Lirian woke up in the embrace of empress Taliyah's maid servant, it had been three weeks since his arrival.

The life of the emperor and empress was busy, and it would still be another week before their departure. To make matters more complicated on the homeworld of Clovis no one below the fifth grade of cultivation was allowed on the world without special permission, and children were not allowed to be born on this world.

The rules were rather strange but Lirian had a few suspicions on it, and he had to admit that this civilization left him impressed with its progress.

In particular, was the fact that it still existed, by all means, a world developed to this degree should have long since ascended to the immortal realm but yet this world was still anchored to the mortal realm, it was proof that this civilisation had great attainments in the study of the universe's rules.

He could feel his body being rocked back and forth, it was very excessive, and he could tell that this maidservant was doing it on purpose to wake him up.

Sure, enough the moment he opened his eyes he was greeted by a bright smile from the maid, "Oh lookey over here, our pretty young master is awake," she said with a grin that Lirian had come to know all too well over the past few weeks.

If there was one thing he learned about this raven-haired maid called Anya it was that she was without a doubt what one would call a pedophile, he hadn't ever seen a person in all his years that would be ecstatic to clean after they peed or pooped themselves, but this lady would always have a grin as bright as the sun when she changed him.

"Young master it's time to give you a bath and change your clothes.", Lirian could swear that he saw her eyes glow as she spoke and before long his small body was bare and held tightly in her bosom.

When they entered the bathing room a huge bath the size of a small pool was prepared and hot steam filled the air, the smell of bath salts and perfume permeated the air, and as little droplets of water condensed and trickled down the walls Anya expertly removed her clothing leaving only her linens on while still holding Lirian.

She entered the water and released a happy sigh as the hot water touched her skin, and she slowly put Lirian in the water. He hummed happily as he soaked in the water, luxury like this was truly amazing.

He closed his eyes and drifted off as Anya gently washed his body while panting like a beast, Lirian was truly scared for the day that his hormones started to work, it wasn't that he had no desires to fulfill, after all, it would be amazing to be able to have a willing sex-partner after all these years, but this woman beautiful as she was, would definitely eat him alive.

After a while she let him float in the water a little, she had started to do this after their first few baths together, he was only a few weeks old but he had been able to keep his balance in the water if that wasn't a show of early talent than she didn't know what was.

After a few minutes of Lirian drifting through the water she began to snicker loud enough for Lirian to hear her, and as a feeling of foreboding washed over Lirian he felt the water all around him ripple.

He tried to make a dash to the side of the tube but with his still developing body, it wasn't possible so he did the only thing he could.

Just before the wave-tossed him through the water he reached Anya and caught onto her hugging her chest tightly.

He had fallen into her trap, Anya had long since noticed how intelligent her young master was, she did genuinely want to see how good his survival instincts were, but she also wanted to see him use this opportunity to have her own fun as well.

Lirian could hear her heavy breathing as he clung onto her chest, even though she had her linens on, once wet it was as good as see-through and he was certain that this woman was on fire right now from his little actions, and he had to admit although her chest wasn't big in any way it was like a firm and soft cushion that any man would love to sleep on.

Since this was what she wanted anyway he held her chest tightly and pressed himself against her, "Hehe I will be able to make a pervert out of you," she said with a gleam in her eyes as she snickered.

"You like them huh,", she lifted Lirian out of the water with one hand pointed to her erotic breasts, "You can suck on them if you want," she said bringing him closer to her nipples, ", but there's no milk in there for you, sorry but I haven't had any children."

"But don't worry once we get to get to Xelia we'll have a whole bunch of wet-nurses for you to enjoy suckling on little guy.

After a long bathing session, Anya pulled them out of the water she giggled as she dried up Lirian, his skin had become crinkled after the hot bath and he resembled a dried-up prune.

