Chapter 243: Kindergarten (2)

This meant that the seemingly ordinary kindergarten had an absolutely powerful backer behind it. Opening a kindergarten was probably just a cover. There might be some shocking deals hidden within...

Gu Chu touched her chin and curled the corner of her mouth.

In the original novel, Gu Chu starved to death in this kindergarten. Now, this kindergarten was bullying her little deskmate. She had to think of a way to uncover the ugly side of this lousy kindergarten and find out the big bosses behind it...


After Gu Chu finished collecting information on the computer, she had a preliminary understanding of the kindergarten. She stretched, closed the computer, and prepared to go downstairs for a walk.

Downstairs in the living room, the hungover Lin Xiaozhou had already sobered up. He yawned and sat on the sofa, holding half an iced watermelon and eating while watching TV. When he saw Gu Chu, Lin Xiaozhou waved, "Chuchu, come down and eat some watermelon."