Chapter 46

'I'm thankful to all those difficult people in my life, who have shown me exactly who I don't wanna be. F**king idiots!

But it's true that you can't survive in this world until you're selfish. This is what I've learnt from observing.

And that's why...

I prefer boys who are bad and strong.

I liked bad boys until...'

"Hey..." Louise said as he smoked a cigarette while he stood in Tres' garden.

'This jerk! Thanks to him my entire plan failed! After seeing that kiss, Harry didn't even talk to me!!

It's exactly what this jerk wanted! And I hate it when things go according to what others have planned!' Anna thought.

"Anna...Isn't that Louise Louverne? Wait- Is he here to beat us up cause you tried dating his brother?" Tres said.

"As if!" Anna said.

"I've heard bad rumours about him." Tres said.

"Which kind of rumours?" Anna said.

"That if his fist touches your body, you'll land in the hospital!" Tres said.

"IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??!!" Anna said.

"It is, very much." Louise said from behind Anna.

Anna turned quickly and shouted "How did you get in here??!! Weren't you inside the garden just now??!!"

"A door is a great invention, Ms. Smarty pants." Louise said.

"Stop calling me that, you drug addict!" Anna said.

"Anna? You're never like this in front of others!" Tres said.


Louise turned towards Tres and said "Can you get me a packet of cigarettes? I ran out of it."

"But why me?" Tres said.

"Can't you understand English?" Louise said as his purple eyes glowed.

"Un- O- Okay" Tres said as she took the money from Louise's hand and quietly walked away.

"So," Louise said as he turned towards Anna.

"WHAT? Is there something on my face?" Anna said.

"You still have your makeup on?" Louise said with a disgusted face.

"Well duh! I only wash it when I'm about to sleep." Anna said.

"Why do you hate your face so much?" Louise said.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!" Anna shouted and pushed Louise.

Louise almost fell for a second, then came back to his senses.

"Looks like it was more damaged than I thought it was." Louise said as he touched behind his head.

"Damage?" Anna said then she freaked out "KYAAA! Blood!! There's blood on your hand!!"

"Eh? Oh....As I thought..." Louise said as he looked at his blood covered hand.

"Hey, check my hair from behind." Louise said.

"Why?" Anna said "You're still thinking about your hair?! Stupid!"

"Hearing an idiot calling me stupid really pisses me off." Louise said.


"You're so immature...How old are you?" Louise said and looked outside the window.

"Can you shut-"

"Careful!!" Louise said as he jumped on Anna. A stone crashed through the window and landed on the floor. Louise covered Anna.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!!" Anna shouted.

"Tsk! F**k!" Louise said.

"DAMN IT!! I MISSED!!" Someone shouted from outside.

"What are you-"


Drops of blood fell from Louise's head on Anna's face. Anna looked shocked as she stared at Louise.

Louise got up and took out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

"L- Louise- you're hurt-" Anna said.

"Hello? MJ? I was..…you know? Makes it easier! Can you find out who that f**ker was?....yeah! I'll make sure I send him to the hospital. ...right then" Louise said and kept his phone back inside his pocket.

He looked at Anna and said "I'm leaving...See ya"


"This is normal for me." Louise said.

"Of course it is! But it is not normal for normal people.

If you go out on streets like this, you'll definitely be arrested for looking like a fashion insult!" Anna said.

"....What?" Louise said, completely shocked by Anna's IQ level.

"What I mean is, take a bath and be fresh. Wipe off this disgusting fluid off of your face." Anna said.

"It's called blood. Value it a little." Louise said.

"Shut up!!" Anna said as she grabbed Louise's hand, "Come with me to the bathroom."

She sat inside the bathroom and poured water on Louise's head.

"Ssssss!! Agh!" Louise said.

"See? I knew it would hurt." Anna said.

"No that's not it." Louise said.

"Then what is it?" Anna said.

"THIS WATER IS BOILING!! DO YOU WANT TO BURN MY FACE?!" Louise said as he grabbed her hand.

"...That would be bad.…Your face is the only good thing about you." Anna said.

"I don't wanna hear that from YOU." Louise said.

"SHUT UP! DON'T TALK BACK TO ME! ONLY KATE HAS THAT RIGHT!" Anna said and poured the entire bucket of hot water on Louise until his clothes were completely drenched.

He grabbed the bucket, filled cold water in it and threw it on Anna.


"How can you freeze to death? Your heart is already frozen but're still alive" Louise said.

"SHUT UP!! UGH...." Anna said as she looked at her shirt.

Then she started unbuttoning her shirt.

"....What are you doing?" Louise said.

"This shirt is cold and wet so I'm removing it." Anna said.

"Do you realize that a guy is sitting just in front of you?" Louise said.

"So? I usually change in front of Kate and he doesn't seem to mind it." Anna said while she was done unbuttoning her shirt.

"That's different…you're siblings" Louise said as he averted his eyes and looked at the wall.

"Eh?.... Do you want me to fall sick?" Anna said as she sat in front of him in her brasserie.

'SHE'S AN IDIOT, ALRIGHT!' Louise thought as he continued looking at the wall.

"How many guys have seen you like this?" Louise said.

"It's...Kate, Brandon and you." Anna said.

"...You know....girls aren't supposed to show their skin so easily." Louise said.

"I don't mind it. What? Are you embarrassed to see me like this?" Anna said as a wide grin covered her face.

"....So, you're saying you aren't embarrassed?" Louise said.

"Of course I'm not" Anna said.

"Then..." Louise said and finally stared into Anna's blue eyes "...You won't mind....

...if you remove everything"

-To be continued

Fun facts!

Louise was first a victim of bullying.

He used to get home with bruises and wounds on his body everyday.

But, when he finally noticed how much Harry admires him.... something inside him...

Caught fire...

To become an ideal big brother

Louise stood up against the bullies

And decided to form a club that rehabilitates bullies by any means required.