They had forgotten about the bottles.. Fuck! As soon as Nicole retained, she presumed Liam wasn't that  dense.

He was going to sort them out quickly, her mom asked if she was okay, she responded with a yes! But she could see she was being ragged by something.

Her mom quickly remembered the "drop of towel " scandal and that's when she left, she wanted to go check the rest in the library, mhhhh! I wonder. 🙉

Shame... They had tidied almost everything but....

But! But! But! Mmhh! 😭😂

Bottles! Bottles bottles! They were just on the damn shelves and fuck! As soon as Liam substantiated the eyesight of his mom, she spotted them with shock!

His eyes were literally big, she went out, as soon as she did she stood up and called some to help get rid of the bottles. When she passed by the lounge she realized the shelf was clean! 

Clean as in clean! Wiped out completely. 

She quickly dashed to her room where she found her husband and she literally held his hand and Walked him to the lounge, he held his mouth with a surprised face and he didn't understand how it all got in there, his two angels! Mhh! 

When they both got to the library, bottles weren't there, it was completely clean except that there was a huge smell of booze! 😂

"Liam! I'm your mom and don't you make me a fool, where are the bottles of whiskey and wine which were lying everywhere? Huh"?

Her eyes were widely open because of anger, and confusion. 

She screamed.😲

"Liaaaam! I'm fucking talking to you dammit"! She threw him with the car keys but he managed to miss them. The silence in that room was high. 


"Liam!!!  Your mom is talking to you. Have you gone deaf?  Huh "?

He was totally confused, high, scared, embarrassed and totally panicking, but then he got a call, picked up. 



All eyes were on him such that he almost dropped his phone when he thought he was putting it in his pocket, and his  dad was just looking at all of them, everyone faced down. 

"Okay!!!  Ahhm"! He rubbed his hands trying to let out his speech. 

"Taaaalk!!! His dad yelled. 

"Yes!  Ahhm we did drink, but it was a little bit"! He said. 

"Oh God!  Did you even study or this is what you had organized from the start"? 

His mom asked. 

"Ahhm yes!  Yes!  Of course we did and no it wasn't planned, we just wanted to experiment he said. 

"With my bottles?  Huh?  With my stuff!? Fuck"! 

Nicole was spotted by the door all alive and well, being all 'Miss Fine'. 😝

She took a heavy breath and just showed great self -reliance which was never there and took over. 

"Dad! We are so sorry, very sorry about it mom, to the both of you, but you both know we are 16,and"...

She wasn't even done talking, their mom screeched...

"Heey!  You'll make me mad and don't you dare!  I don't wanna hear this "16 years rubbish "!  This is the continent of Africa, we are in 'A-F-R-I-C-A! 

16 applies in Europe, you hear me"?  She was very angry. 

"But mama we talked about it this evening "! Nicole said. 

"We talked about 'SEX'!  SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! You can't be doing both or everything, drugs, weed, sex, clubs!  Are you serious"? 

Her answer  was expected at that very same time. 

The reasons to love being 16 are endless, but sometimes girls overlook them! 16 is such a tumultuous age that you may neglect the many reasons to love being 16. But if you're 16 years old, or are looking forward to this age, you should be overjoyed! 

Among all of the reasons to love being 16, this is probably the greatest! At sixteen, the world is your oyster. Your future is bright but shapeless, which means you have the opportunity to mold it into whatever image you'd like!

Many of your actions now determine the way your life will play out later, much more so than they did when you were younger. But you have plenty of time to plan for that future, which is why the world is your oyster! 

To make the most of being 16, try everything at least once (as long as it's safe!), mix things up and take advantage of all the opportunities life has lined up for you!

Of course, there is some pressure on 16 year olds, but compared to the amount of pressure you'll have in the future, your load right now is probably pretty light. 

You don't need to worry about college admissions quite yet, nor taxes or mortgages. But you still have many of the freedoms older people have.

You can stay out later, drive, and do more on your own! There's not too much pressure to be serious or perfect, so for now just try to make great memories with your friends and family!

When you're 16, it may feel like the future is right around the corner, but you actually have plenty of time to plan for what's ahead!

You can keep your options open for what job you might like, where you want to live and where you'd like to attend university.

Once you begin to decide on all of these things, you can start planning how you'll achieve them later on. And you have plenty of time to do just that!

"Get the hell out of my house!  Out"! 

She screamed and every dog was out, Annie kissed Liam on the cheek right there and he was surprised, I mean things were at 134 degrees.

You know the feeling when you mess up and do things you know very well you shouldn't, when your parents threaten you but because there are guests you feel like "ahh they wouldn't mess me up when there are guests...

