Chapter 179: The Cuckold Project (3)

Song Chen almost raised three fingers and swore to the heavens that he would only love Gu Manxi for the rest of his life.

It took him a lot of effort to coax his daughter, and only then did Song Chen finally relax. He was no longer the Song Chen from five or six years ago. In the years that he lost Gu Manxi, he constantly reflected on himself and came to a profound conclusion:

He did not give Manxi a sense of security. 

This was the biggest reason why Gu Manxi left him.

He always had a bunch of women and men by his side. He also had a fiancée who had an ambiguous relationship with him. What he did back then was inhuman. Gu Manxi was always on tenterhooks when she stayed by his side.

If he wanted to win back Gu Manxi's heart, he had to give her the greatest sense of security. Song Chen thought about it, planning to discuss with Cheng Qingyun to break off the engagement between the two of them.