Chapter 15: A Frog in a Well

As night fell, he chose a relatively safe spot to meditate. He continuously absorbed world energy while still paying attention to his surroundings.

During his last two years with old man sorrow, he spent a considerable amount of time in other parts of the forest. This allowed him to learn how to navigate life under constant threat and danger.

Light greeted him as morning replaced night.

"Time to move"

Time passed. He spent a little over a week to reach where he is now. He encountered many other beasts on his way here. A majority of which gave out beast cores while the rest gave hearts.

He is now at the lower part of the mountain. The field was clear, no trees on the way. Up his front is a Manor reeking of majesty and splendor.

"Wow! That is beautiful" It was far from him so he could see the entirety of it from the perspective of an avian.

With the added excitement of seeing a majestic manor, he sprinted down the mountain. He once again entered an area filled with trees, blocking his sight. After a few hours, he finally reached the base of the mountain.

"Finally! The outside world!" He shouted.

Countless gazes fell on him. Their faces were filled with wonder. Their faces semm to ask 'What the hell is wrong with this guy?'

Z ignored the mocking looks and went to the nearest person he found.

"Ma'am, can you tell me where Cynosure Academy is?"

"Cynosure..Cynosure...Oh! Are you talking about the one in the center of the capital?" asked the woman who appears to be in her late 40s

"It seems so. Can you please tell me how to get there?"

"You just enter the gate there. Then find the travelling association. If you pay them, they will take you to your destination."

"Thank you very much, madam!"

The woman just smiled and nodded.

When he was about to leave, a man in his teens came to him and ask "Why are you looking for the Cynosure Academy?" asked the man with a condescending tone.

"I am planning on studying there."

"Hahaha! A country bumpkin like you? Do you even know what kind of academy that is? Let me give you a hint. You would not even get a chance to enter their gates. Look at you. I bet you can't even pay for the travelling association services."

"I would still like to try! I already came this far. I cannot go back now" Z said with a face full of smile

"Tss, ignorant bastard. Just a frog in a well"