Qin Sheng Is the First

Liang Hua did not feel good. The class teachers of Class 2 and Class 3 were also very regretful.

Qin Sheng did not cheat. In this extremely difficult exam, she scored 736 points and even surpassed Su Yixiu.

They really sent a top student to Class 4.

They wished they could go back to the day Qin Sheng first entered the school. They wanted to snatch Qin Sheng into their own class.

This was not a problem for top students. It was also a problem for their bonuses and outstanding teachers.

Just Su Yixiu alone was enough to make Liang Hua extremely happy. If Qin Sheng was here, they would be able to stand up straight.

However, there was no medicine for regret.

No matter how much they regretted it, they could not let Qin Sheng come to Class 2 and 3.

Qin Sheng returned to Class 4, and the eyes of the people from Class 4 all fell on Qin Sheng.