Then you see them leaving at the same time and instantly your parents give you that look! 😂😂 I'm not laughing, excuse me, but if you know you know and we all know that we know what I know! 😂 


Ahah! See!  I knew that you know the feeling. 😜

"Wow!  Wow!  You know what babe... I need a nap! It's been a long day, you two... This is not over" she took her car keys from the table preparing to leave. 

"Mhh! It's not over? It hasn't even started"

Their dad pulled down his glasses with that "


"Wow!  Wow!  You know what babe... I need a nap! Its been a long day, you two... This is not over" she took her let's from the table to leave. 

Well...the last thing they wanted was for their parents to see them at their worst and knowing what they do outside home, we all don't want that, no teenager wants that, and its normal you know... Its better when parents feign not being assured that you doing this kind of stuff you know, but it contends with every human. 

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!!!! Dammit"!

She said whilst calcitrating the table. 

"Feels like a teenage movie hey... Doesn't it " Liam asked her and she agreed with her. 

"I guess we gotta pay for dad's wine bottles... Mhhh... A dime's worth "!

He scratched his head, he was a bit stressed, anyone would get stressed, being seen by your parent  doing all that shit was creepy. 

Yep!  It costs a bomb but let's worry about that later... So tell me... Did you have fun? Please tell me you did because I really had a wild time here, wow! It really feels great, I'm feeling great now"!

They both laughed because they were both feeling great, I mean they had both got laid , drunk, high, they had fun.

"Bra! Today was really hectic... My head feels fucking sluggish like I'm just carrying some fucking 50KG of maize meal on my head 😂, when I talk, when I'm done talking, I feel like what I said is totally wrong... like I gotta start afresh, yoh!

This thing is shit and don't you feel the exact way Nic... Well you should because you smoked the hubby so much, you couldn't disentangle it off your hand". 😂😂

"I think you talking too much already... Like you are completely full of beans And its not you trust me😂😂... " 

"And you becoming more quite" he said and that's when they both laughed so much that they fell on each other and they seemed to have forgotten about their case with their parents. 

"So tell me... Do you really like Annie "?

Nicole asked him having various answers on her head. She knew her brother wasn't the commitment type but you may never know, so she decided to ask for herself. 

"Bra!... I was just craving, and supplicating the feeling of being a man you know, I was hungry for a bitch cock eater, and I got one... But shame, she's a great girl, calm and all but feelings... Nah! I just pray she doesn't catch feelings because hey...! 

I gave her a hell of a dick! I doubt she's ever gotten such as mine... She was so excited and all over me, probably I know my game😂, and what about you sis?

I think I saw you hanging around with a guy I might know", he waited for her response which took a bit longer than expected because she grasped some breathe. 

"Yah neh!  What a bad and terrible kisser I got! Yoh! I just got turned off, all those good looks for nothing, he was totally bad"....

"'Bad in all departments or just that"?

He laughed because he knew she was going to talk shit, just on that thought she threw a book at him with a surprise that when did her brother got so smart. 

"WTF! Hahahaha... Well... No! Not really, well he was so amazing, great its just the kissing part where he sucks" she answered. 

"Sis! Did you fuck or not that's what I wanna know" he was having a glass of water then and he almost caused some nostrils accident by busy talking and laughing. 

"FUUUCKKK! why do you wanna know every detail that is private" she laughed and blushed.


"I'LL TAKE THAT AS A YES"! 😂😂😂 they both laughed so hard that they saw themselves on each others eyes, they looked alike, eyes, noses, everything, like they were twins, the house was full of cachinnation.  


Everyone's "first time" is dissonant. But one of the most important parts of being equipped for sex is making sure you use birth control and condoms to help prevent pregnancy and STDs.

The first time you have vaginal sex, it may hurt, or feel good, or both. There might be pain and bleeding the first time a penis or fingers go into your vagina, but it doesn't happen to everybody.

Some people naturally have more hymenal tissue than others — this pain and bleeding can happen when their hymen gets stretched.

Most teenagers ask questions like "Will i get pregnant when i lose my virginity?😚

Answer is... 


Whenever semen (cum) or pre-cum gets in your vagina, pregnancy can happen  — whether it's your first time or your hundredth time having sex.

Pregnancy can also happen if cum gets on or near your vulva (your outside genitals), or if fingers that have wet cum on them touch your vulva or vagina. Remember: it only takes one tiny sperm to cause pregnancy. 

That's why lots of people use birth control and condoms whenever they have sex. Using birth control is the best way to prevent pregnancy if you have penis-in-vagina sex.

Adding condoms gives you extra pregnancy protection and — BONUS — helps protect you from STDs, too.

Having sex too soon is the biggest regret of young people losing their virginity, a survey of British sexual behaviour suggests.

