Villains Were Usually Killed by Themselves

Lee Guilan stood up immediately and asked in disbelief, "What did you say? What happened to Bainian? Why did he disappear?"

The person who came was none other than Bai Wenjing's elder sister-in-law, Xie Zhaodi. Bai Wenjing did not know much about Xie Zhaodi. She only knew that Xie Zhaodi lived close to Lee Guilan and was an honest and hardworking woman.

At this moment, when she heard that Xie Zhaodi said that Bainian had disappeared, her heart also hung in the air.

Xie Zhaodi, who was being questioned by Lee Guilan, wiped her tears and said, "It has been a while since lunch, so I let Chunsheng play by himself. I saw him and Bainian together earlier. In the blink of an eye, Chunsheng and Bainian disappeared. I searched the entire village but could not find them. I was wondering if they were at Wenjing's place. How would I know... mother, recently, there have been a lot of lost children in the village. could our Chunsheng and Bainian..."

When Lee Guilan heard this, she sat on the ground and started to wail, "My good grandson!

"God damn it, you are a good-for-nothing piece of trash. You have lost both of your children. How useless can you be?

"If my good grandson loses even a hair, I will beat you to death, you useless thing!"

When Zhaodi heard this, she also started to wail. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's voices were louder than each other's. Bai Wenjing felt extremely frustrated listening to this, she could not help but shout, "What are you howling for? Just leave the two of you here and howl with all your might. Will the child be able to howl back? Quickly go and inform the people and get the villagers to help look for it, especially the wells, ponds, and dams with deeper water. Quickly go!"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were stunned at first, but they also understood that this youngest daughter-in-law had always had the most ideas. When she heard this, she immediately stood up and ran out.

Bai Wenjing inserted the door and ran into the wild. Xue Bainian had gone out with Xue Xiaohua. If Xue Bainian had been kidnapped by human traffickers, then what about Xue Xiaohua?

If he had not been kidnapped, as long as they found Xue Xiaohua, then the brothers would definitely be able to find her.

In the end, Bai Wenjing found Xue Xiaohua in the threshing ground. She had only dug a few wild vegetables in the basket, but she had picked quite a number of wild flowers. Then, she looked at the person in the middle of the threshing ground who was reaching out to pull the hair of another little girl. Who else could it be?

At this moment, Xue Xiaohua was tugging the little bun on the little girl's head with one hand, and her other hand had scratched a few people's faces. The little girl's clean new hemp dress was already dirty, and there were a few parts that had been torn. At this moment, she was crying silently, the experienced Xue Xiaohua clearly had the advantage.

Seeing this scene, Bai Wenjing could not care too much. She stepped forward and separated the two of them. She said sternly, "Xue Xiaohua, what are you doing?"

Xue Xiaohua was still fuming with anger. She only rolled her eyes at Bai Wenjing in front of her. She felt that her mother was really too nosy now.

Bai Wenjing patted the dust off the other girl's body and asked, "Tell aunt, what's going on? Did my Xiaohua bully you?"

The little girl shook her head. She looked extremely aggrieved, but she did not dare to say a word.

Her companion who was standing at the side immediately said, "Xue Xiaohua wore a flower on her head and wanted us to praise her for looking good. She did not respond, so she beat her up."

"Your Xiaohua even beat us up, ugly freak..."

When Xue Xiaohua heard that, she immediately rushed up and shouted, "You guys are the ugly freaks!"

The few kids who were originally joining in the fun immediately scattered. Bai Wenjing thought that she was here to ask about Bainian and Chunsheng's whereabouts. She quickly shouted, "Hey, don't run. Has anyone seen Chunsheng and Bainian?"

However, those children had already run far away.

Big Ni was still standing there crying. Xue Xiaohua would not change her ways no matter what. Bai Wenjing could only put the matter aside and ask, "I'll settle the score with you later. Let me ask you, where is Bainian?"

"I don't know."

Xue Xiaohua tilted her head and stretched out her neck as she said coldly. Her mother had actually become like this now. Not only did she not defend her, she even said that she wanted to settle the score with her.

As for the loss of the youngest, it would be better. If she lost, no one would randomly take her beautiful hair rope, and no one would complain behind her back!

Bai Wenjing felt that she would be angered to death by these children sooner or later. Her instincts told her that Xue Xiaohua must know the whereabouts of Xue Bainian, therefore, she asked patiently, "Bainian and Chunsheng are missing. Your aunt is worried to death, and your grandmother is also worried. She is afraid that the two little ones will be kidnapped by the human traffickers. If you know where they are, quickly tell your mother."

"I think it's most likely that they were kidnapped. The youngest is so greedy. He just left with a string of ice-sugar-coated haws. Serves him right."

Xue Xiaohua was full of schadenfreude when she said that. Bai Wenjing forcefully suppressed the urge to give her a slap.

"Xiaohua, you mean that Bainian left with someone who gave him ice-sugar-coated haws, right?"

Big Ni stopped crying at this moment and said, "Bainian and Chunsheng both left with his uncle. His uncle came to see him and brought the ice-sugar gourd."

It seemed that Big Ni was an insider. Bai Wenjing squatted down and asked, "Which direction did they go? How did you know that he was Bainian's uncle? What did that person look like?"

The big girl seemed to be frightened by her appearance. She shook her head as she stepped back.

Xue Xiaohua said coldly, "He looked like that. He was neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin. Bainian was also a fool. He ran after her when she shouted. He couldn't even be stopped..."

Xue Xiaohua stared at her mother in horror. She seemed to have said something wrong. Otherwise, why would her mother look at her with such a scary look?

"Xue Xiaohua, you mean that when your brother was kidnapped by the bad guys, you just stood by the side and watched, right?"

Bai Wenjing really could not control herself anymore. She looked coldly at Xue Xiaohua. She did not understand how this girl could be so cold and heartless at such a young age. No wonder she became one of the big villains in the end and ended up dying a horrible death.

Xue Xiaohua retreated step by step. She felt that her mother was extremely terrifying. Finally, she could not help but open her mouth and start crying, as she cried, she said, "I don't know either. I was also afraid. I said that I would not let Bainian follow him, but he ran happily. I chased after him before and was even kicked by that person. I was afraid that you would hit me if he lost me, so I could only hide. I don't know if he was really kidnapped... mother, mother, will Bainian be killed?"

Bai Wenjing felt her mind go blank. What else could she expect when she met such a pig-like daughter?

She did not know how to tell the adults about the loss of her biological brother. So instead, she hid because she was afraid and even forgot about it in the end. Not only did she play with her friends, but she even got into a fight.

Other than Xue Xiaohua, she really could not find another girl as weird as her.

However, looking at Xue Xiaohua's sad look, her big eyes were full of tears. She raised her hand and slowly put it down. In the end, she still could not do it. She could only close her eyes and ask quietly, "When was the youngest taken away?"