Chapter 10

Harry Su, who was hung up, was so furious that he threw the phone on the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"This rubbish, dare to hang up my phone, what qualifications do you have!" Harry Su said angrily.

Su Guolin's heart sank. If Amelia Su didn't come forward, they would be over.

"Harry, what's the matter, isn't Amelia Su willing to come forward?" Su Guolin asked.

Harry Su sneered and said, "George Han answered the phone, saying that Amelia Su is sick."

"Sick?" Su Guolin spit, disdainfully said: "I think she is pretending to be sick and deliberately shirk."

Angry to angry, Su Guolin's IQ is still online, no matter what, they have to ask Amelia Su to come forward, cooperation is small, and Su is kicked out of Su's family.

"Harry, go, Dad will accompany you on a trip." Su Guolin said.

Harry Su looked cold, and was hung up by George Han. Now he was agitated, and of course he wanted to find George Han to settle the account.

When he came to the community where Amelia Su's family was located, Su Guolin looked disgusted.

"Sure enough, he is the least promising person in the Su family, and he still lives in such a place."

"Dad, it would be good for them to have a doghouse. With a salary of several thousand yuan a month, can they still live in the Villa in Yunding Mountain?" Harry Su laughed.

Being able to live there is a manifestation of identity. The old lady of the Su family's biggest wish is to allow the Su family to move into the Yundingshan Villa, because only living there can be regarded as the door of the first-line family.

When the knock on the door sounded, George Han asked Amelia Su to return to the room. Since he wanted to pretend to be sick, he needed a full set for acting.

Opening the door, Harry Su looked at George Han full of anger.

"George Han, you just hung up my call?" Harry Su said.

"Not bad."

Harry Su suddenly raised his fist and waved it towards George Han's face.

"You rubbish, what right do you have to hang up with me."


George Han kicked Harry Su's abdomen in a thunderous manner.

Harry Su's fist hadn't fallen yet, and he banged against the wall.

The sharp pain from the lower abdomen made Harry Su's expression distorted and squatted on the ground.

"George Han, you dare to beat my son." Su Guolin was furious when he saw this scene.

George Han stared at Su Guolin coldly, and reprimanded: "If you talk nonsense, even you will fight."

Su Guolin's heart was shocked, and this wimpy look made him feel scared.

Isn't he the soft guy who has always been bullied? Why suddenly became stronger today.

"George Han, you f*cking dare to hit me." Harry Su gritted his teeth and said.

"Since I come to ask for help, I have a look like asking for help. Didn't grandma tell you clearly the end of the lost cooperation?" George Han said.

This sentence made the anger of Su Guolin and Harry Su subsided in an instant, cooperation could not be restored, they could have been driven out of the Su family.

"George Han, does this matter have anything to do with you? Let Amelia Su come out." Su Guolin said.

"It doesn't matter to me, Amelia Su is my wife. She is ill now, and I am in charge of family affairs for the time being," George Han said.


Upon hearing George Han's words, Su Guolin and Harry Su laughed at the same time.

"George Han, do you still have the dignity of a man, and the uselessness of relying on women to eat, do you have the right to speak?" Su Guolin said.

"You said that, did Amelia Su agree? And you didn't know that Amelia Su gave you a cuckold, how do you think she talked about the cooperation of weak water real estate?" Harry Su looked at George Han mockingly.

George Han frowned. How did Amelia Su talk about cooperation? Of course he knew that Harry Su's remarks were obviously malicious insult to Amelia Su.

Walking to Harry Su, the condescending George Han showed killing intent.

Harry Su shrank his neck, frightened inexplicably, and stammered: "You…what do you want to do."

"If you dare to say something ill of her, I want you to die."

Harry Su's Adam's apple squirmed, swallowed, and he didn't even doubt George Han's words.

"What are you doing?" At this time, Wilson Su and Lily Jiang happened to come back and ran into this scene.

