Exam 1

Compared to the relaxed atmosphere in Class 4, the atmosphere in Class 1 was very depressing.

Liang Hua stood on the podium with a gloomy face, "Our Class 1 is the best class in the third year of high school. In this exam, we will test out your best standards. Our class must occupy all the top 10 positions. The first place in each subject must be in our class. Those who are not in the top 30, don't blame me for being merciless."

Liang Hua's teaching standards were not very high, but because she had always led the best class. The top three places belonged to her class. Every year, Liang Hua would receive the title of an excellent teacher and a large sum of money.

She was a person who cared about her face. She would not allow other students from other classes to get into the top ten.

If the exam results were bad, Liang Hua's attitude would be very bad.

All the students in Class 1 lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.