Kathy's Pov
"What the hell happened?!"
Yes, that was the four words came out of Alice's mouth as soon as she me limping my way inside the campus. I can't blame her though, I was just only attending a party and who would thought that a party would make me look like this.
"Are you going to tell what the hell happened to the party or are you just going to give me that sympathetic smile of yours?" Alice said and put a hand on her hips. "You better not tell me that something bad happened at the party and—"
"Yeah, something bad happened at the party." I cut her off and went towards her and lock our arms together.
"Was it Jack's fault?"
"Well no. It was mine." I said and Alice gave me doubtful look. "Yeah it was my fault. Remember what I told you about Jack's supposed to be fiance?"
"What was her name again?" She raised an eyebrow.