220 – Old Ma (2)

Lirian walked towards the seat that Old Ma pointed him to, as he sat down Old Ma picked up a kettle and poured a cup of tea for herself and one for Lirian and Izlandi.

Lirian picked up the cup and took a short sniff of the tea, "Camomile, jasmine, a hint of mint and ginger and…" Lirian raised a brow as he caught the smell of an unusual ingredient, "Pepper," he said with a confused look, that was not at all a common ingredient in tea, it was too bitter and potent and would overpower all the other flavours.

"Jejeje," Old Ma cackled, "Just a recent flavour I've started to add, with age the pellet tends to change somewhat,"

"Had I known that I would be having guest's I'd have made something more appealing to your tastes," she said apologetically.