More than a third of women and a quarter of men in their teens and early 20s admitted it had not been "the right time" when they first had sex.

People must be 16 or over to legally consent to sex.

The latest National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles poll says many people may not be ready at that age.

The Natsal survey, carried out every decade or so, gives a detailed picture of sexual behaviour in the UK.

For this latest work, published in BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine looked at the responses of nearly 3,000 young people who had completed the survey between 2010 and 2012.

The findings...

The responses showed that nearly 40% of young women and 26% of young men did not feel that their first sexual experience had happened "at the right time".

When asked in more depth, most said they wished they had waited longer to lose their virginity. Few said they should have done it sooner.

Most had had sex by the time they were 18 - half had done it by the time they were turning 17.

Nearly a third had sex before turning 16 Equally willing. The survey also looked at sexual competence or readiness - whether a person could reasonably make an informed decision about whether to have sex for the first time.

For example, they had to be sober enough to have consented and should not have been acting on peer pressure.

Around half of the young women and four in 10 of the young men who responded failed this measure.

And almost one in five women and one in 10 men said they and their partner had not been equally willing to have sex at the time, suggesting some felt pressured to have intercourse.


Teddy only got able to phone Nicole when she got home, although they had both checked up on her with Anaisha but hadn't picked up, they thought maybe it wasn't the best time for her to talk. 

Well... She checked up on her and that was it, she told her everything that had occurred as soon as they ran like mices when the drama began. 😂

The siblings were even panicky to go have supper with their parents, their mom had cooked very nice dinner, it was top notch, its like she was celebrating something honestly especially after the long day she had had, actually everybody had had a the longest day ever and we can all attest to that you know, we are living testimonies of that.  😂

It was a savoury "Pasta carbonara with English Peas" wow!  It was amazing and so enticive that she even took some pictures of the meals, two meals at that. 

The two were coming along from upstairs when she was doing that. 

"Owww dinner's ready? I lost track of time probably but hell nah I didn't, its right on time.. Ahhm ma! Is our food on the microwave oven "?

 Nicole asked with some doubt that there was, after the shitty day they had, she knew her mom, probably she had only cooked and dished for herself and her husband. 

"Sweetheart... Would you like some water, juice, or maybe wine...? Or by the way we no longer have wine in this house"🙄.

She looked at the two and just passed right next to them making her way to the kitchen, and they just stood there like they were lost, that's when their dad's eyes glued on them and they knew they probably had to leave instantly to avoid the drama that comes with preaching, verses and history agh! So they just eyed each other and they left to Liam's room. instantly without a word. 😲

You know how this feels and everybody does right? Being orally disciplined isn't nice at all, being dictated that you sit down so you can get talked to its very hard. It feels weird, queer, its extraordinary, it leaves you feeling like shit at most times, I personally know it and I can't deny it, especially when its more than one person who required for the talk. 

Happiness is a state of mind or a mood. Teenagers are usually happier when they're indulged with their lives and relationships, although nobody is happy all the time.

Wellbeing comes from physical, mental and emotional health. 

It's also about understanding your emotions, taking part in different activities, having good relationships and social connections, finding meaning in life and feeling that you're doing well.

As young as I am, it hasn't took me a long time to realize how bad and terrific relationships between parents and their kids are, especially with teens.

Sometimes kids grow up having a very close relationship with their parents but once they grow up into teenagers, all that changes, for personal  various reasons. 

One of the most important, weighty  tasks for an adolescent is becoming mugwump, to be independent, to freelance  and i'm here, i'm one, the only thing i ever wanted when i was a teen was being independant, i wanted to show my parents that you "know what? I can do this".

 And I did, I was financially responsible for doing my hair and I moulded it for the whole fucking 3 years, yes I did, I wanted to be beautiful and look the part and be avowed, to be recognized, and I got all of that, the attention, fame and all, but for me to get there, I had to sometimes walk from school to home just to save the bus fare for my hair, so yeah... You can relate all the shit that I went through for beauty. 😂

Well... Your child will endure a growing propension to make her own decisions and may  recalcitrate your authority over her personal life and activities.

You may feel frustrated with this change, but she is learning how to "be her own person" while still staying connected to you, its not disobeying or hating you, what? No! Not at all... Its the feeling of wanting to "TAKE CHARGE"! And its not a bad thing at all, I mean this are the changing times, this are the changed times and we gotta roll with the times you know. 

Friends become more important during this stage. Your teens' desire to spend more time with friends may create conflict if you want her to be more available for family activities.

Your teen might also be more sensitive to attempts at controlling her social life compared to trying to influence her views on college, war. 

Teens are more willing to openly disagree with parents than when they were younger, and they do shame, without a problem, they can literally twist your neck for you to get and comprehend their points, yes!

