Chapter 153 - Problem

Kathy's Pov


Days have turn into months and I've never heard of Jack ever since I let him leave the bakery. I'm three months pregnant by the way and it's not just getting into school and continue your day, it's about trying to focus in class without feeling sleepy. I've been trying to hard for the past month but every afternoon, I just feel sleepy and my head hurts just by looking at the teacher in front of me.

Though the pregnancy was a little distraction to me with my studies, I still manage to have high grades. As for Alice, she's been doing great, she visit me in class too when she had vacant time, She'll come and look if I'm okay because there was this one tine I almost past out in class because of dehydration. I always forgot to drink my water especially that I'm pregnant, I need more water and a very relaxing area.