Human World

"Welcome," A particular bat appeared in front of his eyes. "You must be confused, but I welcome you to the human world!"

"W-what?! What is happening? Where am I? Did I die? Vampires do not die——"

"Yes. You died, my King," The bat answered. "And reincarnated! I don't know if I should be sad or happy for you now that you are here."

He was about to yell when the bat stopped him from doing so. "Stop yelling, or else these humans might think that you have problems in the head."



"Yes," The bat told him. "This is the human world, the human realm if you prefer. I would like to explain further, but unfortunately, you have to open your eyes and deal with the woman next to you. I will come back later."

Ciel was about to say something when he was forced to wake up.

It was a different world.

As if he was in a trance, he could see himself in the same situation before he died.

And all he could focus on was himself. His lips touched something warm, and he had the urge to bite it with his fangs and drink some blood in it. Opening his mouth like an instinct, he tried to sink his teeth on the soft skin, but it did nothing at all.

He was not able to drink the blood that he had been wanting.

"Excuse me, mister," The girl had those familiar-looking amber eyes glared at him. "Did you just suck on my neck?!"

It was as if he came back to his senses. Ciel leaned away as he looked around and was visibly confused. It was the first time that he was surrounded by so many vampires like him—or not. He was sitting on something that seemed like a chair, but some other vampires were standing as well.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy. He did not know if it was because he failed to drink blood or if it was because it seemed like he was on something that was traveling at high speed.

He was reminded about how the bat told him about him dying and transferring into the human world. So it really did happen?

The other vampires, no, humans, looked at him. They were not wearing the same clothes as he does, or that was what he thought. But then, when he looked at his clothes, he was surprised that he was wearing the same thing as them.

"I asked, did you just suck on my neck, mister?!" She repeated. This time, making everyone look at them as if they were shooting a television drama. Finally, everyone started murmuring, and he knew that things were getting worse.

He was not familiar enough with the human realm, and of course, he did not know what to do. The situation seemed to be too scary and unfamiliar for him that all he did was blink.

Ciel was so used to faeys offering themselves as dinner. Humans looked the same as vampires, except that they do not seem to be as scared of the sunlight. Ah, yes. They do not seem to have fangs as well.

"I did not," Ciel averted his gaze, awkwardly smiling.

The bat had to appear. He had no idea what to do here.

Suddenly feeling dizzy, Ciel suddenly had known many things in the human realm as if it was the most natural thing in the world. His system must have given him that so that he could choose his following response to the situation.

[First Mission]

Escape the high school's student's wrath and avoid being dragged to the police station. Make her a future love interest.


Dark Orb+1

What is an orb of the dark? What is its purpose if he was to achieve it—-

The woman stood up, and her face was already red from embarrassment. She wore a black blazer underneath her white shirt and a skirt that seemed to be inches above her knee.

It was the first time that he had seen those clothes, but for some reason, he found them attractive and cute at the same time.

Her fringe and long blonde hair made her even more adorable, and her short stature made her seem like faey. Ciel then became reminded of the faey consort that poisoned him.

"You are lying, mister!" She exclaimed as she yelled. Her round eyes were glaring at him as if he did him something wrong. "Y-you—"

"I only happened to be sleepy," Ciel reasoned out as he raised his hands, trying to calm her down. "And I did not notice myself leaning towards you, and I apologize for that."

"We are now arriving at X station. Please prepare and get off the train if this is your destination. I repeat," The train's the present humans stood up and went towards the exit of voiceover announcement did it, and Ciel momentarily panicked. However, he knew that it was already time for him to get out of this train. "We are now arriving at X station. Please prepare and get off the train if this is your destination."

Just a few seconds after the announcement, half of the people of the train stood up.

"Ah, if I won't get off now, I will be late for school," The high school girl muttered as she sighed in disbelief. She started running towards the exit of the train, and Ciel followed her.

"The door is closing,"

Ciel was huffing and puffing when he finally arrived at the terminal. He was still catching his breath when he heard a scream.

"Mister," The high school girl glared at him as she spoke. "Did you follow me here? Are you a pervert?"


"Do not come near me," The girl grabbed her phone that was in her pocket and started to tap on something. "Hello, is this the police station? Someone is—"

Ciel knew that he would be in great trouble if the police would come after him, so he took a step forward and grabbed her phone from her.

"What are you doing—"

He ignored her and ended the call. Instead, he typed his cellphone number and gave it back to her. "Call me if you need me to compensate you, but I have to go now as it is my first day of work." As he gazed at the name tag on her school uniform, he called out her name. "See you later, Hana."

He gave her one last smile with a mysterious gaze before he started running towards the exit of terminal 1.

"Congratulations, my king! Good job!" His companion, the bat, suddenly appeared in his vision as it congratulated her for succeeding in his first mission. "You succeeded in making Hana; a high school student become your future love interest. Thus, the system rewards you with this magical dark orb!"

Ciel kept on running until he finally saw the light. Then, all of a sudden, he realized that he was already familiar with the human realm and everything that surrounds it.

He wanted to know what all of this gibberish was all about.

What were these mission things and love interests that the system created for him?