A man who wore a robe stood near the window, deep in thought, staring at the small buildings built above the ground.

The night is deep and gloomy, but the lights from the busy city and cars brighten the streets. They were like stars that had fallen off the ground.

His golden-yellow eyes glimmered brightly, but his thoughts were not. He had been in his office for hours, surrounded by darkness that matched the nature and color of his heart.

He sighed, brushing his slick black hair, styled in a perfectly messy way that made humans and other supernatural beings drool over him, willing to die in his bed to be under him.

This man owns the most famous building in the world, making him the most renowned businessman. He inherited the CEO position following his father's death. However, despite his success, he is known for his ruthless nature, with hands stained by the blood of those he has mercilessly killed.

The man was none other than Hei Bao, leader of the Wolf Pact, a leader who, like all cold-blooded rulers, prioritized his people and his selfishness.

The only difference was that he hated humans and could never tolerate mating with any of them. In his eyes, humans were the most fragile beings, unfit to live in the world he inhabited.

"Humans, they're..."

He trailed off, interrupted by the sudden sound of the door clicking open behind him. He heard it but did not turn or glance as if he knew who had intruded.

A cold pair of hands suddenly wrapped around his waist. Besides vampires, no other creature exists, like a walking corpse with a cold body.

"It's dark. Why don't you turn on the lights?" the woman said, using her passionately sweet voice, the one she used to lure prey.

He met her at the club last night while he was out for a drink with his friend, Cheung Qi. At that time, Hei Bao was in a bad mood, and this girl just appeared in front of him, seducing him.

They did it in the bathroom, but Hei Bao and the girl wanted more. He planned to continue at a hotel, but she insisted on visiting his house.

Hei Bao, who had mastered social etiquette for one hundred years, rejected her request and instead brought her to his office, where they continued until dawn.

"Why aren't you saying anything? I'm sad because when I woke up, you weren't there by my side," she said in a flirty voice, tightening her grip on Hei Bao's waist.

The girl named Fei Nian pressed her face and body into his back, causing him to narrow his eyebrows slightly in irritation. Her behavior behind him made it clear that she was naked. It seemed she didn't have enough fun the previous night.

Unfortunately, he would only sleep with each person he bedded once, and Fei Nian was no exception.

To Hei Bao, Fei Nian was just like those women who sell their bodies for money or fame—those who sleep around with every wealthy person they meet, even if he is old and bald. As long as they conceal their true intentions, nothing will go wrong.

Hei Bao gently freed his waist from her hand and turned to face her. He leaned in, their breaths mingling and their lips nearly touching, making Fei Nian's heart race intensely, and a shy smile appeared.

Desperate, she moved in for a kiss, but Hei Bao, sensing her urgency, shifted to her ear and whispered in a cold, dangerous tone, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you smell spoiled?" A smirked curled on his lips.

"What?" Fei Nian's smile faltered at his unexpected comment, and she stiffened. Her already pale skin grew even paler.

"We were fine just a moment ago. Did I do something to upset you?" Her face showed confusion.

She knew what the answer might be but struggled to accept it. Deep down, she knew this man would never be interested in her again.

She was merely trying her luck, hoping he would want to meet her again. She even deliberately walked around naked, thinking it might make him worried. However, Fei Nian did not anticipate that things would turn out this way.

Hei Bao straightened his posture and turned back to face the window.

"History says that vampires and wolves should never become involved with each other. Even the weakest humans understand this. How is it that you don't?" His words made Fei Nian feel embarrassed and insulted, but she could only remain silent. After all, this man was one of the strongest around.

"Or are you hoping to gain something by sticking to me like a leech?" he continued, facing her again with a mischievous smirk, which irritated Fei Nian.

She gritted her teeth in frustration, raised her hand, and secretly cast the mind control spell on him. However, Hei Bao seemed to anticipate her move. He quickly dodged, caught her hand, and then shifted their positions, pinning her against the window.

