228 – The Road to Traunt (1)

"Over a thousand gold!" Lirian cried in fake surprise.

"Whoever left that much coin to the village must be very generous," he said in praise.

Izlandi struggled to keep a straight face at Lirian's self praise, but with some effort she was able to avoid catching the captain's eye.

The captain raised her brow at Lirian, "You think that who ever left that coin was generous?" she asked in sceptical tone.

"Of course," Lirian answered, "Those villagers are starting to starve, I imagine that whoever left the coin, did so to help them out of their plight, they do say that there is nothing money can't buy," he explained.

"There isn't much food left in the village, the only thing that increase in coin is going to do is increase the price of food further, not to mention the fighting the coin is causing," said the captain in an annoyed tone.

"Well I guess no good deed goes unpunished," Lirian shrugged with a pleasant smile on his face.