We are present we do that and we don't let you win and if we see that you ate winning as a parent... 

We will tell you that that was long time ago not now, this are changed times😂, in addition, they are learning more and getting better at thinking about things in more sophisticated ways.

This sometimes means they get better at noticing when "what you say" and "what you do" don't match.

They also get better at using new knowledge and ways of thinking to express their views and argue their points.

Finally, teens go through swings in their moods, and may sometimes say or do things that are surprising or unpredictable.

These may be due to both hormonal changes during puberty and changes in the way their brains are developing. All of these physical, social, mental, and emotional changes can come together to create challenges in your relationship.

But you are still very important to your teen!

Despite these changes, most teens still report good relationships with their parents, who remain one of the most important and influential figures in their lives.

Parents enjoy relating to their teens in a new ways and are often proud of seeing them take on adult responsibilities. 

The relationship parents have with children plays an important role in a teen's well-being. Severe conflicts can put teens at risk for mental health problems, while positive relationships can prevent risky behaviors with sex and drugs.

Although it can sometimes be frustrating or difficult, parents need to stay connected and continue to provide support and structure for their teens.

One thing parents never see or realize which litetally hurts and causes inner break downs is not appreciating their kids, teens at most or youngsters at large.

They hardly do, its like they have the mentality that "we have to, we had to, I mean what whack ass shit is that!? Either way but parents had gotta learn how to appreciate. 

Give your child praise when he behaves in ways you want to encourage, like helping out, doing chores or getting homework done.

For example, 'I really appreciate it when you put your dirty clothes in the laundry bin' that's not so hard, its just simple an that will them smile and trust me, next time they wanna put it down, they'll remember your praise and they'll do what you appreciated which is what's right, therefore aquire appreciation, it will go a long way. 😒

Give your child attention. For example, go to watch her playing sport, send her a friendly text message or just give her a special smile, its not that hard, at all!!! 

Encourage your child to try new things. For example, if your child is interested in playing a new sport, you could offer to take him along to the local club's registration day. Its important to value your child's strengths, and praise her for who she is. 

For example, 'You're really good at looking after the younger children in your Scouts group'. This helps to build self-esteem and protects her from comparing herself to other people. 

Let your child know that you're proud of him when he tries, especially when things are tough. For example, 'I was so proud of you for running all the way in your cross country race, even though I could see you were tired'.

Share and make memories together... For example, take photos or videos on special family days or at school events and look over them with your child, or talk about and remember things you've enjoyed as a family.

Make time to talk about individual and family successes. For example, you could try going around the table at family meals and giving everyone a turn at sharing something that went well for them during the day.

Before I forget... There's this shitty mistake that parents make every single day, every single minute... I hate it wholeheartedly and I won't say I've gone through it but I've come across it and I have experienced it…

 This thing of being compared with your siblings or your agemates from church, school or in your neighborhood, its shit! I'm saying it its totally shit! It hits,  it crushes, it destroys, it kills and those crushes which comes with it are un-repairable, they never aren't trust me! They are eternal wounds. 9

There are people out there who will try to drag you down and they will make you feel direful at yourself but don't show them that you are concerned, don't mind it, just repudiate them or just smile at them.

Yeah, no one likes being assimilated, no one wants to feel like someone wants them to be someone else.

 It hurts us when we are compared to others but this is the best motivation for you to be a better person. 

If you took the strengths of others, and compared them to your  feebleness, decrepitude and  inconciusiveness,do you think you'd size up? And do you think this would make you feel good? Of course not honey!🤗

The jocose thing is, this is what most of us do at one time or another — and some of us do pretty often.

It's a sure-fire recipe for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness. It's also not that useful. Being able to look at your own strengths,fibre and vehemence and see your true value.

It's actually one of the keys to success, because without this ability, you will be unmotivated, and won't believe in yourself,learn to focus on your inner self and comprehend the you that you are...accept what you are!

Count your blessings. A better convergence is on what you do have, on what you are already enriched with. Count what you have, not what you don't.

Think about how auspicious you are to have what you have, to have the people in your life who care about you, to be alive at all,that's a high.

Focus on your strengths. Instead of looking at your weaknesses, ask yourself what your strengths are. Celebrate them!

Be proud of them. Don't brag, but feel good about them and work on using them to your best acquisition 8because honestly speaking...what you have is what somebody else doesn't have!

Yes! That's how the world rolls,you can't have everything because this world is fair on that field, its trying to offer everyone a chance and that chance comes and goes, when it comes, make sure you do everything and everything to grab it because you own it and you gotta ride it!😏

Be OK with imperfection. No one is perfect — intellectually, we all know that, but emotionally we seem to feel bad when we don't reach perfection,sweetheart...You aren't perfect and you never will be. I certainly am not, and I've learned to be OK with that.