Her eyes widened in shock, her breath catching in her throat, causing Hei Bao to chuckle softly. He reached behind his back and lifted his other arm, revealing a gleaming knife reflected in the window.

Fei Nian saw this, and quickly, terror raced down her spine. Her heart pounded violently, draining the color from her face.

The sight of the weapon sent a shiver through her. Though it appeared to be an ordinary knife, she knew its deadly potential too well. She could tell. The different smells of blood tainted on it screamed for her to run.

"You're bold," Hei Bao taunted, his voice laced with dark amusement.

"I used to admire that behavior, but after all this time, I've grown weary of it. And so has my Rui," he said, naming the knife in his left hand.

Fei Nian tried to respond, but Hei Bao's cold, unyielding gaze silenced her.

Before she could react further, the blade descended with brutal precision, driving into her chest, right where her heart beat its final, frantic rhythm.

Her mouth let out a soft sigh before her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Hei Bao's smirk widened for the fifth time, a cruel satisfaction evident in his expression.

He yanked Rui out and released Fei Nian's body, which slid down the window and thudded softly against the floor.

Hei Bao stared at his bloodied hands with a grimace of revulsion, his eyes reflecting a deep, unsettling disgust.

He detested the smell of vampires, but their blood was even worse. The stench was unbearable, making his skin crawl. Blood was splattered everywhere, including on his robe, causing him to grimace in disgust.

With mounting urgency, he walked over to the couch, where his phone lay. Frustration simmering, he turned it on and navigated to his contacts with a swift, irritated swipe.

His fingers trembled a little as he searched for his friend Cheung Qi—not from fear but from the anger caused by the blood on his hands. Once he found the name, he dialed the number impatiently.

The phone rang several times before it got answered. He let out a deep, weary breath, steeling himself for the conversation ahead.

"Come to my office. I need your help with something."

An hour later, Cheung Qi arrived. He parked his black Nissan in the garage, checked himself in the mirror, and fixed his slightly messy light-brown hair before entering the building.

He walked to the reception area and saw a woman talking to her coworker. As soon as she noticed him, her face flushed crimson red up to her neck.

Cheung Qi couldn't help but chuckle. Who would have thought? Last night, after Hei Bao left with the girl named Fei Nian, Cheung Qi had happened to run into her.

At first, he thought he was imagining things, but a closer look made it clear he wasn't.

Cheung Qi was infamous for his playboy ways, though he was always romantically inclined.

He approached and saw 'Chu Yan' on her name tag.

Chu Yan? Now, that's intriguing.

That evening, he asked for her name, and she replied, Yan. They often met in the reception area. Who could have predicted this twist?

Chu Yan gathered her composure and looked up with a shy, hesitant smile.

"How can I help you?" she asked politely, her eyes avoiding his.

"Your supervisor contacted me an hour ago. Could you please inquire whether I am permitted to go up there? I prefer to avoid any situation that might be inappropriate," Cheung Qi said, his smile radiant and composed.

Upon hearing his voice, Chu Yan's face flushed deeply, her heart racing. Despite feeling those overwhelming emotions, she still replied, 'Yes,' her voice trembling slightly, and promptly made her way to the telephone.

In her nervousness, she inadvertently knocked over several items, including the pen case.

Her cheeks burned as she clumsily apologized, her voice barely audible. Cheung Qi, watching her, found her flustered state endearing.

He chuckled softly.

"It's okay," he said, his tone warm and reassuring, eyes twinkling with amusement.

Despite her awkwardness, Cheung Qi's affection for her grew. He watched her as she spoke on the phone, his mind drifting back to their intense, passionate moments from the previous night.

The memory of her urgent pleas for him to either slow down or go faster made his pulse quicken. Her moans had been like a symphony to him, a melody he longed to hear again.

He got jolted back to the present only when Chu Yan finally hung up the phone. Her gaze met his, a blend of apprehension and determination, as she prepared to attend to him.

To be continued.