082 - The Nature of Plains and Shatterings

The real important thing was the noble's reaction, many of them had been demanding for Efrideet to make a statement, with Lirian's words about the lady in the shadows many of them believed that it could have been her.

But they couldn't come up with an explanation as to how she had done it, which left them at a dead end.

But there were also many that had something different to say, they were claiming that the entire thing was staged so that the empress could attack the Capriska family.

There were some theories out there that said that the empress had used her son and staged the entire thing.

They claimed that the empress had pushed Lirian to death's door, so she could have justification to attack the Capriska family.

Unfortunately, the one thing that shook the foundation of that theory was that the empress's reaction was far too genuine, and it was well known just how much she valued her children.

There was just one major problem it was impossible to prove that Efrideet did anything as she was a hundred start zones away at the time, the true power of a diviner was unknown to even the greatest powers in existence, not even gods fully understood it let alone mortals.

"How did she even do this to you?", she asked the question that no one could answer while placing her hands on his face gently and looking into his listless eyes.

Lirian chuckled, "She isn't capable of blinding me, but she did succeed in severing my fate string, I was lucky that she didn't know what she was doing or I wouldn't have gotten a chance to form a thought before I died," he said.

"But why did she attack you, you said that she was more likely to try to influence me at the conference," she looked at Lirian with a slight frown that he couldn't see, it seemed to her that Lirian must have done something to scare Efrideet.

"I told you it's impossible for a diviner to act across such a large distance unless they have a conduit, I spotted the conduit, and in turn her, when she was about to influence you, I called her out and scared her but I didn't expect her to do something so foolish," Lirian said with a pondering look.

A diviner as great as her should have known how stupid it is do something like that, she was very lucky that her memories didn't pass on to me, Lirian thought silently, he felt that it was a pity that he didn't manage to get anything out of her.

Her ability to attack and influence fate strings was also very suspicious, for one so young it should be impossible to use those techniques, maybe she is a genius, he thought seriously.

But no, that can't be all there is to it, even for a genius like Katerina it took her forever to learn those things by herself, Efrideet would have to have some teacher to be able to reach this level so quickly.

Lirian shook his head such things were just the least of his worries, his thoughts drifted off to that entity that spoke to him, that was what truly intrigued him, could he be some old god he wondered in fascination.

For the system to be unable to detect him meant that he had to be at a level Lirian had never reached before, so a third-grade god, what truly interested Lirian was his knowledge on the plains, he knew their names even the plain that kept invading the 33 Neather Heavens, the Elysium plain.

It was strange because the only known third-grade god was his father and apparently so was his real mother, but if there was another it meant he could be a relic of the old world, of this heavens previous iteration.

Every plain had a goal of furthering its own evolution however plains were like a computer, only capable of following its programming, but it couldn't think and evolve itself, hence, its requirement of intelligent life forms.

For example, when a new plain is born, it would be tiny and in it would only be a few planets and stars, but that was all.

As time went on if the plain was lucky intelligent life would come into existence, this is the first life hierarchy ascension a plain experience's.

With time the plain observes the life form and based on the intelligent life forms interactions with the world, it evolves itself, this is why the rules of plains differ from each other.

The evolution process is what one would call 'the shattering', it erases everything and evolves into a new and improved version of itself, this time it has a template for life and is immediately capable of creating new life.

With its evolution the world would expand, there would be more worlds and stars, better materials, and many new things.

The drive of a universe was to continue its evolution, that, however, was a very long and complicated process, and every time a plain furthered it's evolution it would become several times harder to complete the next evolution.

The main plain of the 33 Neather plains, the plain Lirian was currently in had experienced 15 shattering so far, this could be seen from the ranks of the plain, 7-mortal-ranks, 5-immortal-ranks, and 3-god-ranks.

It was the most evolved plain he had ever been in, in his life as Arodil and Talen, the highest rank was first-grade-god, and by breaking the barrier and becoming a second-grade-god, he became an equal of the plain and provided the plain what it needed to evolve.

However he had no intention of allowing that to happen, so he shattered those shatterings and used it to further his own goals.

What made him so curious about that entity was that if that entity survived the shattering it meant that he was the one who broke the limits of the previous iteration causing the shattering and opening the path to the third god grade.

It could make sense of his existence and how he knows so much, but Lirian couldn't place his motives or how he knew so much about himself.

Lirian sighed and climbed to his feet, he knew too little even after all this time.

He took a few steps in the new world of darkness, he had to get used to this feeling now, he believed that it would take him a week at most to adjust properly.

Taliyah's anger grew as she was forced to watch him stumble around slightly like a fool that couldn't walk, despite his words she knew that it would take him a while to walk properly and she could hardly contain the rage building up.

"Mom, remember what I said about going up against a diviner is a long game, don't do anything rash, the problem with my eyes is my own fault I overused an ability of mine and this was the price," he turned in her direction and hoped that his eyes were meeting hers, even without his eyes he could feel her fury growing.

Taliyah frowned at him, "Remind me, who's the parent and who's the child?"

"It's because you're the parent that I'm telling you this mom," he spoke with a mixture of seriousness and gentleness in his voice and smiled.

Taliyah nodded albeit unwillingly, "For now tell me who the conduit was they might be able to provide the proof we need."

Lirian fell into contemplation, he could tell how things would go if he said the truth, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to accept.

But she had to know because at the end of the day whether she wanted to accept the truth or not, he had no intention of sparing Telamon, the very second, he got enough power Telamon would die by his hand and no one would be able to stop him not even her.

"Mom when you learnt of my secret, I made a promise to never lie to you unless it was something that could cause you harm, and what you want to know will hurt you whether you like it or not, so tell me do you still want to know?" he asked solemnly.

She felt her eyes tremble, she couldn't understand why but she knew that if she heard what he had to say something would change.

She was the empress, however, and taking on heavy burdens was a part of her duty, she never backed down from something even if it was hard, she slowly nodded her head and waited for Lirian to tell her but minutes passed and no reply came.

When she looked at him wondering why he was taking so long she realized the problem and she felt that fury reignites in her veins, he was blind.

He couldn't see her when she nodded.

"Tell me Lirian," she spoke decisively with tight fists there was no turning back now.