097 -The Truths of Telamon Dao 2

"All of that happened, long before my time, but I know that it was in the same period," Anya answered hesitantly, the certainty in his words scared her, she knew that everything he said was no lie at all.

Lirian nodded, he couldn't see her face but he could smell the fear, of all the scents a person could produce, the most potent was fear and he had come to miss that smell over the years.


At school he set out towards the candidate's room as soon as he got the chance, as he stepped in he was surprised to find the other five waiting, and like a bunch of vultures they grabbed onto him, he felt Media and Cole grab on to his legs, and he felt Tobias's giant hands lock onto one of his hands while Wentian grabbed his last hand.

He didn't feel any ill intent so he didn't attack as yet, "What's going on guys?" he asked as Edith grew closer, he felt her hands on his face.

"Keep quiet for now, we need to confirm something," Edith said and pulled of the blindfold.