Chapter 27: First

"I am first..." Z said solemnly as he looked up in the sky. 'My journey can continue..'

"Does anyone want to challenge number 1 for first rank?"

Silence once again answered Jester.

"If that is the case then, congratulations to you! What is your name?" asked Jester

"Z, sir!"

"Okay Z, congratulations you are now part of class S. Well deserved!" he exclaimed. "You can go home now. Report tomorrow no later than 7 in the morning. Here is a map of the school. The encircled one is where you should go." said Jester as he handed the map to Z

"Thank you, sir!"

The entire day passed. A young man is standing in front of the classroom. An azure ring emitting an elegant glow is visible in his hand. This man of course is Z. The ring was a freebie by the auction house. They called it - space ring.

"It's time to go!" Z exclaimed

After walking for a few minutes, he finally arrived at his classroom. He went pretty early since he was excited. This is a new beginning.

After entry he saw 4 different faces: 3 girls and 1 boy. 'Seems like people are pretty punctual'

"Good morning!" as a particularly cheerful girl with black hair and big sparkly eyes greeted him.

"Good morning!" as he greeted me with a smile.

"You can call me Gia. I hope we can be friends!"

"I am Z. I hope we can be friends too!"

"Hi, I am Eri. Please take care of me!" said another girl near them. She also has black hair but her eyes are sharp and brown.

"Z, please take care of me as well!"

"Let us have a nice time together!" Z said as he faced the entire room and bowed.

He didn't hear a response from the other two.

"Hihi, it is fine. They are nobles. Thinking too highly of themselves" Gia whispered mockingly.

"Haha, true, true. You just find a seat you want and sit down." affirmed Eri

"Thank you, two"

Z sat in an empty row placed somewhat in the middle of the entire row of long chairs. He sat in the place closest to the wall as he thought that since there is a gap between the wall and the long chair, he can still get out easily.

The clock hanging above the board at the front of the room continued to tick as even more students came the closer the clock from hitting 7.

A beautiful girl entered the room as she drew the attention of all the people in the room. Her hair is long and graceful. Her blue-white eyes compliments her blue-white dress. She is about the same height as Z. All of the girls in the classroom currently are beaties per se, but she outshines all of them.

The beautiful girl walked past the center aisle looking for a place to sit in. She then sat at the same row, and relatively close to him too. Not so close that they are near, but not so wide as to allow another person to seat in between them.

"I already sat. I hope you don't mind" said the girl with an apologetic smile.

"No trouble at all. It was not saved for anyone anyway." as he answered with a smile as well. "I am Z, by the way"


Z was enthralled by Lily but did not lust for her or anything. He just appreciated the beauty and elegance of her. Z was not really exposed to the concept of love or lust. His only desire is to travel and venture, fitting for an adventurer.

A young man with red hair and golden eyes stood up and looked in their direction. He was beaming with arrogance and pride.

"Uhm, If you don't mind, can we switch places?" inquired Lily

"Uh... Sure, I guess"

"Thank you."

The young man reached their row.

"Get off their kid. I will sit there." commanded the young man.

"You already have a seat there plus, I am already sitting here" Z dismissively said.

"Tsk, don't you know who I am!?"

"Oh, I heard that before. Are you the son of someone as well? Your family is a big shot?"

"Looks like you have eyes. I am the heir of the Beniar family. Karl Beniar!" as he stood there in pride.

"haha.." small laughs were heard across the room.

"HAHAHA! He's mocking you, you idiot!" said a man with a black hair and a scar on his right cheek that looks like a blade cut.

"Wha--? Hu--? You--!!!" exclaimed Karl as realized

"Wha--? Hu--? Me--!!!" as Z mimicked him

"HAHAHAHA!!" as laughter resounded in the room.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Karl aims for a punch as his hand started to become steel. "Wha--? I can't move. Who is it!?"

"It's me. Now sit down before I call your father" a tall man with long red hair sad. His muscles are not big per se, but they are visible in his outfit.

"Who are you--"

Karl stopped speaking as ominous energy pressed down the entire room.

"Sit down, mister Beniar." The voice was not loud but sounded as if it was the burst of hell.

Karl had no choice but to go back to his previous seat.

"Okay everyone. I hope you are ready, for this day is the First."