Chapter 66 - First Kiss

Kathy's Pov


Jack didn't believe me at first that my Dad throw a fist full of coins on my eye that it lead to a bruise, he was very hesitant at first but he finally believe me.

"Have you ever thought of leaving them?" Jack said as he sat down on the bench, still looking at my eyes. "Does it hurt?"

"I want to leave, I want to leave out of the house a thousand times." I said and sat next to him, "But I don't wanna leave my little brother alone, he doesn't deserve to live there." I pointed my statement, "What if when I'm gone and Dustine will be left there and they will treat him like shit? And what if Dustine will get the bruises instead of me? I can't... I just, don't want that to happened to him. Dustine is too precious to me, he deserves all the right love of the world."