Bad Stepmother!

A few days after Christopher had gone to work, Jeannie was seen pushing a reluctant little boy into a car even as the boy protested loudly. Seemingly impervious to his cries, she bent down and quietly, threatened him," If you don't get into the car within a minute, I am going to truss you up like a pig and take you there! So, Blaise Laurent, you better decided how you want to go! Let me warn you we are going there!

After a new round of staring at each other stubbornly, the child finally gave in and harrumphed," Wait till I expose you in front of the world! What an evil step mother you are! Five days, five days since my father left me in your care and I can bet that I have already lost a few pounds of my baby weight! And now, you are even starving me and threatening me!"

Jeannie nodded and added helpfully, " You can also tell them that I beat you and thrash you."