Chapter 148 - Stay Healthy

Kathy's Pov


I just sat there on my bed waiting for Alice to come out of the bathroom. I don't know if she'll be angry to me or shout at me for being reckless, my heart was pounding and I don't know what to do.

The bathroom door creak open and Alice held the pregnancy test on her hand. "What is it?" I didn't say a word, I just gave her an apologetic look. "I'm not mad, I'm not disappointed either but Kathy, what about college? Does that mean you have to stop? And you just got the test and passed, does the faculty knows about this?"

I shook my head, "You are the only person who knows about it." I sigh and cover my eyes, I lay back on my bed groaning. "I don't know what to do anymore, Alice."

"Does Jack know?" She asked and I shook my head again, "What? What do you mean he doesn't know? You will tell him right? Where is he by the way? I haven't seen him since Mr. Summers got out of the hospital, what's wrong with that man!"