Chapter 65

"Harry....what are we doing?" Kate said as Jaden, Harry and Kate climbed the roof of the storeroom on the terrace.

"Brandon and I used to do this all the time whenever either of us was depressed. I hope it'll be helpful to you too." Harry said to Jaden.

"Hey Harry!" Brandon shouted from below. He had a guitar in his hand.

"Hold it while I climb up." Brandon said as he passed the guitar to Harry.

Harry took the guitar while he climbed up the ladder.

He took the guitar and gave a death stare to Jaden.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm just doing it because of Harry." Brandon said as he sat in front of Jaden.

"Alright, Jaden, you sit down too." Harry said.

All four of them sat while making a small circle.

"Pluck it, Brandon." Harry said with a smile.

"But what are we doing? Singing?" Kate said.

"A little more than that." Harry said.

Brandon started playing a random chord. Harry caught the scale and started singing in his powerful and happy voice.

"I don't understand

Boy why you're cryin'?

She pretended that she loved you

Just accept it and stop lying

So boy tell me

What was she like

To make you cry

For days and nights

Was she so pretty? Maybe an angel?

But alas! Maybe she was into girls."

"What?" Kate said.

"Yeah Yeah! Girls are so tricky!

They look so innocent but are actually sleekly.

You chased her

Even in your dreams!

Why don't you understand

She was the filtrate not the cream."

"Oh yeah!" Kate said with a smile. Brandon still looked emotionless while plumbing the guitar.

"So what did she want?" Harry said in a rapid style.

"Money." Kate growled.

"So what did she want?"


"So what did she want?"

"Oh I know! A jerk…to f**k her." Kate said.

Harry continued...

"So tell me, do you still wanna date her?

Tell me, do you love her or you hate her?

Tell me, did she ever mess up with her makeup?

Tell me, didn't she show you down and blate up?

Tell me, wasn't she such a heart breaker?

She was not a giver just a taker

She was such a plastic faker

So tell me, weren't you meant to break up? Kate!"

Now Kate switched to the vocals in his sweet and breathy voice.

"So be honest, she made you cry

And be honest, did she fake her smile?

And be honest, was she into other guys...

And if it's true, don't worry, we've prepared her demise for you~"

"Yeah!" Harry said.

Kate continued with a smile

"Oh~ I bet her jokes were lame

I bet her perfume was insane

For her dating was...just a game~ Oh no!

Oh no! She'd flirt with other guys?

Oh no! And she she'd treat you like trash!

Oh no! Boy are you mad or are you blind?

Oh no! She was only after your cash! Harry!"

Harry switched to the vocals.

"But I'm glad, to be next to you, to change our destiny

And remember when we are here

The distance disappears

Cause we'll love you

Forever and always

And if you need us

All you need is a gaze"

Suddenly, BRANDON switched to vocals with his deep voice.

"Someday someone will give you a galaxy

While you just asked for a star

Baby you are a part of me

And I'd love to kill you every hour

Ha ha, but remember, you are who you are

It doesn't matter who stays with you.

If she left you! Then that's her mistake

She wasn't a chapter, but a single page.

I know it hurts

I know you still care

But I want you to know

That I'm still there~"

Then Kate joined in with the backing vocals while Brandon continued singing and plying the guitar.

There's someone out there (oh yeah), who loves you just the way you are.

Not for the money or popularity or the fancy clothes and cars.

That's someone! Worth keeping!

Well there's someone, no kidding!

And that day you'll realize"

"With tears your eyes" Kate sang.

"That just your love will suffice" Harry sang.

"For you she will die" Brandon sang.

"For you she will live"

"She doesn't want money or gifts"

"But if fate permits"

"Then all that she wants"

"Is one little kiss"

"On her red flustered cheeks"

"Are you seriously crying?"

"Over a swap that is dying"

"Oh I wish that I could"

"Give one little advice"

"That everything...."

They all sang together-

"happens for good"

"Oh~ I'm here." Brandon sang and restrained his voice in a low pitch.

"I'm here." Kate sang an octave higher along with Brandon.

"I'm here~" Harry took a high note with his powerful voice.

All three of them produced a harmony...

"Oh~Oh~ We love

You and all your imperfections

We love

All your advices and suggestions

We love

We love it when you smile

So come on!

For one girl don't waste your life

"Oooohhhhh Your Life~" Harry totally slayed it with a closing high note with a vibrio.

"Your life~" All three of them sang softly.

Then, they did a group hug.

"Are you guys professionals?" Jaden said as tears rolled down his eyes while he smiled from ear to ear.

"Well.... anything for a bro." Harry said.

"I must have done something awesome as God has gifted me with such amazing friends." Jaden said.

"Yeah! And you still need a girlfriend?" Kate said.

"I think....I've got everything...I just didn't realise it.…as per girlfriend...that can wait." Jaden said.

"OMG! JADEN! COME HERE MY PAL, LET'S DIE SINGLE." Harry said as he hugged Jaden.

"Oh~ A dirty thought just crossed my mind." Brandon said with a grin.


"Oh? So some thought crossed your mind? Must be a lonely journey." Kate said.

"Ha ha" Brandon laughed as he got up.

"I hope I never cross your mind." Kate said as he got up too.

Brandon smiled and said "You don't cross my live in it."

"YOU ASS!!!" Kate shouted as both of them got down.

"Now I understand why gay people are always so happy." Jaden said.

"What?" Harry said.

"I mean...there aren't these women troubles." Jaden said.

"....I'm sure there are many disadvantages to that too..."



"Gay love...." Jaden said to himself.

-To be continued