133 – Are you Crazy?

"Ahhhhh," Izlandi let out a shrill shriek as they dove threw the window, it happened so suddenly that she couldn't help herself.

One second Lirian stopped and muttered a few things to himself, Izlandi was to busy trying to figure what Lirian said, to realise when he jumped out of the window.

In that moment she felt a sense of complete weightlessness as they fell towards the ground, and that's when she shrieked.

She clapped her hands over her mouth as she realised her blunder, but it was too late, the sound was heard, her high-pitched scream was particularly ear striking.

She looked at Lirian apologetically, but she was relieved to see that he looked only mildly annoyed and let out a sigh.

Lirian reached out and Izlandi came flying into his hands.

Izlandi's eyes widened in surprise, as Lirian clutched her throat, but in the next second she realised that she could breathe just like normal, it just hurt a little.