
"You are already beautiful enough, team leader," Ciel commented. "But I think it would be better to expose a bit of your collarbone---" He eyed her neck and saw the bite marks of a vampire in it.

And that was when Ciel realized that the team leader is also one of those women that he had to charm.

Are they usually a lot and easy to find?

[Congratulations on finding the 2nd target!]

[Mission: Include Team Leader Kei into one of your prospects!]

[Goal: Acquire a Dark Orb]

What did that mean---?

Before he could even process the contents of the mission, the team leader had already locked onto him and grabbed his necktie. She whispered into her ear, "I do not think that we are close enough for you to unbutton my collar for me."

Her appearance looked like an angel but she sounded like a devil when she is annoyed or angry. It was a charming contradiction trait that came with her unique personality.

The two of them locked their eyes with each other as the team leader gently smiled and patted his chest lightly.

"You should not try to get into my nerves or even flirt with me, intern," Her voice was firm and her stare made it seem like she was even colder than Antarctica. "Focus your energy at work. You do remember that I am grading you after this probationary work, right?"

This woman did not seem that easy, but Ciel was up for a challenge.

For now, he should focus on obtaining a dark orb.

"Yes, Team Leader Kei," Ciel nodded as he watched her get inside the management team's room.

[First Encounter: Fail]

[Punishment: -1 heart]

[Remaining: 2 hearts left]

"My king," The bat spoke into his mind. "Be careful. If you lose all hearts, then you will fail this mission! If this woman becomes a vampire, she might end up sucking your blood dry!"

Then, that is more like it.

This thing is not even easy at all. He had to be very careful with his actions. What will happen if the woman ended up becoming a vampire?

If he got bitten, will he transform into a vampire as well?

Why does he have to care if the human realm had vampire souls who wish on wanting to become fully vampires and eradicate the humans---

Well, he was already reincarnated as one. So he had no choice but to care for them.

With a sigh, Ciel went inside the room and prepared himself.

"Good morning," Ciel greeted the whole team of the management department. And he was met with a lackluster reaction from them.

One woman, who sat in her opposite end of the team space table, smiled at her as she greeted back. "You must be the new intern?"

Ciel nodded, "Yes."

"Welcome to the management team," She gently spoke as she stood up. "I am Rose, and I recently became a permanent employee a year ago. Nice to meet you.."

"I am Ciel," He answered back as he stood by the center. "Nice to meet you, Rose."

There were only him, Team Leader Kei, and Rose as the people inside the management department. The long table was deemed as a semi-enclosed workspace for two to eight people. And it appeared suitable for teamwork which demands frequent internal communication and a medium level of concentration.

There were five chairs and five individual PCs available at the long table.

"Your goal is to become a permanent employee like me, right?" Rose smiled. And there was something charming with how her eyes turn into a half-moon whenever she smiled. It was fascinating. "You should take some important tips from me."

"Ah, yes," Ciel nodded.

His goal here is to eradicate the vampire souls that were feeding off some of the women employees here. For now, he did not know the reason why he was asked to do it.

The system asked him to do it and was thrown into the human realm all of a sudden. He had no choice but to go along first. Surely, he would be able to find out more if he does all missions with enthusiasm, right?

"As an intern," Rose whispered at him as he sat right next to her while putting his small briefcase below the table. "First things first, you should always greet the higherups properly!" She lowered her head and kept her voice low. "Next, it would be better to memorize what everyone wants for their coffee."

"Miss Rose," Ciel called her out with a blank facial expression. "Why do I have to memorize what they love to order for a cup of coffee---"

"Of course you have to," She smiled at him like she was gazing at an innocent lamb. "You are an intern, after all."

"All an intern has to do is order what everyone wants for a cup of coffee?"

"Yes," She nodded as she leaned in closer to him. "You must have not known about how the world works yet, Mister Ciel. Do not worry, I will make sure to educate you."


Rose breathed out as she continued. "Being an intern is equals to doing menial works for six months---"

"Miss Rose," Ciel decided to cut her off and continued. "Don't you have any important information you can give to me?"

"Like what?"

"Maybe," Ciel trailed off as he sat up properly. "About the team leader."

"TL Kei?" Rose glanced at the team leader who was by the photocopier machine. "What about her?"

"I have to make a good impression on her since she'll be the one who is going to evaluate me after my internship," Ciel looked at Rose as he smiled. "Perhaps you could give me some useful information, like what she likes for her coffee or what type of a person she is?"

"I thought you were an innocent lamb," Rose remarked as she raised her right brow, looking impressed at Ciel for a moment. "But it turns out that you are quite smart as well." She tapped his right shoulder. "As you could already tell, Team Leader Kei is a workaholic, a perfectionist. She became a team leader just almost a year after she became a permanent employee in the company."


Congratulations! Finally, you have gained one extra point to level up! You need this to charm more girls and eradicate the vampire souls that were feeding off of them! Keep on collecting them to level up!

[Intelligence: +1]

Current Stats

Intelligence: 1/1000

Charisma: 0/1000

Popularity: 0/1000

[Keep in mind that your physical stats are just as important as well! Do not forget to maintain them.]

Physical Stats:

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 74 kg

Body Fat Percentage: 28 %

"Mister Ciel," Rose called him out. "Earth to intern Ciel. Are you still listening to me?"

"Oh, yes," As if he was back to reality.." He blinked his eyes twice as he noticed Rose's face was getting closer to him. "You are too close,"

Rose narrowed her eyes as she leaned away from Ciel and sat on her swivel chair properly. while tucking her hair behind her ear. "Well, it was because you kept on ignoring me. How can you do that when you are just an intern?"

Ciel did not know what to do. He was so used to people being below him that he did not have to care about other people's opinions about him. But now that he is working as an intern in a big company, he had been forced to become an underdog.

"Are you perhaps interested in pursuing our Team Leader?" Rose asked. "You are just an intern and I don't think it's your business to be pursuing your higher-ups. You should focus more on becoming a permanent worker first----"

But he refused to be an underdog. If society needs to have one, he would make others become one.

"I can do whatever I want as an intern and it does not have anything to do with you, Miss Rose," Ciel responded as he sat tidied his necktie, and stretched his neck. "It is about time we start working."