Vampire King's Duties

Ciel watched how Rose tried to mask her facial expression. As she could observe, she was the typical single woman who lived alone in a highly urbanized city.

She was living on her paycheck and always had to be thrifty to live in this expensive world.

Rose cleared her throat and said in a low voice, "What type of dinner are you treating me with?"

"Whatever you like," Ciel responded. "So are you okay with it?"

"Treat me with beef pho at the Vietnamese restaurant opposite our company's building,"


And with that being said, Ciel grabbed his swivel chair his laptop near her as he sat down on it.

"What type of PowerPoint presentation did Team Leader Kei ask you to make?" She asked as she watched him prepare his laptop, and she suddenly laughed. "I thought you were working but you were just writing nonsense in your Microsoft Word software."

Ciel did not want to admit it, but it was because the only thing that he knew was someone who has the brain of an elementary school kid.

He answered, "She told me to create a PowerPoint presentation and propose some marketing strategies on how we can increase our sales for the instant noodle department."

To his surprise, Rose snorted upon hearing those words. "How could Team Leader Kei not change at all?" She said as she looked at the team leader who was near the photocopier machine. "That was what she gave me last time as well."

Rose taught him a lot of things. And even Ciel was surprised at how he understood all the basics in just a short amount of time. But he had a lot to learn.

"I think you just wanted to treat me to a meal," Rose said as she smiled. "You already knew how to make them and were just pretending not to know. You could have just told me honestly and I would gladly accept your offer."

Instead of clearing the misunderstanding she had, Ciel shrugged it off and continued to work. After doing a lot of research, he finally made that PowerPoint presentation in just a matter of an hour.

He had no idea why humans do this in the human realm.

[Mission Accomplished!]


You have learned how to create a PPT presentation! You have established a good co-worker relationship with Rose! You need this to charm more girls and eradicate the vampire souls that were feeding off of them! Keep on collecting them to level up!

[Intelligence: +1]

[Popularity: +1]

Current Stats

Intelligence: 2/1000

Charisma: 0/1000

Popularity: 1/1000

[Keep in mind that your physical stats are just as vital as well! Do not forget to maintain them.]

Physical Stats:

Height: 181 cm

Weight: 74 kg

Body Fat Percentage: 28 %

When he finished it, Ciel immediately saved the file into a USB and approached the Team Leader, who was on her water break.

"Here it is," He said as he handed her the USB. "Do you want to see?"

Rose read the file located inside the USB, and she saw the PPT that Ciel had prepared for Team Leader Kei. She was shocked at how well Ciel did.

She said, "Hmmm," as she continued to read the file. "You really know how to do this. I am amazed."

"Yes, thank you for the compliment," Ciel replied as he looked at her.

"You may go now,"

It was already time for lunch, but Ciel was hungry. But instead of eyeing convenience foods like sandwiches or taco wraps, he was watching women's necks instead.

His previous life as a vampire king was still as clear as day for him. Ciel remembered how his fangs would enter a faey's flesh, and the flooding of his lips with thick, delicious blood was making him curious.

If it was not for that Sena, he could have still enjoyed his life as a vampire king. But, unfortunately, he did not know that that day would change the world he lived in. His mind was wandering around, but he could feel his stomach grumbling.

Ciel survived the day like a normal human being. However, he could not believe that he would manage to act like one even though he was previously a vampire in his previous life.

He knew that he had to do something for the next day. He had to include Team Leader Kei into one of your prospects and acquire a dark orb.

Ciel was now familiarized with it and had no problems sitting far from the middle of the railway train. He expected to meet that high school girl and perhaps eradicate the vampire soul that lived in her body.

That way, he would acquire more stats and finish the system before the system finishes him. But, unfortunately, life as a human is too complicated for him, whereas being a vampire in the vampire realm was too easy.

The Ciel that lived in the human realm was already quite knowledgeable as a man. All the memories of Ciel as the human realm already came into his mind as if it merged with his consciousness.

The dark orbs that he obtained must have already been working. So he went to the company and ended up not seeing the high school girl from the train.

"Good morning," Ciel greeted the marketing team's room, and he was met with silence. It might have been because he was pretty early for today's work, but he could not know what to do.

"Just make sure to make a woman interested in you, my king," The bat spoke in his head. "You can either make her kiss you and receive a bonus for all stats and remove the vampire soul that lived in her body as well."

"What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about Team Leader Kei, my King," The bat answered. "She is the nearest woman who has a vampire soul in her body so she is the best target."

"It is getting harder for me to say anything," Ciel expressed his thoughts as he sat on his seat and stared at the ceiling. He could mentally see the bat flying around him. "The human realm has too many verbal and non-verbal cues that I have to follow. Compared to back when I was a vampire, and a king at that, I did not have to mind the other person's thought." He continued, "If I even make the slightest error in my words or actions, I might end up being jailed."

"That is right," The bat flew around the even went to the corner of the room. "The human world is too complicated and too advanced. You have to do it according to what you think is necessary. Keep in mind Team Leader Kei is a career-oriented woman."

"Is that supposed to be a hint?"

"Yes, my king," The bat kept on flying around the room. "If you are trying to make a human fall in love with you, then think like a human as well. Use the human Ciel's memories and knowledge as a reference and make her interested and eventually fall in love with you."

"Easier said than done," Ciel replied.

"No, you have to do it," The bat insisted. "You are the Vampire King and this is your punishment for not doing your job properly."

He was clueless, but he had no choice but to do it anyway.

"Who are you talking to, Mister Ciel?"

He immediately turned his head and found the team leader standing at his side.