Chapter 47 - Tired

Kathy's Pov

"I've been calling you non-stop, Kathy." Jack said, walking left and right looking disappointed at me. "And I feel like I'm scolding a child instead of an Adult, do you have any idea how stupid this is, Kathy? Scolding you for being late?"

A part of me wants to laugh but I choose not to. I looked at Jack and gave him an apologetic smile but he just have me a steaming glare.

"I waited outside without my driver and my secretary." Jack said and I can almost see the steam coming out of his nose, "And I stood there waiting and calling you. People were looking and asking me what was wrong because I was pissed, Kathy and where were you again?"

"To the Arcade." I whispered. "But David doesn't have to do anything with it, he just wants to have fun like me. I pitied the man he's still young, let him enjoy his life too. He's too committed with his work and to his father that he misses his teen life." I said, "And so do you, I hope you know that."