Chapter 57 - The dress

Kathy's Pov


"Why can't I wear this Jack?" I said whole pointing the dress.

"I don't like you wearing it." He simply said, "I'm not gonna buy you that." He said and looked around the other section of clothes.

I looked at the clothes he's looking but I don't really like none of them. They were all a sore to my eyes.

If only I have my own money, I could buy the things that I wan without other people's approval. I can wear whatever I want but too bad, I don't have my own income and I can't say no to his offers since he's the one giving them to me.

"What about this one?" He said and showed me an elegant dress. "This will suit you very much."

I gave him a smile and grab the dress that I hate and wore it to the dressing room. I look at myself on the mirror and I freaking hate it. I love the dress it was beautiful but I just don't seem to like it on me. This isn't my style nor this what I am.