Chapter 126 - Why do you care?

Kathy's Pov


"How did you and Mr. Summers meet again?" Jack asked as he drove me around town.

Mr. Summers ask us to buy some things for the bakery. I had the whole list on my grocery bag. I started using cloth bags than plastics because it better for the environment, paper bags are recyclable but I believe cutting trees won't help the environment as well.

Wow. I should be an environmentalist.

"Like I said before, I was looking for a job and a place to stay. I wanted to earn money since the money I only have is enough for the my tuition through the whole 4 years of my college. I promise myself not to touch it not unless it is school related." I said and scanned the list one more time.

"But what if something happened? Like... accidents or something? Do you have enough savings?" He asked.