The room Lirian stayed in was fit for a king, with a large four-poster bed that could fit at least 12 adults on it, on the walls pieces of art were strewn about in gilded frames and red carpets were draped over the floors and the small flight of stairs in the room.

To hearths burning silently and filling the room with warmth, Lirian really liked this room. While the Clovis civilisation had technology that could easily provide warmth, there was something aesthetically pleasing about a burning hearth in a room.

Anya placed him on a cushion and prepared to change him, but as Lirian was enjoying the heat he felt those sinister eyes on his little member, 'NO!', he shouted internally this beast was about to do something to him.

In his moment of desperation he did his best to take aim with his little pistol and fired wave after wave of yellow liquid, but to his dismay not only did Anya dodge every single one of his attacks she even grabbed a cup from the side and caught every drop without making any mess at all.

"Haha," she giggled, ", you're really talented little guy if you can fire like that now I can only imagine what it will be like when you are all big and strong." Her green eyes seemed to hold an even more sinister glow in them.

Just how did my strings of fate bring me to this sinister woman, he cried in lament. Although he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy her presence, if he still had his curse this woman wouldn't even spare him a glance and if he was strong she would have been trying to kill him.

Just then she spoke pulling him out from his thoughts, "You know young master when you grow older you going to have to please a lot of ladies, and while the size isn't everything it certainly leaves a bigger impression on some women." As she spoke her hands moved with a claw-like motion as if she was about to grab onto his little member and stretch it out.

At that moment Lirian the immortal who lived for countless years did the only thing he could, forcing tears into his eyes he began wailing at the top of his lungs. Lirian had never been able to use this trick before and he was pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness.

Not five seconds passed before the doors to his room opened and the head maid Belinda came in with the other maid Helen. "What in the world are you doing to make the child cry like that?"

Anya looked up innocently, "He just started to cry all of a sudden maybe it's growing pains." She offered innocently.

Lirian shot her a dead eye and as she got closer to try and pacify him, he wailed louder, until Helen came to his rescue and began dressing him up. As soon as she took him away, he ceased his crying causing Belinda to furrow her brow at Anya.

"You weren't testing your funny fetishes on him were you?" she questioned harshly.

'You know about her fetishes and you still left me alone with her.' he cried to himself.

"Of course not," Anya cried out with a perfect expression of innocence, even Lirian would have been fooled had he not been the one on the receiving end. He had to admit that she was quite lovely to look at and her fair skin coupled with her big green eyes and shoulder-length raven black hair made her look like an exquisite doll.

As she spoke she snatched him back from Helen who simply sighed when the crying started up.

Lirian blinked in surprise when he felt Anya's conscience touching his for a second, he froze thinking of ways to counter her, he was immediately afraid thinking that she was going to take control of his body, but to his surprise, he heard her voice.

'If you ever want to have a nice bath like earlier again, you better stop crying.'

To her surprise her words had an effect, a look of contemplation could be seen on Lirians face before he stopped crying and a bright smile lit up his face, a child's laugh soon filled the room and his little hands kept grabbing Anya's cheeks.

Belinda and Helen looked surprised at the sudden change in attitude and while Anya seemed just as surprised she was inwardly startled, she had long since realised that Lirian was far from ordinary and extremely intelligent but this was out of her expectations he reacted so quickly with a complete change in attitude it scared her a little.

She then recalled all the things she said out loud to him and her face went slightly pink, ' all those embarrassing things I said does he know what all of it meant,' she anxiously lamented while rocking him in her arms.

Lirian was unaware of all the thoughts running through Anya's head but he was certain she would have to look at him differently now, at least now she would know that he was not an empty-headed child, and on the plus side, he would get to enjoy those baths with her. It was a win-win situation for him.

A few minutes later a knock was heard on the door and the two butlers came in, over the past three weeks the three maids and two butler's that were there when he arrived had all been staying in the same suite, none of them had left even once and he had naturally learner their names as well, the head butler was Andrew and the other one was Cain.