Chapter 002

Being woken up by a loud banging on the door is not how Gizem hoped to start his day. Looking around the room, his wife is already off from the bed. Fixing his sweatshirt he walked to the dining hall to have everyone looked at him.

"Uhmm good morning." he quietly spoke.

"So now you decide to wake up." Hector's mockery in the morning. Gizem didn't mind it though as he made a bee line around the counter in the nearby kitchenette aisle and went to his wife who's having breakfast alone.

"Morning love." hearing the voice she smiled quickly.

"Seriously, I don't know how thick-skinned that guy is. He knew no one wanted him around yet he still stays here." Hector spoke making Hera raise an eyebrow.

"No one wants a failure son too." Hera snap back as he doesn't like the insult his brother spoke of about her own son-in-law. Don't Hera get mistaken, she love the Mira family but her life now is the Thier.

"How dare yo-"

"Silence! Both of you!" Lady Sonya scolded to dispute the fight between the two siblings. "Early ion the morning and this is what I'd be faced with already?!" flared up.

"And you Hera! What's wrong with what your brother said. Let's be honest here, Beside you and Symmone and your daughter, no one wants a house husband here!" she scolded at her youngest.

"I think I and your papa must have spoiled you much to act like that. I'm very disappointed in you already letting Virendra marry such man. Don't add up to the problem, we're already being the laughing stock of the town because of that."

Smirking at the sidelines, everyone knew that no higher position or big inheritance would be sent on the Thier household if anything happens. In a way it's one less family to be divided with into. As they calmed down, Virendra entered the room while Gizem stayed behind the sofa she's sitting on.

"So as I've said last night. The Black Diamond Palace will have a new head and it would be nice if we could be one of their partners if ever." Lady Sonya started.

"But it won't be easy to enter the Diamond Palace." Chadwyck spoke. "And besides, all the appointments to the head were being taken care of their vice president Ms Lee." he explained.

"Philip might help, after all, my husband had tons of connections, barely managing to get a hold of the smallest enterprises of the Diamond Palace too." Amullette confidently spoke of. Philip is the only heir of the Collins family, a family that stands at least three steps larger than the Mira family.

"That's the son-in-law everybody would want. Not just some useless boy around the house." Chadwyck spoke off bitterly.

"I,, *ehem* I can have a friend help us too." Gizem tried to voice out.

Snickering at him, they just laughed at him. "A friend?" Anastasia blurted out, "Which friend from the orphanage will be able to help huh?" she mocked as she chuckle with everyone else.

"No actually he owns-"

"Silence child. House husbands shouldn't pry into business talks as big as this one." Henry, the fourth son, spoke. "Besides, you were suppose to clean in the kitchen and not stay here. Now hurry up and move to your chores." he continue to mock.

Gizem just kept his mouth shut as he felt a hand while Virendra looks at him with an apologetic smile. He smiled at her back not wanting to worry his wife.

The day just passed by without much happening, until the night set in. Virendra already told her husband she'll be a little later than usual meanwhile Gizem went out to meet a friend.

The dim light from the light post illuminates under Gizem's shadow. He stood at the side of the road waiting for a man named Lance. Without a second to think for another second, a sleek black car stopped in front of him, sliding the window down, Lance gave him a smirk before a chauffeur opened the door for him.

Around the corner of a nearby store, a certain lady was walking home with a friend. Seeing the familiar young man enter a gentleman's car got her curiosity.

Within the span of the night, the next day shook the Mira household with such vulgar rumors that got the attention of Lady Sonya.

Screaming as she stalks towards the least likeable son-in-law of hers.

"Where did you go last night?!" she screamed as she pulled him by the ear out of the bed, giving him no moment to react.

"Is it true that you're into man?! Is that the reason why you and Virendra never had a children yet despite being married for four years?!" she continues.

Even Virendra is so confused on what she's hearing. She knows it's too impossible to be true. Whether it be a man or woman she knew Gizem would never cheat on her.

As the yelling and scolding gets to Hera and Symmone, they quickly rushed to the room and break the two apart. Virendra quickly went to her husband's aid while the rest went to Lady Sonya.

"Mom what's the meaning of this?" Riza spoke.

Lady Sonya points a finger, disgusted to her core, towards Gizem and with a menacing look and scornful voice, "You homosexual! Leave my house and never come back! Lady Cara saw you being intimate with another man last night!" he disgustedly and frustratingly stated around the room.

