Chapter 22: Next Chapter

"Thank you for telling me about the auction. I gained a lot on this trip."

"Haha, no need to mention it, sir. I enjoyed your company as well"

Z just smiled as both of them rode the flying beast.

Halfway through their flight, they were above a forest. The auction house has a significant distance bridging it from the bank.

"Halt!" as Lara commanded the bird

"What's wrong?" asked Z

"We have company, sir!"

The air seemed to spread out as it revealed five flyings beasts atop of which stood two men each.

"Hahaha! You have pretty good senses for a B*****" said a bulky man with an eyepatch standing in the middle of the flock.

"Who are you? You better give me a proper explanation. Otherwise your mama wouldn't see your corpse intact" questioned Lara

"Hahaha, what a sharp tongue. The dead don't need to know. In your next life, do not offend the Royce family!"

"No wonder..." Lara remarked

"Miss Lara, thank you for your help then. You can go now. I will hold them back!" assured Z

"Hahaha! Listen to that child talk blabber!"

"Do not worry, sir! The Central Bank is responsible for your safety."

"Central...Bank!?... You liar! How dare you try and manipulate me!" Exclaimed the bulky man "Come forward! Kill them!"

"Lara..." said Z in a low tone

"Don't worry sir, I am much stronger than I look. Hehe."

"Dogs that cannot recognize a mountain! Wind Element: Immersion: Fairy Queen!"

Lara shouted as Wind started to wrap her. In the blink of an eye, she was clothed with a very elegant dress. A long scythe made up of wind appeared in her hand, and what appears to be a crown of wind appeared in her head.

"You're kidding..." as Z and the assailants exclaimed.

"Slash!" 10 heads flew into the air without resistance as it was hit by who knows what at who knows when. The whole event happened so incredibly quickly that Z didn't even get to blink.

'Is this power!?' Z exclaimed in his thoughts 'Hahaha! I will get this someday!? HAHAHAHA! I will be a star!!!"

As he thought of how amazing it was, shock is what's spelled in his face. Pure amazement!

"Haha, I told you sir, I am very powerful" as Lara said to him with a wink. She is already back in her previous attire.

"Haha...powerful indeed....You're so amazing!!! Hahaha." as pure joy and excitement appeared in his eyes

"Hahaha, I only have a little bit of skill. I wouldn't be able to take a single breath before I die in front of those big shots. This is still the lower ground after all..." as she looked at an enormous gray wall that is ever present in the place. It was also seen by Z in the mountain and it is visible wherever you are in the city. It was enormous after all. The end of its width or height cannot be seen.

"Lower ground?" asked Z

"Hahaha, never mind that, sir. You will come to know of it in time."

"Haha, I can't wait" as excitement appeared in his face.

'Maybe that will be the next chapter in my adventure'