Chapter 151 - Banned

Kathy's Pov


The whole dinner turns out to be horrible, we three end up crying our eyes out. Mr. Summers have been soothing me and telling me that Jack is not Worth every tears, I tried to stop crying because Mr. Summers was right, Jack does not have any worth of my tears but I can't help it. The image of seeing Jack having sex with someone who I hate and whom I know that Jack hated too was just too much for me, just imagining them having a fun night while I was in my bed looking at my screen like a dork waiting for his text or call, it made me feel like an idiot. I hate every single minute and hour I spend every night thinking of him, I hate it very much.

The image of them together in bed just makes me feel so angry and hurt that I just want to punch his face until he bleeds, until he never wakes up or until he never breath.