever. Depending on the result of this fight we could have a death match or lovely reunion do you agree ?

I agree Athena you are the fist god I respect even if your weaker than me I don't care about that one bit. All I card about is the fact that you took your precious time to teach and help me grow stronger than I could possibly have been.

All the things you tough me would have taken me thousandsof years to master and comprehend and for that I'm grateful Athena.

Stop it you fool your making me blush now let fight. Athena

I immediately used Uranus Unbeatable God fighting style and God's battle mode to land multiple hits on Athena she tried to block them with her shield. every time she did I would teleport behind her and give her a bear hug and she would give me a spartan kick to the chest .

she landed multiple hits on my face but started healing myself wirh my lightning I grabbed her hand and threw her in the sky and threw a powerful wind blast knocking out for 3 seconds .

she woke and gave me a beautiful smile and started talking.

Uranus you've improved beyond my expectations you can definitely make the gods fear you but it's not enough to convince Zeus . Athena

Just how strong is Zeus I tough he was a regular Greater God can you tell me ?

Uranus my Great grandfather was a Peak Greater God, my Grandfather Kronos was an upper Greater than became a peak in his prime , My father Zeus is an Upper Greater right now but he can kill a Peak with his fighting experience and divinity mastery.

Zeus is a not not called a Godking for nothing he really deserves that title.

Yes he does but I'm pretty sure that he will reach peak Greater soon when he does he will be unstable in the world and most of the universe. Athena

That's exiting but your forgetting something Athena I'm a Pseudo OverGod I've surpassed the limits of the Godkings already . Do you think Zeus can do the same .

It's impossible but it will take a long time maybe a thousand years or a million but I'm sure that he will surpassed Greater God and become a Pseudo Overgod and even become a real eventually.

Interesting so do have a lot of confidence in your father don't you Athena.

I do even though I hate him . Athena

Athena Since you are a Pseudo Greater I don't mind helping you become a real one and become even stronger than Zeus all you have to tell me is how to fight against time.

Uranus you already concerned time the moment you became a Greater God it looks like you really are a godling after all.

Athena I'm going to train for 2 thousand years I will not interrupt you one bit and you should do the same because I'm planning to go all out on this one.

Fine make sure you become an OverGod Uranus I believe in you. Athena whispered and vanished in her temple hidden area.

What !!!

Athena you bad girl so you also happen to have feeling like an ordinary woman. It looks like the stories about you are falls I'm glad.

A thousand years later my hair started to turn White not because of time but because of my constant failure on my breakthrough. I tried multiple ways to breakthrough that wall but no matter what I could only leave cracks on it but it would never break.

During these past thousand years Athena managed to become a become a Greater God and even managed to become a Middle Greater. I was happy for her but I was sad 😥 because I was stuck in that position for so long. During my training I summoned multiple clones to train with my Wind, gravity ,lightning and Time divinity.

During my retreat I discovered that I was missing something it's like a book missing a page . I cultivated and realize that I could become an OverGod but the OverGod of what exactly.

I tough about this for a long time and I realized that I was enlightening and I saw my God head shaking and than it exploded , my spear , my divinities my martial arts, and my memories all vanished and exploded only leaving me in a meditation pose .

I sighted and smile because i saw three beings in front of me a man with an Axe that looked like a demon a woman wearing a beautiful crown holding a sun in her hand and a baldafrican god based on his outfit I could tell he was african and he had powerful presence i almost felt like bowing down but I saw something that made me exited.

I saw these beings touching a different throne each than I saw a throne that one that gave me a familiar feeling . I walked toward the throne I touched it and tried to sit on it but the man with the axe stopped me.

Young man only when you know what kind of OverGod you are can you sit on that throne.

By the way I'm Pangu the OverGod of Yin yang. Pangu

I'm Amaterasu the OverGod of the sun . Amaterasu

I'm Oloron the OverGod of heaven and sky. Olorom

You guys are actually legendary God's above Buddha and Zeus awesome.

Zeus and Buddha are great influences to the mortals but they are limited by their prided and ideals those they will never become OverGods .

I thought about what kind of OverGod I wanted to became and I decided to become the OverGod of Wisdom and Tribulation.

Welcome Uranus OverGod of Wisdom and Tribulation to the Throne room of the OverGods. Pangu