099 - Edith's Punishment

Edith shook her head but did as she was told.

"The advanced worlds, are the spear of exploration into the unknown, they conquer new worlds and bring them into the fold as lower and lesser worlds,"

"The super worlds support the advancement of advanced worlds while protecting what belongs to the empire and constantly reporting all findings that can help and aid in the growth of the empire,"

"The high worlds are the backbone of the empire; they handle all the daily affairs of the empire while guiding the lower and lesser worlds into the ranks of the advanced worlds,"

"However, in every star zone there are ten high worlds that hold a sacred duty of guiding the future leaders of the world, this is known as the candidate's trial,"

Just as she was about to continue her mother stopped her, "Do you have any idea where the headmasters of the academies come from?!", it was a rhetorical question everyone knew the answer to that, it was the ten Paragon families.