Sure, keep trying to improve, but don't think you'll ever be the "perfect person". If you look at it in a different way, that imperfection is what makes you who you are, you already are perfect.

Don't knock others down. Sometimes we try to criticize others just to make ourselves look or feel better,being bullies and all... I'm raising my hand up high,I am one at times but I can control and contain myself after a while, I'm being honest with myself too.😂

Taking someone else down for your benefit is destructive. It forms an enemy when you could be forming a friend. In the end, that hurts you as well. Instead, try to support others in their success — that will lead to more success on your part.

Focus on the journey. Don't focus on how you rank in comparison to others — life is not a competition. It's a journey. We are all on a journey, to find something, to become something, to learn, to create.

That journey has nothing to do with how well other people are doing, or what they have. It has everything to do with what we want to do, and where we want to go. That's all you need to worry about.

Learn to love enough. If you always want what others have, you will never have enough. You will always want more. That's an endless cycle, and it will never lead to happiness.

No matter how many clothes you buy, no matter how many houses you own (seven, in the case of one famous candidate), no matter how many fancy cars you acquire … you'll never have enough. Instead, learn to realize that what you have is already enough.

 If you have shelter over your head, food on the table, clothes on your back, and people who love you, you are blessed. You have enough.

Anything you have over and above that — and let's admit that all of us reading this blog have more than that — is more than enough. Be good with that, and you'll find contentment.

Don't mind what other people think about you because you know yourself better. Enjoy your own life without comparing it to others. Be the best version of yourself, never stop doing your best, keep trying hard and trust in yourself.

Someday you will be better version of yourself or let's just say that you will be the best version of yourself that other people wants you to be. And that would be your sweet revenge.

Start noticing the situations that cause you to play the comparison game. Social media, as I've mentioned, is a big one for most of us,yes! Especially also kinda affects me you know .🤣🤣

What about other circumstances? Is there a certain person who is constantly bragging about this or that, or asks you questions about your life that are designed to make you feel inferior?

Are there certain activities, such as strolling through a high-end shopping mall, or driving through an expensive neighborhood, that frequently make you feel discontented with your life (when you were feeling just fine about your life, an hour before)?

Make a list of who and what you frequently envy or compare yourself to. Write how each negatively affects you, and why it's actually a waste of your time.

Resolve to catch yourself next time. Avoid comparison triggers if you can, especially if the activity or contact doesn't add meaning or any real value to your life.

 Remind yourself that other people's "outsides" can't be compared to your "insides".

This is such a helpful habit to cultivate. Unless you're really close to someone, you can't use their outward appearance to judge the reality of their life.

People carefully curate the social media versions of their lives, and do the same with the lives they live out publicly. 

You may have had the experience, as I have, of being shocked when a couple that appeared to be happy and solid announce their divorce.

Continue to wish others well, of course, but in the event that their life gives you reason to feel bad about yours, remind yourself that you don't actually know what goes on behind closed doors.

Repeat whenever necessary: "Money doesn't buy happiness, and never will".

It's well established that wealth, beyond having the basics in life, isn't associated with increased happiness or well-being.

I used to perform flamenco dance at an exclusive resort frequented by celebrities and the mega-wealthy, and a manager there once told me that she'd never seen so many unhappy people in her life.

Money and things provide temporary boosts of joy; their inevitable inability to provide lasting sustenance is usually more disappointing than anything else.

Be grateful for the good in your life, and resist any lies that shout "It's not enough"

If you commit yourself to being deeply grateful for what's good in your life, and remind yourself of it daily, you'll be far less vulnerable to comparison and envy.

If someone or something triggers that ugly feeling of negative comparison, stop and remind yourself of what's good in your life, right now. There is so much.

This human propensity to want what others have is such a waste of time, unless what you see and "covet" in another is something of deep worth, such as their generosity or kindness. Who do you admire? What kinds of comparisons might actually be healthy for you? 

For example, there are women I know well who are extraordinarily kind and generous wives, mothers, and friends.

They truly make a difference in their worlds, and I want to be more and more like them. Who inspires you to live better, in the way that matters most? Spend your precious time and thoughts on this, instead.

Imagine if you could elevate the comparison game to a useful art form. Stop falling prey to its dark underbelly, which does little more than increase feelings of misery and lack in your life.

Use comparison, instead, to become a better person and maybe even make your little corner of the world a better place. 

"How was your study group honey".

Teddy's mom asked whilst they were having dinner with her dad and Susan…

She sneezed,mumbled, picked a glass of water and had a few sips.

"Ahhm study session you mean...ahhm it went pretty well, nothing interesting, nothing new it was just a study group ma", she said whilst she faced down trying to avoid her eye contact.

