Chapter 27

Have you ever felt that you want to get killed? But then, you don't have that courage to kill yourself so you just make a wish that some magical truck comes and hits your school bus while you are travelling to school, and only you are the one who died in that? I think of that a lot.

Oh! And it's Kate Roberts, a guy whose life is never at peace, at least not after 'Prince Brandon Johnson' jumped into my life.

So, all these guys stood in front of me, one of them holding a knife in their hands and babbling shit! I was not listening to him, as currently, my body was preparing itself for the triple F function, which is 'FRIGHT, FLIGHT AND...Un.....I forgot-well, who cares, you guys are smarter so you get what I mean, right?

Then, finally, I jumped a little back, and said "I advise you don't mess with me. I know karate, kung fu, judo, jujitsu and 29 other dangerous words!!"

"Pff ha ha ha! You have a funny lad there, Reaper." the guy with the knife in his hand, said to brother Louise, who seemed completely calm at this situation as if it was routine for him.

"Kate," He finally said.

"What is it, brother Louise?" I said as I looked up at him.

"Do you know why I called you with me today?"

"....Un, no idea" I said.

"Well-" He said as he started walking "I wanna talk about something." He said as he passed through the other dangerous looking guys, completely ignoring them.

"W-What is it?" I said as I followed him, and finally started walking beside him.

"It's about Brandon and you." Louise said.

I was shocked. About Brandon??? Don't tell me he knows about us??!!!

"YOU JERK!!! HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!!!" The guy with the knife shouted, and attacked Louise with the knife. Louise just leaned his spine a little back and the guy missed him, landing inside the manhole ahead of us.

"WAH!!! IT'S DARK HERE!!! SOMEBODY HELP!!! BOYS!!!!" He shouted from the inside. The other three guys went towards the manhole.

I was shocked.

But Louise was calm and continued walking again.

"About you and Brandon, I know. Harry told me." Louise said.


"Yes, he does."

"F*CKING GOD!! JUST F*CKING KILL ME, JUST!!!-" I said as I pulled my hair.

"Do you like Brandon?" Louise said.

"HELL NO I DON'T!!!" I shouted.

"Then, you hate him?" Louise said.


"...I see" He said as he threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his foot "Then, if you hate him so much, why are you still allowing him to be near you?"

"I'm not allowing him-HE IS FORCING ME TO BE NEAR HIM!!!"

"So, you're fine if he's not around?" Louise said.


"WAIT A SECOND, YOU B*STARD!!! I'LL GIVE YOU A PIECE OF ME!!" The guy shouted as he ran towards Louise with a shovel in his hand.

"WHERE DID HE GET THAT FROM??!!!" Kate said.

"I found it inside the manhole. Get ready, you jerk!!" The guy shouted and all of them ran towards Louise.

"TAKE THIS!!!" They shouted.

"*Sigh* What a pain" Louise said. As he grabbed the shovel from one of the guys by his right hand and smashed it on the other guy's head. Then he kicked him in his stomach. He was fighting them, but it seemed completely one sided. And within 2 minutes, he was done beating up all of them without losing a drop of sweat.

"You're weak, practice harder." Louise said, then he turned towards me "If Brandon were here, he would do the same, cause he treasures you, but you are too into yourself to notice that."

"I-Into myself? You make it seem like I'm the bad guy here! I'm being violated!! I'm not gay!!" I shouted "HE IS TOTALLY FORCING ME INTO IT!!!"

"Do you hate it so much?" Louise said.

"YES!!" I said.

"So, you don't want him?" Louise said as he moved towards me.

"...I don't, who would want him?" I said.

"I do." Louise said.

I was shocked. Did my ears hear right? Or am I hearing things? Brother Louise.. is gay? I looked up at him and said "S-S-Stop joking, brother...ha ha ha ha...."

"I'm not joking though." He said, seriously.


"I've liked him for a long time now, but, I didn't want to tell him that because he was straight. And he dated girls. But, then Harry told me that he likes a guy, so naturally, that means he's not straight anymore, right?"

"B-But, he only likes me." I said.

"That's not a problem. Besides. . . even the strongest feelings expire when ignored or taken for granted." He said "So that's why, I'm sure he'll completely give you up someday, which is good for you too since you 'despise' him, don't you?" He said.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say next but I felt a sharp pain in my chest listening to his words. I felt the feelings which I had never felt, what was it? I didn't know.

Our hearts...are such strange creatures.

"He he he" One of the guys, who earlier had a knife and who seemed to be their boss, slowly got up "You must think that you've won, but that's just an illusion."

"What?" Louise said.

"We've even sent some of our boys to your house, let's see what the big brother does when his little brother shouts for help." He said and started laughing.

"Oh no! Brother Louise" I said as I looked at Louise. He was clam, but something was different, he was...smiling.

"Pff....ha ha ha ha" Louise finally broke into laughter. Looking at him, the other guy stopped laughing and said "W-What's so funny?!!"

"No, I just...feel so bad for you guys. I mean, how much can you fall for a stupid revenge?" Louise said.

"What?" The guy said.

"I'll pray for those guys who have gone to get my brother." Louise said.

"Why?" I said, you see, I was completely confused.

"Because, my brother has always stayed with me ever since he was born, and Brandon has stayed with me since childhood, so technically, they are my shadows. Or let me correct myself, both of them... are even better fighters than me." Louise said with a smile.

At the Louverne's...


"And that was the last one, wasn't it?" Brandon said as he sat down on the sofa.

"That's why I told my brother not to mess with weird people." Harry said as he dragged a guy by his collar on the floor, and threw him out of the house, where all the other guys were lying in a pile.

"I feel bad for them. Do you think I overdid it?" Brandon said.

"No, they deserve it." Harry said as he opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

"Thank god! I thought I overdid it cause I literally broke all the teeth of one guy and this mouth was full with blood and broken teeth." Brandon said with a smile.


"What? But I didn't mean to hurt them…" Brandon said with puppy eyes.

"WAH! STOP THAT!!! I'M WEAK TO THAT!!!" Harry said as he turned away and covered his eyes.

"But, where is Katty and Louisa? They're late. Should we go and find them?" Brandon said.

"They'll be back, don't worry too much about it." Harry said "Do you think we woke up Jaden?"

"I'm sure he's sleeping like a log." Brandon said with a smile.

"Oh, then that's good. Let's clean all this blood off of the floor." Harry said as he brought a mop and started sweeping.


The door opened and Louise and Kate entered inside the house.

"Oh! Welcome home, brother." Harry said.

"Harry, what about those guys thrown outside? It looks creepy." Louise said.

"Don't worry, they'll run away once they gain consciousness again." Harry said.

"I see, then let's sleep. It's quite late already." Louise said and moved towards his room.

"*Yawn* I'm going to sleep too" Harry said as he threw the mop aside after cleaning the floor.

"Katty, let's go." Brandon said with a smile as he leaned towards Kate.

"I...I'm going to take a bath." Kate said as he slowly pushed Brandon aside and moved towards the bathroom.

"But you just took a bath...Kate? What's wrong with him?" Brandon said as he tilted his head.

-To be continued