Chapter 17

"Changed cars?"

After parking the car on the side of the canteen, George Han walked to the canteen when the boss said with a smile on his face.

"It's almost summer, the sun is big." George Han said.

The boss subconsciously took a pack of cigarettes that George Han usually smokes, but he looked at A6 and found that it did not match George Han's current identity, and asked, "Should I change cigarettes?"

"Save a little, save some gas money." George Han said.

The boss smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This car's gas money can't be saved by smoking."

"If you accumulate little and make more, you can't be scolded." After George Han opened the cigarette, he handed one to the boss.

The boss held out the lighter at the same time, and the two actions cooperated with each other, and they had a tacit understanding. It was all time settled. After all, it has been three years.

The boss took a sharp sip, spit out a faint smoke ring, and said: "I have long seen that you are not an ordinary person. Why is Jiaolongyou Shoal soaring into the sky?"

George Han didn't expect that the boss could say such a succinct remark, and smiled: "Boss, you're also unlucky, so why are you willing to guard this commissary all your life."

The boss shook his head again and again and said: "How can I be talented? Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. You are for a woman, so do I."

George Han nodded without saying a word.

After smoking the cigarette, George Han moved the car to the door of the company.

After get off work, the brand-new unlisted Audi attracted a lot of attention. George Han stood by the car and was regarded as a young Junyan. Of course, this was on the premise that those people did not know his identity. It was the son-in-law of the Su family, and he might have shown disdain long ago.

"George, this…" Amelia Su walked out of the company's door and looked blank when he saw George Han and the new car behind him.

"It's almost summer. The sun is big, so I can't always pick you up on a small eDonkey." George Han said.

An untimely voice sounded: "Amelia Su, you can do it, you changed your car a few days after you became the person in charge, you are so blatant, you are not afraid of grandma checking you?"

"Don't do bad things during the day, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night. If you have evidence, you can expose me." Amelia Su looked at Harry Su coldly. Since she became the person in charge, Harry Su has caused her trouble, and all Something fictitious.

Harry Su smiled coldly and said: "Don't worry, when I have evidence, I will go to grandma without you reminding me. You'd better be careful, don't let me catch the opportunity, or I will kick you out of Su. Home."

Amelia Su sat in the co-pilot and didn't bother to talk to Harry Su.

George Han never looked at Harry Su from the end.

As the car drove towards home, Amelia Su suddenly asked George Han: "How much private money do you have?"

George Han knew that he would face this problem sooner or later, so he thought about it and said, "I didn't pay a penny for the money I saved before, so I have some."

Amelia Su turned her head to look at George Han, how many are some, right?

Yesterday spent more than four hundred thousand, plus today's, it is already over one million! This is more rich than their family.

But think about it, Amelia Su did not continue to ask. Although she is George Han's wife, the two have been financially independent for so many years, and they have not asked each other about money matters. There is no reason to go into it.

Back home, Lily Jiang knew about buying a new car, so she couldn't wait to take Wilson Su downstairs to see, but this made the old couple happy.

Sitting in the new car, I feel that my pores are all opened, and I feel very comfortable.

"Wilson, this car can't be driven for George Han, my daughter has finally made a living, so we have to come and enjoy the luck." Lily Jiang said.

Wilson Su replied repeatedly: "Yes, but you have to tell Amelia about this matter, if such a good car, what if George Han gets a little bump, he is suitable for riding a small electric donkey."

"Unexpectedly, I also have today Lily Jiang, and next time I return to my family, I can finally exhale." Lily Jiang said excitedly.

When the old couple returned home, Lily Jiang called Amelia Su into his room.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Amelia Su asked.

"This car, starting from today, your dad will drive." Lily Jiang said.

"Why? This is…"

Before Amelia Su finished speaking, Lily Jiang couldn't wait to interrupt: "What else is there, you have a good life now, can't you let our two old people enjoy the blessing? And if you drive such a good car to George Han, He doesn't know what to do with Cherish, how much money will it cost to repair it if it breaks."

"Mom, this car is George Han…"

"It's okay, don't say it." Lily Jiang waved his hand impatiently and said: "I know he recently picked you up and down, but you don't always stare at him and let him drive such a good car. What if he has an impure mind and uses this car to deceive other women? Let's give him the Toyota at home."

Amelia Su was speechless for a while, but George Han bought this car and has nothing to do with her. How can you say that you snatch it?

