Chapter 157 - OB appointment

Kathy's Pov


My heart was in fire as I read the papers in my hand. I can't believe that Mr. Summers would want me to his legal daughter so that I can own the land and the bakery. He wants me to inherit the place.

"If taking this place too much for you and changing your name whatsoever makes you uncomfortable, you don't need to change it." Mr. Summers said, I tore my gaze off the paper and look him, "I know, it's a big responsibility and I understand that you won't be able to take good care of the place after you graduate and take care of your baby so if you don't want to be my legal daughter, I have another paper here..." He walks back to his shelf and hand me another file. "This is the paper of the house an land you are the owner of it now, cause when I'm gone you'll have this house. You can renovate it if you like. I just had the other paper in case you won't agree on wanting to be my daughter by paper so, I have two plans."