"You certain it was okay? Nothing thrilling happened, I mean you must have played some games too", her dad added asked twice with the unbelieving facial expression. 

"Nothing interesting happened dad...IT WAS A STUDY SESSION!!! We were literally studying,and there was nothing drolly about it,we debated and all so yeah! She answered.

"Mhhh! what was the debate based on and I know you beat them my baby I know" her mom asked her with excitement. 

"Ma! We didn't debate because we wanted to but we had to! Besides...I really had the longest day ever I'm weary, exhausted and I have school tomorrow so may I be excused please,oh! And good night,I love you"! 

She wiped her hands,stood up with her plate and washed it before she went to bed. Her phone rang whilst she was on her way to her room and it was Matte.

"Daamnn!!! What the fuck does he want"? She thought out loud,she got in her room and that's when she picked up.

"Hello "! She answered....

"Heey! Whoo! Don't stone me okay? You good? What's wrong"? He asked.

She was surprised on how he had figured that out but she didn't mind it at all,she just let it float. 

"You probably wondering how I picked up your mood",he said.

"Yeah ! How"? That was mean 😬.

"Well...because I know you know that I know you that much...anyways Ahmm where were you today I couldn't reach you "?

 He asked whilst whilst she panicked on what she was going to say. She told him she had gone to Nicole's study session at her house. 

"Hey...Teddy listen,I've realised there's some drift between us and it didn't take me long to realize that, and to be honest...I feel you okay?

 I think I'm into you,and I want you because you make me happy and every minute I think of our memories I just smile endlessly, like I just shine and I don't want the feeling to end you know, you are the reason of mybsmile,you've been, please don't let it stop,my heart races,because of you, I'll swim in an ocean to see you,climb mountains to be with you,I shake when I'm with you and I wish I could see you every single day just to brighten up my day and myself,please Teddy,please give me a chance " .

There was some silence then but he halad back ,that's when she responded. 

"Ahhm Matte...I hear you just that there's a lot on my mind you know...we doing grade 11 bra ,and you know the pressure so we'll talk..I'll phone you tomorrow, bye,good night I mean",she dropped.

Teddy loved Matte but she didn't wanna seem easy,she wanted him to sweat just like it happens in the movies,plus she liked Nic, from school and then she fucked some guy just on that day! Fuck! What a mess! She said to herself. 

"Aggggghhh"!!! She screamed and got under the blanket, played some music and slept.

 A lot, of times when the girl you like or you're in love with is ignoring you because you became overbearing or may have influenced a lot of  arguments because of you possibly being co-dependent on her. 

Now, one thing that's very important here is that you understand this is something that can drive a relationship downhill. Why? 

Everyone wants to have their personal space, and time for themselves. We tend to forget that we are all individuals and even though you are in a relationship or dating this person they still need their time to let things progress etc. 

I say this because everyone processes things differently. Possibly your someone who wants to talk things out right away but she might need her time.

As people, we tend to believe that certain people, places, or professional aspirations are above us; better than us. You may feel they may be cooler, smarter or just generally more valuable than you are. 

So, instead of investing your time into yourself you invest it into them. You cater to their needs and forget our own- and this, to put it simply, is not fair. You are important, you are valuable, you are relevant. 

Our dreams are not above us, but rather, they are ahead of us. Use this moment right now as an opportunity to put yourself on the pedestal.

Take control and don't instill more worry or doubt because by doing this they know you will be there every single minute, hour, or day and end up taking you for granted.

 There is a difference between healthy dependencies and unhealthy dependencies which I talk about in another article so if this interest you, please feel free to click here to read this article about co-dependencies.

The best thing to do right now is giving her space. Don't text, don't call, don't knock at her door. Don't base your actions on emotions do them with logic by taking your time.

When you take time for yourself, it's essential that you redefine what makes you happy. 

To have a healthy relationship, it's essential for your health as well. So, what can you do to enhance the relationship with yourself and focus on your qualities to attract the person or the right ones into your life? 

Having self-respect is continuing to do the things that make you happy, showing up for you, and setting boundaries on what is right for you and the relationship.

Don't act on emotions instead take the time that it takes to recover your emotions and come from logic.

Now, let's chat briefly about if you were dating this girl and eventually you both just lost touch or possibly she never returned your calls.

Well, most of the time when this happens she isn't that into you. I know sometimes that's hard to swallow as that takes a big hit to your ego but don't let this get the best of you because once you find the one these things won't matter.

Matte was so heart broken, I mean Teddy was always so cheerful whenever they were together and they were feeling each other, now she just dropped my call as if I don't matter to her at all..I mean what the fuck!? Really?