"Wilson, your son-in-law is so talented that even my son dares to beat him." Seeing Wilson Su, Su Guolin returned to his arrogant appearance, because this younger brother has been squandered since he was a kid, grabbing candy and reading books when he was young At that time, he grabbed textbooks and grabbed his girlfriend. Su Guolin never lost, so he has a natural sense of superiority in front of Wilson Su.

Wilson Su was bullied since he was a child, and has a psychological shadow, and when he saw this big brother, he was afraid in his heart.

"George Han, are you crazy, even…"

Wilson Su's words were not finished yet, and Lily Jiang was grabbed by Lily Jiang.

Although Lily Jiang didn't like George Han in his heart, Harry Su snatched Amelia Su's project leader last night. She couldn't find a place to sneer. Harry Su was beaten and it was too late to be happy.

"Brother, your son was beaten, he asked for it. If he did something wrong, he would naturally get retribution." Lily Jiang said.

"You…" Su Guolin was extremely angry, pointing at Lily Jiang with trembling fingertips.

"I am what I am, what are you doing when you are pointing at me, what are you doing when you come to my house if there is nothing wrong, I don't welcome you here." Lily Jiang was originally a shrew, she hurled her anger, how could Su Guolin be an opponent.

"Yes, brother, how come you come to my house, you have never been." Wilson Su is also strange, relatives of the Su family, never come to their home, is it possible that the sun has come out from the west today?

Su Guolin and Harry Su were embarrassed and couldn't say a word.

George Han said: "The people in the weak water real estate refuse to talk to the new person in charge, so they have come to Amelia for help. I guess grandma is not less angry."

Hearing this sentence, Lily Jiang burst into laughter.

"Brother, you also have today, and you will also come to us for help. It's really a feng shui turn." Lily Jiang said.

Su Guolin's future is now in Amelia Su's hands. Although he is very unconvinced, he dare not refute what Lily Jiang said.

"Wilson, we did not do the right thing this time, I apologize to you." Su Guolin said.

Wilson Su grew up so old, and he had only seen Su Guolin's strong side. When did he apologize to him, he was a little confused for a while.

Harry Su lowered his head and felt ashamed, but he could only accept this situation.

"Brother, the punishment Mom gave you is not small, otherwise you can't apologize to me." Wilson Su curiously asked.

"This time, you must help me, or I will be kicked out of the Su family." Su Guolin didn't hide it. Anyway, he was ashamed. As long as he could keep his position in the Su family, he would have a chance of revenge, but he was kicked out. After leaving Su's house, there was nothing left.

George Han was also a little surprised when he heard this. Although he had thought that the old lady would put pressure on Su Guolin, the drive out of the Su family was far beyond his imagination.

"No, why do you help you? You used to make things difficult for us." Lily Jiang rebuffed.

"Brother sister, why do things that hurt others and disadvantage yourself? Being able to cooperate with weak water real estate is also good for your family. I was kicked out of the Su family. What else can you get besides having fun?" Su Guolin said.

Lily Jiang thought about it carefully, and it was the same reason. Su Guolin's removal would not affect her status in the Su family, but being able to let Amelia Su take charge of this cooperation would have a completely different meaning.

"Where is Amelia?" Lily Jiang asked George Han.

"I'm sick and resting." George Han said.

"I'm sick, how come I suddenly become sick." Lily Jiang ran into the house nervously, shouting as she ran.

When I arrived in the room, I saw Amelia Su with h usual expression, not as if he was sick, and asked: "Amelia, why are you uncomfortable?"

Amelia smiled and whispered: "Mom, I'm not feeling well, George Han made me pretend to be sick on purpose."

"Intentionally?" Lily Jiang was taken aback, and then understood George Han's intentions, and said lightly: "Unexpectedly, there are a lot of careless things."

"Mom, in the future, can you stop using a mouthful of waste." Amelia Su said dissatisfied.

Lily Jiang glared at Amelia Su and said, "Although he has done a good job in this matter, this kind of carefulness is not a real skill. You can't like him because he did these things, right?"

"Mom, I have been married to him for three years."