Chapter 10: Cynosure

Two years passed in a blink of an eye. Z's training never ended. Although the old man never taught him any techniques or fancy moves, he solidified his understanding with regards to his power. His speed in manipulating his now light yellow energy is incomparable to his state then. Of course, he did not neglect his fighting capability. The old man commanded him to venture all throughout the Forest of Sorrows to kill beasts and obtain their core. His knowledge with regards to what type of beasts he killed is still shallow since the old man refuses to tell him anything as he was too lazy to teach that.

He also ventured to the Lair of Crysonians to obtain crystals. None of the beasts he encountered really has that intelligence comparable to a human. After he inquired about it to the old man, the latter said that beasts located in these forests are merely ordinary beasts and are incomparable to its other classes. Other classes that the old man neglected to elaborate.

He also spar countless times with the old man. The old man never used world energy but still won every single time. The only difference in their fight was the length to which he can last. Now he can last fighting using his full power for about 5 hours. The speed at which the old man moved was so fast that he couldn't see it during the first part of the spars.

Unbeknownst to Z, his fighting prowess grew astronomically that when compared to his growth in core, it was like a battle between a peerless genius and a rock.

There were times when he was bored practicing all the basics and longing for more complex power, but the old man refused to teach him anything, telling him that he will come to learn them in the future and that a solid foundation and understanding of power is crucial.

In the sweet spot of the Forest of Sorrows sat people, a teenager and an old man. The teenager was Z, of course. The look of youth partially left his face, revealing a handsome and mature look.

"Young man, I never told you anything since it was unnecessary at that time but now it is. You are soon leaving this pit and you need a destination. We are located on the edge of the Truth Empire or at least that was what it was called a thousand years ago. Then there was a school that housed the greatest of them all--- Cynosure Academy. It was dubbed as the center of the world since it was located at the center of the capital of the empire. Countless people from all around the world crossed seas just to enroll in the academy. I advice you to do the same. There you will see how tiny you are in comparison to those giants that control the world. The power and adventure you seek will be there."

"That will definitely be my destination, sir."

"Good! You are now in the light yellow stage and should be qualified to enter. Remember to seek for the highest star as anything below may prevent you from seeing the world outside this."

"I will keep that in mind, sir." as Z bids his farewell toward the old man.

As he was nearing the area of dried trees, he shouted "Sir! I do not know how long it would take, but there will be a time where I will free you from this cage!" He exclaimed as he walked toward the village.

The old man couldn't help but chuckle when he heard those words. The two of them became somewhat of a real master and disciple during the last three years and inevitably formed attachment toward one another.