Fuck! This girl is messing up with the wrong person, wait but why  am I feeling this way?could this be an indication that I love her ?wait no! Yes! I have feelings for this bitch but thing is I don't remember if I ever asked her status.!

Dammit! What if she's dating some cock? But nah...Teddy isn't an easy fish to I doubt but anyways I gotta see her tomorrow i don't  know how but I have to,this girl is gold.

Where Guys Go Wrong.....

There's a common misconception amongst guys that goes something like this: If you want to get a woman's attention, just ignore her. She'll think that you're cool and don't even want her and that will spark her interest.

So, is it true? Do women like to be ignored? Will ignoring a woman make her want you?


If a woman doesn't feel attraction for you, she isn't going to care if you're ignoring her. You'll just be another random male in the surroundings who wants to bang her, but is pretending like he doesn't.

On the other hand, if she is sexually attracted to you and you are ignoring her, then yes – that will get her curious and wanting to interact with you more.


The art of conversation is referred to as such, because being able to have an interesting and engaging conversation with a woman (or anyone for that matter) is like creating a work of art. It's poetry in motion.

You're literally painting a work of art sometimes or playing together like musicians and creating conversational music based on each other's input.

Conversation with a woman, when done right, should engage, create interest, cause suspense, create anticipation and ultimately sexual attraction.

If a guy trying to attract a woman conducts an interview style conversation with her, simply asking her a series of personal questions, he will only succeed in making her feel uncomfortable and tense.

Alternatively, if he only talks about himself, complains about things or blames others (the government, the rich people, the politicians) about his problems, she will be bored and may even feel offended.

At that point, she will not feel any attraction for him and will want to get away from him as soon as possible.

Teddy loved Matte but she didn't wanna seem easy,she wanted him to sweat just like it happens in the movies,plus she liked Nic, from school and then she fucked some guy just on that day! Fuck! What a mess! She said to herself. 


She screamed and got under the blanket, played some music and slept.


"Yoh yesterday I got a call from who? Just guess ? Just siirmise "! 

Teddy was folding her hands when she was addressing them... But there a was an 'error hint' on her head. She said to herself in silence ' did I or did I not tell them about Matte'? She couldn't remember but she thought to herself that she had. 

"I've even cleaned my ears for this you know, so please make it snap"! 😂

They all laughed, because she had an earbud on her hand, which made it more funny, that Anaisha laughed herself. 


She was looking at them straight in their eyes.

"What does that Jerk want? He's a bully, he's full of shit, immature even, I pity his girlfriend, nxx"! Isha was furious about the story even when she didn't know the whole story. 

"That's too late! She's the girlfriend "! Nicole told Isha with some weird facial expression, she never liked Matte, they all didn't but Teddy changed the cups! You know how so don't be surprised. 😂

"What!? Are you serious? You better be kidding me honestly... Teddy! What's Nicole talking about "? 

Just as they were in the middle of the conversation... A group of guys came along, all eyes were on them, and it took them seconds to realize their pop-up. Wow! Wow! Wow! They were as hot as a blazing fire! 

Everyone watched them as they went by Isha's side, its like they knew their whereabouts... He didn't panick, but went straight to where they were, the rest of the guy's stepped aside and it was Matte and Teddy. 🤔

"And then "? Nicole asked curiously.

"You are her P. A now?  Wow!  Anyways please step aside.... Your cologne fucks me up"!  He said. 

"Fuck you!  You 're a cunt!  You still rude you'll never change!  Nxx!  Isha let's move our asses out of here before I puke"!  They did. 

It was a great thing that Teddy was quite, she never responded to any of them and that's crucial to aquire,  well this is when complications arise because there are emotions and feelings of other person involved in a triangular relationship.

A third person relationship may complicate the problems as well as make tracing the problem difficult. 

It is hence always advisable not to involve a third person in a relationship.

Jennifer DuBos says Triangles are very destructive, but people create them out of fear or desperation in hopes that adding an outsider to the drama will provide dispersal of tension and fresh perspective.

If you are the sidecar, you may play the role of conflict mediator, interpreter, peace maker, go-between, confidant, ally, or defender. 

If your role is not clearly defined, or if only one of the members of the dyad is incorporating you, you will certainly feel torn between two sides, caught in the middle, overwhelmed by someone else's problems, and incredibly frustrated over trying to solve complex issues you are not directly involved in.

"Hey Teddy! How are you... Do you mind making some eye interaction with me, I'm not a lemurs or some langlerfish😂, so you can just feel free to look at me, straight in the eyes" .

He said that because he knew she would blush and smile, she wouldn't be able to keep up with it, a second was going to be a lot! 😂

Teddy listen! This is new to me, all of this, I haven't had such feelings towards a girl before, my feelings for you are strange, scary, strong, and real, I've tried to figure it all out but i just couldn't, its not all easy to comprehend, probably because its not a subject , that's why I've decided to take things easy and love you. I know that's a scary word but there's no other I can use". 

