Chapter 134 - Can't Stop

Kathy's Pov


Days passed, Mr. Summers was concerned of me everyday because Jack was getting hard of me everyday as well. I don't want to blame Jack at all but what can I do to help him? Letting his anger out is all I know. I have nothing on me so I don't wanna be a burden to him anymore.

I have search a few things online on how to deal with problems when you are in a relationship. I even posted and ask a few people, of course I was hiding my identity and then they kept on saying that it's better to break up or have some space. Of course, I don't know what space means but according to my research, space is like having a mentality rest for relationship that is dealing with lots of fights that is literally destroying your relationship and mental health so "space" is needed. It won't just help the relationship but it will also help you. Space is not the same as breaking up though.