016 – Mission Complete (R-18)

Lirian followed the barmaid to his room, it was located on the third floor of the inn at the end of the corridor.

When the barmaid opened the door there were three others already in the room, scurrying around, dusting the desk and puffing the pillows.

They all turned when the door opened and looked at Lirian and the barmaid intently, "Triss," one of the women said to the barmaid, "Didn't my husband tell you not to bring the Good Sir up until the room was ready!" she scolded the barmaid in an arrogant tone.

"I told her to bring me to my room," Lirian said cutting across the woman he presumed was the wife of the innkeeper.

"Oh," the innkeepers wife said lowered her head, "My apologies Good Sir, we are still preparing the room, it should take us only a few more minutes," she said apologetically.