Just as Teddy was puzzled, he was down on his kneees with almost everyone watching. 

"Teddy... May you please allow me to love you, take care of you, listen to all you'll want to say, even if it could garbage its okay, please let me shoulder where you'll be able to climb on my back whenever you have a dilemma, I'll make sure I become the man you've always wanted to have, please "!  

"Ahhmm Matte... You really didn't have to kneel, now all eyes are on us, my teachers are all around and this could get to my dad.... I'm not even someone who believes in the name of love, this world is full of betrayals, lies".... 

"Shhhh.... Teddy.... Let me walk you through all your fears, we'll get hurt together, run for our lives together, nobody said its going to ge easy... Just give me your hand and i won't let you go because you make me feel like a million bucks" he said. 

" better make it a point you don't ever hurt me, or break my heart, I hate lies, I hate lies and once i sense them... I dig and dig you up! 

You hear me"?  

She had that serious wild scary look but Matte was used to it. 

"Yes mam"!  He said with an affectionate, beaming smile, it was compassionate and dazzling, beautiful! 

That's when he picked her up and held her so tight like he didn't want to let her go. 

"Well... Ahhm let me leave, i gotta find a taxi to head home" she said. 

"What!? No my woman doesn't board public transport.... Here's a taxi right there! That white VW" .

He was happy to have been a guy with plans, and seeing her happy and surprised was a blast to him.

"Wow! Ahhhm okay ahhm thank you, I guess its time i go home then".

They made their way to the taxi. 

"Hey guys! Let's hit the road "! 

Matte asked them to come over. 

"Ahh bra! We don't wanna interrupt the groom and the bride, we don't wanna go to hell for interrupting the groom and the bride so we'll make a plan just don't wrack and ruin the trophy Prick"!

One of his guys screamed and they all laughed, it was beautiful! 

"Thank You Plonkers"! 

He closed the door and they were off the road. 

One thing that made Teddy happy was that he had abided one of the simplest top rules stated by Steve Harvey 'Opening the door for her', she actually liked that, its one of the things that made her feel special. 

They were hugging, cuddling and kissing each other at the back of the car and it was so beautiful, like they were in a different place, country, continent! They really loved it! They were full of love, dazzly. 

Falling in love is amazing... your partner shouldn't "complete" you; in fact, feeling that way is a good sign that you're more in the infatuation phase than true love.

Love happens between two whole people, which is why Carroll refers to it as "wholehearted love." Both people are free to be their whole selves.

 Couples experience "true individuation and self-discovery" when they're truly in love, explains Carroll.

In this way, you don't feel incomplete without them but rather that you're two whole people who work well as a team. 

You have to accept the good with the bad before getting to the wholehearted stage, couples have to go through disillusionment (the end of the honeymoon phase when faults start showing up) and ultimately, a decision about whether to stay together. There's really no way around it.

"Loving is realizing all the ways you're not perfect together and making it work anyway," Carroll says.

Despite the risk and any other difficulties, there's a deep knowing that you want this person in your life, and trust they'll be around for the long haul. And building this trust is no easy feat, according to Carroll, who notes it's a process that takes time... 

This is one of the top things that makes your relationship last!

The rest of the Plonkers didn't wait for long, at the blink of an eye, public transport came along and they took it! 

"Wow! It's hard to believe that you finally and officially feels like a dream you know, dating you,when you this feels too good to be true"!

He was glazed at her,his eyes were fuming ,pouring out love,which never had any thread of doubt,it was beautiful! 

They were outside the gate of of Teddy's house, standing outside the car,when they said their farewells,he gave her a kiss that left her stumbled right there,as if it was their first time,well it wasn't but it felt like it was.


Well your first kiss may definitely feel nerve-wracking for you. Things won't always be perfect and the guy you're about to kiss could also be nervous as well.

 Maybe you and your special someone end up bumping noses or foreheads. Or maybe you go in for a kiss on the lips and he goes for a kiss on the cheek. A lot of weird things could happen, but you have to try to be calm. 

Your hands may definitely feel sweaty and there may be a bit of fumbling from both parties. You two may not know what to do with your hands and you may both end up standing awkwardly and shifting your bodies back and forth. 

There can just be a bunch of weird things going on. Who knows? This may be his first time kissing too and the guy may feel just as nervous as you. There will be butterflies in your stomach and your heart will skip a beat. 

The nerves will be there. Just shake it off and go for the kiss period!

Hahaha well let's not let it slip our minds that Yazaan had took a loan from a loan shark when they had to go do tattoos! A month was over!