"By the way, you changed the car within a few days of becoming the person in charge. Will your grandma check you? When you do the billing, you have to be careful." Lily Jiang reminded the other relatives of the Su family why Being able to live better than them is because of the high position in the company and the many opportunities to fish for oil and water, so Lily Jiang takes it for granted that Amelia Su paid for the new car in the company.

Amelia Su sighed. She knew Lily Jiang's character, and she couldn't explain this at all. Even if she said that George Han bought it, Lily Jiang would not believe it.

"I'm going out first." Amelia Su had to explain this to George Han.

When he came to the kitchen, looking at George Han who was skilled in cooking, Amelia Su said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

George Han turned his head to look at Amelia Su in confusion, and asked, "What's the matter, for no reason, why should I say sorry?"

"My mother thought I got the money to buy the car at the company, and she has to drive the car to my father now." Amelia Su also felt that Lily Jiang was a bit too much, but Lily Jiang is her mother after all, and she can only let the elderly be willful. .

"I still wonder why it's okay." George Han said indifferently.

"Do you really mind? This is the car you paid for." Amelia Su said.

"They are my parents too. I respect them, of course."

When Amelia Su heard this, her heart became more and more injustice for George Han. He has been aggrieved at home for the past three years, but he has no complaints at all. Instead, he is so kind to her parents.

"It's almost dinner. If you are okay, help me get some bowls and chopsticks out." George Han said.

Amelia Su Lisuo helped with the work. The old couple didn't know when they went downstairs to study the new car again. Only Amelia Su and George Han were at the dinner table.

"Do you know how to play the piano?" Amelia Su asked George Han, although she thought it was impossible, but the back was so similar, Amelia Su felt it necessary to ask clearly.

"Are you right?" George Han said with a smile.

"Yesterday, it was really not you?" Amelia Su looked at George Han suspiciously.

"Yesterday? You didn't think that the internet celebrity in Shen Lingyao's mouth was me?" George Han said.

"It seems that it's really not you." Amelia Su felt a little lost in her heart. She didn't know why she hoped that the person was George Han yesterday. Perhaps every woman has a dream of a princess. She also hopes that she has a princess dream. The eye-catching prince.

After eating, the two watched TV on the sofa for a while and went back to the room on time at 9:30.

The next day, George Han drove Amelia Su to work in Toyota. The owner of the commissary watched from a distance, with a trace of doubt in his heart. Didn't this just buy a new car yesterday? Why did you drive the old car again today?

After sending Amelia Su, George Han drove Toyota to a used car dealer, sold tens of thousands of dollars, and then took a taxi to the Audi 4S shop.

Yesterday the salesperson got up to greet George Han immediately after seeing George Han. They just talked about this topic. Many people thought that George Han would not come to ride a bike, but he did not expect that he would actually come.

"Brother Han, came so early."

"Are there any existing cars for A6?" George Han asked.

The salesperson was overjoyed and asked, "Also, does Brother Han have any friends who want to buy a car?"

"Then give me another one." George Han said.

One more… one more.

The salesperson was confused. Didn't I just buy it yesterday? Why did I want it again today? Although the car is a consumable item, it won't be consumed in one day and the wheels are gone!

"Brother Han, do you want another one?" the salesman asked incredulously.

"Well, that car was given away yesterday."

The salesperson looked at George Han, hundreds of thousands of cars in shock, and said that he would give it away! This is too proud.

He couldn't imagine what kind of person George Han was. How could such a rich and tyrant couldn't tell at all.

When the other salespersons learned that George Han gave away his car yesterday, and when he wanted another one today, they were shocked that they were tender on the outside and tender in the inside. They regretted it. If they were willing to get up to receive George Han yesterday, they would not As for missing such big customers!

"Now the jealousy is useless, I can only blame myself for not having any fortune."

"What does it mean to have no fortune? This is a lesson. In the future, guests will come, but you must not look down on people casually. This Han brother is not very good, but people can give away A6 casually. It's a rich man."

"Hey, Brother Han is too low-key, and we don't blame us for ignoring."

It's another time to pay for the car. The same steps were taken yesterday, and today I did it again, but in front of George Han, there is still a very serious problem.

That is this car, how to explain to Amelia Su.

In three days, it spent more than one million yuan. To say that he just had a little private money, George Han didn't believe this kind of nonsense.

Before leaving, the little eDonkey stayed in the 4S shop.

In the afternoon, George Han also went to the canteen first.

When the boss saw George Han's new car, because he didn't get a license, he didn't know that he changed another one, so the doubt in the morning was dispelled.

However, today's George Han is obviously different, and he is very nervous.

"What's wrong, I was very nervous today. Did you prepare some surprises for your wife?" the boss asked.