Chapter 43

"Why…. Did you date Brandon?" Louise said.

"....Isn't it obvious! I'm the queen and he is the prince. We are meant to be together." Anna said.

"Isn't a queen meant to be with a king?" Louise said.

"Yes, but our school doesn't have a king." Anna said.

"Who said that to you? Our school does have a king. He's a third year." Louise said.

"Huh? Who is he?" Anna said.





"Achoo!!!! *Sniff* Looks like I'm gonna catch a cold." MJ said to himself as he woke himself by a sneeze.

He looked down from the terrace to the ground and saw Kate sitting and eating bread with some juice.

"Ooh! Brandon's crush! Let's go visit this guy!" MJ said and jumped down to the terrace from the roof of the storeroom.

"*Chew* *Chew* Today's bread doesn't seem so good." Kate said to himself.

Then he just sat and stared at the bread "He's…coming back today..." He said, subconsciously.

"Right?" MJ said as he took a piece from Kate's bread and ate it.

"Hmm....The ham is stale. Wait- is it REALLY ham? I must find out!" MJ said.

"Un…Excuse me, do I know you?" Kate said.

"It's MJ. Here, now you know me." MJ said as took a sip from the juice.

"MJ as in...Mary Jane Watson from *piderman?" Kate said.

"*Laughs* No, Michelle Jibber from All I Want." MJ said as he took another piece of the bread.


"Suspicious? Me? I'm the cutest thing alive on the Earth." MJ said.

"....I never remember the standards of Earth being so low. Even Brandon Johnson looks better than you." Kate said.

MJ felt arrows hitting him as Kate said this "You seriously have a sharp tongue! No one has ever dared to say this to me, at least not on my face..." MJ said.

"Well then thank me, for I opened your eyes!" Kate said.

"K.O!!" MJ shouted in a shrill voice.

"What?" Kate said.

"Kate- No, KATTY, You're after Brandon right?" MJ said.

Kate choked on his juice and said "What? No, we're both guys!!"

'HE EVEN KNOWS MY NAME?!" Kate thought.

"Don't worry! I'm not prejudiced!" MJ said.

"I'm saying that there's nothing between us!!" Kate said.

"I never said that there's something between you. I just said that you are after Brandon's life because he dumped your sister." MJ said.

"Uh...well" Kate said.


"Did Harry tell you?" Kate said.

"That's an insult to me! I never ask anyone, I find it out!" MJ said.

"HOW??!!" KATE said.

"A magician and a spy must never tell their tricks to their audience." MJ said.

"Un....Please don't tell this to anyone." Kate said.

"What?" MJ said.

"I'll- I'll do anything!! ANYTHING!!" Kate said.

"...I just had a naughty idea~" MJ said with a smile.


"Why do you think it's so bad if everyone knows?" MJ said.

"It'll make my life difficult." Kate said.

"Isn't it difficult for you already? I mean you're shunned by your sister, scared of Louise, can't openly express your love for Brandon and then comes your sharp tongue to give a bad luck bonus." MJ said.

Kate felt arrows at him as MJ said this.

"You..." Kate said.

"I'm?…." MJ said with a smile.

"YOU'RE CREEPY AS F**K!!" Kate said.

"EEEEHHHH??!!!" MJ said "No, I thought you'd say I'm cool or-"

"What do you mean by cool? You're like some stalker!" Kate said.

"K.O. AGAIN!! NO JOE!! GET UP! YOU CAN'T FALL!! YOU HAVE TO FIGHT!!" MJ said to himself again.

"ARE YOU MAD?? STAY AWAY FROM ME!! MADNESS IS CONTAGIOUS!!" Kate shouted and ran away.

"Hey! You forgot your bread and juice" MJ said "Oh well…we shouldn't waste food so..."

MJ was about to take a huge bite of bread when the juice box fell down and he bent to pick it up.

Just then, a basketball landed on the wall behind him. MJ was picking up the juice box, so he was saved.

"Un...pass me the ball" Johnny Tedson said.

"That ball could have hit me if I were not a thug and an important part of the book." MJ said as he picked up the basketball.

"Whatever...It didn't hit you, right? Now give it back." Tedson said.

"This is not how you ask your senior for a favor, Johnny." MJ said.

"Please go f**k yourself and pass me the ball, senior jerk." Johnny said.

"....Johnny, I'm not a masochist. And f**k myself? That's....can you teach me how to f**k oneself? If I do that, I'll be promoted to a completely different level of self love." MJ said.

"Thanks." Johnny said as he took the basketball from MJ'S hand.

MJ grabbed his collar from behind and stopped him.

"Johnny," MJ said, seriously.

"What now?" Johnny said, with dead and uninterested eyes.

"Are you...

….Still suffering?" MJ said.

"What?" Johnny said.

"I mean...Did you fix your broken-"

"SHUT UP!! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO DO WITH IT??!!!" Johnny shouted as he blushed and pushed MJ away.

"I mean...I have my complete empathy." MJ said as he patted Johnny's shoulder.

"Then....can I please break yours too?" Johnny said.

"OMG! Not here, everyone's watching!!" MJ said as he cringed and saxophone music began playing in the background.

Johnny Tedson looked...disgusted.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Johnny said.


"Puking." Johnny said.

"Oh...have a nice time" MJ said and turned back. He bumped into Louise.

"Owe... MJ said as he rubbed his nose."

"What are you doing?" Louise said.

"Well, currently…rubbing my poor nose. Do something about that chitin exoskeleton of yours!" MJ said.

"I'm not an insect." Louise said.

"Here." MJ said as he passed Louise's lunch box to him.





"Now you're giving it to me?" Louise said as he trembled. . .

From anger. . .

Then, he looked- GLARED at MJ.

MJ flinched and said "I have a geography class now, I shall see thee later, Caesar!!"

He ran and Louise ran after him till they both entered the building and disappeared.


Brandon stood as his silver hair flowed in the wind and he held his wheel- bag, beside Jaden.

He removed his sunglasses and took a deep breath.

"After all...your home is your happiest place." Brandon said.

"That's true. I'll just go and check the taxi driver." Mrs. Phil said and walked away.

"Brandon?" Jaden said.

"I missed him so much and legends say that if you miss someone too much, they miss you back, right? I've never been this excited to see someone again!" Brandon said with a smile.

"Love is one amazing thing." He said.

-To be continued