"You're such a disgrace to this family!" she added.

Virendra gave her husband a confused look. "Was it Lance? or Luke?" she asked her husband nonchalant.

"Virendra! My dear! You knew your husband's gay yet you married and stayed with him?!" Riza in an amused and bewildered state she exclaimed.

"I was with Lance last night. He proposed the idea of starting a new business." Gizem answered to Virendra's question, not minding the others just being honest to his wife.

"You're lying! You won't get away with this! Get out of my house!" in this moment, Hera decided to get in the middle of the two. Gizem rubbed his ears while Lady Sonya glared at him with so much hatred.

"Grandma, what Gizem said is tru-"

"Stop defending that useless piece of live-in husband! There's no way Lance Montereal would help a useless bum like him!" she berated.

" I swear on uncle's grave grandmother, I am not lying." with Gizem's exclaims the old lady stopped on her tracks.

"Lance Montereal would always visit the orphanage back then when we're still kids and would play with the orphans around his age. " Gizem explained. "He would oftentimes ask for me as we grew closer like brothers."

"I've met Lance before and we've talked about business before. At first I thought they were joking around but hearing this today seems like a promise. I'll be the one to leave the house if my husband lied." Virendra shocked everyone as she knelt on the ground and grovel in front of her grandmother and other relatives.

" Chale! Stop! What are you doing?!" without a second a thought Gizem rushed to pull her up.

"Your words are my words, and your actions are my actions." she whispered to him as he tries to pick her up.

For the first time living with her in-laws, it was the first time that Gizem wanted to retaliate, more like to act out of his own shell. He was fine being treated like a dirt as long as his wife is fine and untouched but looking how low they're making her feel and does hurts him more.

"huh! Speaking highly while groveling like that. Virendra, you didn't think we would soften just like that are you?" Lianna mocked at her cousin.

" That's where it takes you when you marry a useless bum." Henry snicker from the sidelines.

With a booming voice Virendra spoke, "I'd rather have him over any man, any status or any treasure." she firmly stated.

Hearing this made Gizem's hands clenched but he know he have to calm down and wait for more time. If he wants to protect her, he have to endure this much.

"Virendra, do you want us to acknowledge that man?" an amusement glimmer in Lady Sonya's eyes. Like a thunder chasing a running cheetah on the wild.

"I would ask for no other else grandma." Virendra answered determined, hoping to get them acknowledge the man she chose.

" Then choose, leave that man and we'll have you marry a better man and stay with the family or leave the house altogether with that pathetic excuse for a man." Lady Sonya challenge.

Even Hera was stunned as she heard her own mother dare to stoop this low just to have Gizem leave the house. Symmone didn't even know what to think or feel at this moment. The two were worried for their own daughter. Staying in the family meant a nice life but if she chose to leave, they're worried of what might happen. But if she stayed, they both know she would be stuck in a loveless marriage with no way out. The two gaze at their daughter, waiting for her answer.

Gizem was shock just like the two. He knew this would come eventually but not this moment. Holding on his wife hand he start to speak.

"You don't have to choose me jus-"

He didn't finished what he was suppose to say, Virendra is scared and at the same is mad. She doesn't even know what to think of this family anymore. Without thinking more, she spoke.

"If you want us to leave that badly then we will." there were fierceness in her voice, it was hard yet it was pained like she's so hurt by something. Who wouldn't, right?

"Wait Virendra." Gizem tried to stop his wife.

"I'll leave, you don't have to stay with me."

"Why can't you get the idea you useless idiot!" she shouted as she swirled around to face her husband and smack him across the face. Tears started to stream down her face.

"I'd rather get kicked to the curb than live here without you!" continues stomps of her punches collided with his chest.

Seeing this Hera and Symmone somehow sighed in relief. They both once lose someone they love dearly because they were scared. None of them stand up for the love they've yearned, this time, they won't let such thing put down that easily.

"Then shall we pack our things and go?" a quiet motherly voice surrounded everyone's presence.

" Mom, you don-"

" We won't let you guys leave alone. We have some grandkids to wait too you know. hohoho" Hera laughed as she tease the young couple to lift the mood.

Gizem got his wife stand up beside them turning towards Lady Sonya, before they left he said his last words to her, "Thank you for everything grandmother, we'll be taking our leave."

Everyone was dumbfounded. "Good luck with your company." before they could even take three steps, a voice came out.

" Wait! "